Travel Times Tourism

ADDERS: GF 14 civic business center Hali ROAD QUETTA

PH: 0812-865675 , CELL:03138380281 03137722444


Umrah Policy 1436 H is very Strict according to New Taleemat of Wazirat-e-Hajj KSA, Mutamir Cannot Stay Other Than Saudi Visa CompanyMusanaf Hotels, So OutsideMusanaf Residence is not allowed.

AMD 1:(shuttle service in Makkah till Kubri for Prayers time)

MAKKAH:AL MANSI-1OREQUIVALENT (1600 -1800 MTR Away From Harm) Shahrah-e-Hijra, Misflah.


ROOM TYPE / 14 N (6 N Makkah
8 N Medina) / 20 N (10 N Makkah
10- N Medina) / 27 N (15 N Makkah
12 N Medina) / MAKKAH
5-6 Beds (P/Pax) Sharing / 28500 / 30000 / 33700 / 375 - P/N, P/Pax / 400 - P/N, P/Pax

4 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room

/ 29000 / 32000 / 36000 / 450 - P/N, P/Pax / 450 - P/N, P/Pax
3 Bed (P/Pax) Separate room / 31000 / 35000 / 40500 / 560 - P/N, P/Pax / 650 - P/N, P/Pax
2 Bed ( P/Pax) Separate Room / 34000 / 40500 / 47500 / 840 - P/N, P/Pax / 950 - P/N, P/Pax

AMD 2:

MAKKAH:FUNDAQ QADRIA OR EQUIVALENT (1100 MTR Away From Harm) Shahrah-e-Hijra, Misflah.

MEDINA: LOLO ABEER OR EQUVALNT (600-700 ) MTR Away from Harram)

ROOM TYPE / 14 N (6 N Makkah
8 N Medina) / 20 N (10 N Makkah
10- N Medina) / 27 N (12 N Makkah
15 N Medina) / MAKKAH
5-6 Beds (P/Pax) Sharing / 29500 / 33500 / N/A / 475- P/N, P/Pax / 475 - P/N, P/Pax

4 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room

/ 31000 / 35600 / N/A / 600 - P/N, P/Pax / 600 - P/N, P/Pax
3 Bed (P/Pax) Separate room / 34000 / 39500 / N/A / 800 - P/N, P/Pax / 800 - P/N, P/Pax
2 Bed ( P/Pax) Separate Room / 40000 / 48000 / N/A / 1200 - P/N, P/Pax / 1200 - P/N, P/Pax

AMD 3:

MAKKAH:HAYAT UL TAQWA / Grand Taj(Shahrah-e-Hijra) /MINARA (Back Side of Palestine Hotel) OR EQUIVALENT (800-900 MTR Away from HARAM.

MEDINA:MINAR AL SAFA / QASAR-E-ZUBAIR OR EQUVALNT (550 - 600 MTR Away from Harram) Near Blanket Market.

ROOM TYPE / 14 N (6 NMakkah
8 N Medina) / 20N (10NMakkah
10NMedina) / 27N (15NMakkah
12NMedina) / MAKKAH
5-6 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room / 32500 / 38200 / 45200 / 900 - P/N, P/Pax / 600 - P/N, P/Pax

4 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room

/ 34200 / 41200 / 49100 / 1000 - P/N, P/Pax / 750 - P/N, P/Pax
3 Bed (P/Pax) Separate room / 38000 / 46800 / 59500 / 1300 - P/N, P/Pax / 1000 - P/N, P/Pax
2 Bed ( P/Pax) Separate Room / 46000 / 56380 / 74000 / 2000 - P/N, P/Pax / 1450 - P/N, P/Pax

AMD 4:

MAKKAH:FUNDAQ NIMAR (Shahrah-e-Hijra) (650 M) / KHULOOD AL HUJJAJ (600 M) (Shahrah-e-Ibrahim.)


ROOM TYPE / 14 N (6 N Makkah
8 N Medina) / 20 N (8 N Makkah
12 N Medina) / 27 N (12 N Makkah
15 N Medina) / MAKKAH
5-6 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room / 33500 / 39000 / N/A / 1050 - P/N, P/Pax / 600 - P/N, P/Pax

4 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room

/ 36000 / 42500 / N/A / 1300 - P/N, P/Pax / 750 - P/N, P/Pax
3 Bed (P/Pax) Separate room / 40500 / 49000 / N/A / 1750 - P/N, P/Pax / 1000 - P/N, P/Pax
2 Bed ( P/Pax) Separate Room / 49500 / 62000 / N/A / 2600 - P/N, P/Pax / 1450 - P/N, P/Pax

PINK:(Only Family wise rooms, sharing room is not available, before Issue Hotel VR Room Reservation must for SUFRA-ALJAZIRA).

MAKKAH: SUFRA- ALJAZIRAOR EQU (300-350 MTR Away from Harram) Shahrah-e-Ibrahim.

MEDINA:MINAR AL SAFA / QASAR-E-ZUBAIR OR EQUVALNT (550 - 600 MTR Away from Harram) Near BlanketMarket.

ROOM TYPE / 14 N (6 N Makkah
8 N Medina) / 20 N (10 N Makkah
10 N Medina) / 27 N (15 N Makkah
12 N Medina) / MAKKAH
5-6 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room / 35900 / 45600 / 56300 / 1550 - P/N, P/Pax / 600 - P/N, P/Pax

4 Beds (P/Pax) Separate Room

/ 39200 / 51500 / 64500 / 1900 - P/N, P/Pax / 750 - P/N, P/Pax
3 Bed (P/Pax) Separate room / 44600 / 60500 / 77000 / 2500 - P/N, P/Pax / 1000 - P/N, P/Pax
2 Bed ( P/Pax) Separate Room / 55700 / 79500 / 104000 / 3800 - P/N, P/Pax / 1450 - P/N, P/Pax


PACKAGE INCLUDE:Visa Processing, Accommodations, and Full Transport(JED to MAK to MED, to MAK to JED)For Accommodation if Night combination Makkah and Medina change than price of hotel Vr. Will be change accordingly

  1. ZIARAT are not included in the package. 40-SR PER PAX will be charges if Muthamir avail.
  2. Infant & Child up to 5 YEARS (without bed) only approval charges (SR: 495) FOR 14 NIGHTS –SR 545 FOR 21 NIGHTS, SR 595 FOR 28 NIGHTS(No accommodation &Tpt charges), Bed will be not Provided.
  3. Child ABOVE 5 YEARS) will be charged full package as adult.
  4. Cancellation charges after approval or non- flySR:495 for 14 Nights , SR.545 FOR 21 Nights , SR 595 FOR 28 Nights. Transport is Non-Refundable.
  5. PACKAGE is NON-REFUNDABLE in any case whether Mutamir avail or not or STAR Mutamir.
  6. Not a single over stay is allowed, if before entry doubt arises then guarantee of person will be given and there is no option, Except to Bring Back Over-Stayer. All Expenses to bring back will be Payable by Sale Point.
  7. Affidavit case will be charged. (Only special cases) and original FRC must be provided.
  8. If any Muthamir reach at Jeddah without arrival intimation or without hotel voucher cost of GMC SR; 300 and fine by Saudi company will be payable by business partner.Any fine or IFTRASH of Muthamir is also payable. Or wrong information for return date on HotleVr. Will be charged 500 s. Riyal.
  9. Food is not included in this Package.

Travel times is not responsible for non refundabletickets or Block Tickets loss if delay of visa due to any reason.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Visa Process time 1 month.

2. All Payment in Advance for early Approvals.

3. No Claim will be accepted after 25 Days. Of returning of Mutamir.

4. Arrival intimation or HV must be issues 48 Hrs before flight, otherwise Fine will be impose by Saudi Company.

5. Family Sharing is not Accepted.

6. Before Entry of Data Duration of Stays+Packages must be mention in List.

7. Unjustified relation will be not Allowed.


1. Original Passport. (With 07 Months Validity)

2. Photocopy of N.I.C. (NADRA)

3. 4 Photos, Size 4x6 (04Blue Background)

4. Polio card for Travels.