Leaf Collection Rubric

7th grade Science

Mrs. Patterson

I.Presentation……………………………………………………………20 points

-Cover page

(includes title, school, grade/teacher, student name, and date)

(5 points)____

-Table of contents page listing Leaf categories

& Title page for each category (10 points)____

-Spelling (leaf names and locations are spelled correctly) (5 points)____

Total points____

II.Leaves…………………………………………………………………20 points

-1 point for each leaf presentedTotal points____

(no duplicate leaves)

III.Identification………………………………………………………….40 points

-Name of leaf(1 point each=20 points)____

-Location where found

(examples: woods, backyard, front yard, household planter,

orchard, school, grandma’s back yard)____

(1 point each=20 points)

Total points____

VI.Classification.………………………………………………………...…20 points

-1 point per leaf for classifying

leaves into appropriate categoriesTotal points____


Extra Leaves____



Sample identity card
Leaf Collection

7th grade Science

Mrs. Patterson

Each 7th grade student is required to make a leaf collection. They are responsible for collecting at least 20 leaves. They should be correctly identified and neatly presented. Most work for the leaf collection should be done at home. Some classroom guidance and direction will be given.

To preserve:There are two ways that you can preserve your leaves. (make sure leaves are dry before placing them under plastic so they don’t mold)

  1. You may tape the leaf on white paper and flatten it out and place it in a clear plastic paper protector.
  2. You may tape it to photo album pages with the clear film covering.

To assemble:Place paper protectors or photo album pages in a three-ring notebook

(it is recommended that you use a ½ inch to a 1 inch binder) Make sure leaves are not too close together, and leave room for the leaf name and location. Only put one leaf on a page, unless they are small, then you can put two on a page. Put the leaf name and where you found it either on a note card or just write or type it on the paper near the leaf.

To identify:I have several leaf books that the students may check use to help identify and classify the leaves collected. We will also be studying plants including leaf identification and classification in class.

To organizeLeaves need to be classified and organized into the following categories: Deciduous Trees, Tree Ferns, Needle leaf Trees, Cycad Trees, Ginkgo Trees, Palms, Mosses, Ferns, Grasses, Bushes/Shrubs, and Houseplants. Place similar leaves together in the same category, and put a title page with the name of the category followed by the names of all of the leaves in that category in front of each particular group of leaves. You can add categories of leaves as needed, and you may not use some of the listed categories, so they don’t need to be included in your table of contents.

Due Date:September 23, 2016 (can turn in early)

Sample cover pageSample Table ofSample title page contents page for each category