2006 West Coast Charter Boat Economic Survey

2006 West Coast Charter Boat Economic Survey

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

and NOAA Fisheries

Vessel(s) Owner Name: ______

Vessel(s) Owner Phone: ______

Background Questions:

# / Question / Response /
1.  1 / How long have you owned a charter boat operation? / (years)
2.  / How long have you been involved in the charter boat industry in any capacity? / (years)
3.  3 / Are you a part of a charter boat association? / Yes
4.  / How many charter vessels do you own? / (vessels)
5.  / Do you also serve as the vessel captain for one of your vessels? / Yes
If yes, what is the name of the vessel you operate? / (name)

6.  In 2006, how did you handle the bookings for your vessel(s)? Please check one box below.

I used an outside booking agency (an agency or operation that I do not own) to handle ALL my bookings.

ÜIf yes, please skip to Question 22 on page 3

I booked ALL trips myself and did not keep separate financial records for my booking operations.

ÜIf yes, please skip to Question 22 on page 3

I owned and operated a separate booking agency that booked at least some of the trips for my vessel(s) and/or for other vessels I do not own.

ÜIf yes, please proceed to Question 7 on the next page

If you have any comments or questions about this study, please contact Philip Watson at 206-947-3107 or e-mail him at .


The following section (Questions 7 through 21) is intended for vessel owners who also own and operate a booking operation for their vessel and/or other vessels. If you do not operate a separate booking operation, please skip to Question 22. The term “angler trip” will also refer to “passenger trips” when the purpose of the trip is not fishing (e.g. whale watching).

# / Question / Angler trips / Vessel trips /
7.  1 / How many trips did you book in 2006 for vessels that you own? / (angler trips) / (vessel trips)
8.  2 / How many trips did you book in 2006 for other vessels that you do not own? / (angler trips) / (vessel trips)
9.  / How many trips did you receive in 2006 that were booked by an agency that you do not own? / (angler trips) / (vessel trips)

10.  How much revenue did you collect in 2006 from booking trips for other charter boat owners?


11.  In 2006, did you keep separate financial records for your booking agency from your vessel operations?

No Ü Please skip to Question 22 on page 3

Yes Þ Please proceed to Question 12

Please indicate the expenditures on the following categories associated with your 2006 BOOKING OPERATIONS ONLY.

# / 2006 Expense / Total Amount /
12.  1 / Advertising / $
13.  / Insurance / $
14.  2 / Professional Services (legal, accounting, etc.) / $
15.  3 / Association Fees / $
16.  4 / Telephones / $
17.  2 / Other Office Expenses / $
18.  3 / Labor for Shorebased Personnel / $
19.  4 / Lease/Loan Payments on motor vehicles / $
20.  / Legal/Financial Services / $
21.  2 / Other booking related expenses / $
Please Proceed to Question 22


Please provide information for each vessel that you own. If you are a single vessel owner please provide information for your vessel under “Vessel 1” and disregard questions related to additional vessels. If you own more than 4 vessels, please contact Philip Watson at for additional response sheets or feel free to photocopy this sheet for additional vessels.

# / Vessel / Coast Guard ID / Vessel Name / What city/port does this vessel primarily operate out of? / What is the overall length of the vessel? / What is the horsepower of the main engine? / What is the operating capacity of the vessel while fishing (including captain and crew)? /
22.  / Vessel 1 / (ft) / (hp) / (people) /
23.  / Vessel 2 / (ft) / (hp) / (people) /
24.  4 / Vessel 3 / (ft) / (hp) / (people) /
25.  2 / Vessel 4 / (ft) / (hp) / (people) /
# / Vessel / Total number of angler/passenger trips taken in 2006 / Total number of vessel trips taken in 2006 / Total number of days at sea charter boat fishing/cruising in 2006 /
26.  / Vessel 1 / (trips) / (trips) / (days) /
27.  / Vessel 2 / (trips) / (trips) / (days) /
28.  4 / Vessel 3 / (trips) / (trips) / (days) /
29.  2 / Vessel 4 / (trips) / (trips) / (days) /



Ø  If you own a single vessel, please report all costs associated with vessel operation and business related expenses below.

Ø  If you own multiple vessels, please report the sum total of expenditures for all your vessels by expense type.

Ø  If you have already reported booking agency related expenses in Questions 12 – 21, then only report vessel based expenses here, however, if you did not report booking related expenses in Questions 12 – 21 then please include those expenses here.

# / 2006 Expense / 2006 Vessel Expenditures /
30.  / Haulout / $
31.  / Engine overhaul / $
32.  / All other vessel maintenance / $
33.  / Electronics maintenance / $
34.  / Moorage / $
35.  / Insurance / $
36.  / Professional Services (legal, accounting, etc.) / $
37.  / Fuel / $
38.  / Fishing supplies / $
39.  / Taxes and government fees (U.S. state and federal) / $
40.  / Taxes and government fees (foreign) / $
41.  / Food and drink (if supplied by vessel) / $
42.  / Commissions for booking agents / $
43.  / Bait expenses / $
44.  / Purchase of new gear / $
45.  / Captain’s payments / $
46.  / Other crew payments / $
47.  / Office labor and other labor expense / $
48.  / Telephone and other communications / $
49.  / Advertising (if not reported as Booking expense) / $
50.  2 / Other vessel related expenses
(please specify) / $



Ø  If you own a single vessel, please report all revenues associated with vessel operation by primary purpose of trip.

Ø  If you own multiple vessels, please report aggregate total revenues for all your vessels together by primary purpose of trip.

Ø  The term “angler trip” will also be used for “passenger trip” when the purpose of the trip is not fishing.

Ø  If you took no trips in a given category, please feel free to leave the row blank.

# / Primary Purpose of Trip / Number of Anger Trips by Type in 2006 / Number of Vessel Trips by Type in 2006 / 2006 Revenue by Trip Type /
51.  1 / Recreational salmon fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
52.  2 / Recreational groundfish fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
53.  / Recreational halibut fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
54.  / Recreational albacore fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
55.  3 / Recreational other large pelagic game fish fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
56.  4 / Recreational shellfish fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
57.  2 / Freelance recreational fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
58.  3 / Other recreational fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
59.  4 / Commercial fishing / (trips) / (trips) / $
60.  2 / Nature watching / (trips) / (trips) / $
61.  2 / Non-fishing scuba diving / (trips) / (trips) / $
62.  2 / Burial at sea / (trips) / (trips) / $
63.  2 / Other purpose:
(please specify) / (trips) / (trips) / $
64.  / Other purpose:
(please specify) / (trips) / (trips) / $

The following questions (65 – 70) pertain to sources of other revenue generated by the charter boat operation. Please indicate revenues collected from sales related to your business but not directly associated with charter boat operation (such as souvenir sales, food sales not on the boat, etc.).

# / Type of Sale / 2006 Revenue /
65.  4 / Souvenirs / $
66.  2 / Food/Beverage sales not on the boat / $
67.  / Hotel that is owned by charter boat owner / $
68.  / Renting of vessel / $
69.  2 / Other:
(please specify) / $
70.  2 / Other:
(please specify) / $

The following questions (71 – 79) pertain to the number of crew employed by trip type.

Not including the Captain, on average how many crew members do you employ on a given trip (broken down by trip type)? If you do not engage in a specific trip type, please feel free to leave that response blank.

# / Type of Trip / Average Number of Crew per Trip in 2006 (Not Including the Captain) /
71.  3 / Day Fishing Trips / (# crew)
72.  4 / Overnight Fishing Trips / (# crew)
73.  2 / Day Nature Watching Trips / (# crew)
74.  3 / Overnight Nature Watching Trips / (# crew)
75.  4 / Day Scuba Diving Trips / (# crew)
76.  2 / Overnight Scuba Diving Trips / (# crew)
77.  2 / Burials at Sea / (# crew)
78.  2 / Other Purpose (Day Trips) / (# crew)
79.  2 / Other Purpose (Overnight) / (# crew)

The following questions (80 – 82) are designed to help us further characterize and analyze the structure and status of the charter boat fleet.

ID / Question / Response / Comments /
80.  2 / Compared to 5 years ago, how many clients are you servicing in a year? Why do you think that is? / Many Fewer
A Bit Fewer
About the Same
A Bit More
Many More
81.  2 / In the next 5 years, how do you see the economic outlook for the charter boat industry? Why do you think that is? / Very Unfavorable
Somewhat Unfavorable
About the Same
Somewhat Favorable
Very Favorable
82.  / Approximately what percent of your 2006 total household income is generated from the charter boat operations? (Please check appropriate box) / 1% - 20%
21% - 40%
41% - 60%
61% - 80%
81% - 99%

Thank you for your time and assistance. Please return this survey in the self addressed stamped envelope provided. If you have any comments or questions please contact:

Philip Watson

NOAA Fisheries

Northwest Fisheries Science Center - FRAMD

2725 Montlake Blvd E

Seattle, WA 98112

(206) 947-3107

If you have any additional comments please feel free to include them here:

OMB Control #0648-0052 expires 9/30/08. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law; no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirement of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this survey is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Philip Watson, NWFSC FRAM, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E, Seattle, WA


Confidential Page 8 5/23/2013