Trust Case Worker/development worker

job description


1. New applications for pensions

  • To establish and maintain contact with local organisations and Council departments which refer prospective pensioners to the Trust or apply for grants on behalf of clients.
  • To make an assessment visit to applicants for pensions and to other prospective applicants where a grant has been requested but a Trust pension might also be appropriate.

In cases where there are concerns about the safety of a home visit (based on a risk assessment) to work with the referring agency on appropriate assessment as to need and eligibility for a Trust pension (e.g. a joint visit or reliance on the agency’s information and advice).

2.Existing Pensioners

  • To contact all pension recipients at least annually.
  • To visit all Trust pension recipients annually unless there are concerns about the safety of a home visit (following completion of a risk assessment, when an alternative assessment method must be organised):
  • To assure them of the Trust’s continued interest in their well-being
  • To assess whether they have further unmet needs where the Trust could help
  • To check they have a continuing need for a Trust pension
  • To ensure they are receiving all statutory benefits to which they are entitled
  • To obtain up to date personal documentation as required.
  • To visit all pensioners where there has been a reported change of circumstances to assess continuing eligibility for a Trust Pension.


  • To establish and maintain contact with other agencies and Council departments and units to familiarise them with the work of the Trust and to refresh the Trust’s knowledge of changing local circumstances relevant to the Trust’s grantmaking to individuals and to Trust pensions.
  • To arrange visits with groups of elderly people to explain how the Trust might help them and explain the application procedure.
  • To identify possible future beneficiaries for the Trust.
  • To attend voluntary sector seminars,funding fairs and similar occasions to publicise the work of the Trust.
  • To attend and speak at meetings for prospective referral agencies, arranged by the Director and Clerk to the Trustees.
  • To undertake development work for the Trust in furtherance of The Trust’s grantmakingpolicy
  • To make recommendations to the Grants Committee to help update grantmaking policy in relation to individuals and pensioners


  • To write reports and make recommendations to the Trustees on all new pension applications.
  • To write reports and make recommendations to the Director and Clerk to the Trustees on pensioners where there has been a change of circumstances.
  • To maintain the pensioners database including file record on visits to current pensioners.
  • To collatedata on Trust pensioners as required from time to time by the Grants Committee.
  • To revise,update and prepare publicity material and handouts forapplication forms and guidance notes.


  • To attend meetings of the Grants Committee.
  • To attend meetings of the Trustee Board as required.
  • To represent the Trust from time to time at meetings and events of other agencies relevant to the Trust’s work.


  • To maintain a high standard of confidentiality in professional, personal and financial matters.
  • To help maintain effective operation of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust including cover for colleagues where necessary.
  • To carry out any other tasks commensurate with the post as required by the Director and Clerk to the Trustees.
  • To keep up to date with welfare rights, training courses and ICT skills
  • All staff are required to work within the agreed policies and procedures of The Hampstead Wells and Campden Trust.

This job description reflects the requirements of the post at the time of writing. The needs and circumstances may change over time and therefore the job description may need to be reviewed in the light of such changes which may occur.

February 2018

Registered Charity no 1094611

Company Limited by Guarantee No 4541031