Small Change, Big Impact Fund
2017 – 2018
The covering note below explains the criteria and funding priorities for Islington’sSmall Change, Big Impact Fund.Please read before completing the application form. All applications will need to demonstrate how they meet the funding criteria.
What is Small Change Big Impact Fund?
Islington Council’s Play and Youth Commissioning has established the Small Change, Big Impact Fundoffering voluntary, community andsocial enterprise organisations workingwith young people in the boroughthe opportunity to apply for grants. The amounts available are up to £5,000 for individual organisations or up to £12,000 for organisations applying in partnership(clear evidence of the added value that the partnership will create will be required in your application).The aim of the fundis to provide funding for small projects and activitiesthat will contribute towards young people’s social and emotional development[1]and will offer opportunities for young people to gain the experiences and skills they need to have a successful future. We welcome applicationsfor funding from projects where young people are in charge of designing and delivering the activities.
Applications are open to organisations with annual turnover of less than£250,000 per annumand/ororganisations that are run by volunteers.
The application process
All applications will need to be submitted by 12 noon,Monday 20March 2017.
The contract term is one year with an option to extend up to 2 years (1 +1) subject to performance and availability of council funding.
Essential eligibilitycriteria for applications:
- Organisations must be delivering projects and activitieswith and for young people that contribute towards their social and emotional development
- The project must benefit young people aged 13+ living or studying in Islington
- The project must be able to demonstrate young people’s involvement and engagement
- Be a not-for-profit, third sector voluntary or community group, social enterprise or community interest company(CIC)
- Have an annual income of less than £250,000or
- Be volunteer–led whereby most of activities are planned and delivered by volunteers
Organisations must be able to evidence that:
- They have a constitution/ governing document/ terms of reference/ or any other documents outlining why the organisation was set up and what it aims to achieve
- Have a management committee or governing structure of at least 3 people
- Have a bank account in the name of the organisation applying (with a minimum of two signatories)
- Have annual accounts or an income and expenditure report
- Operate within a safe and secure environment for young people, which includes
- Appropriate safeguarding and child protection measures in place such as safer recruitment processes, safeguarding and child protection policy, insurance and appropriate level of child protection and safeguarding training for staff[2]
- Where appropriate, members of staff and volunteers are DBS checked
- Adequate risk assessments in place for all of the activities with young people
The grant can be used for expenditure such as staffing costs, volunteer expenses, venue costs, equipment and other resources, transport, marketing and promotion. Please note that there is a maximum 20% cap on equipment costs that providers can request as part of their proposal.
Organisations can apply for grants under the following thematic areas:
- Wellbeing, Innovation, and/or Partnerships
These can be, but are not limited to:
- Projects that propose innovative approaches to responding to the needs and issues of young people and support their social, emotional and physical wellbeing.
- A new partnership or collaboration that increases the scope, reach and effectiveness of the project or activity
- Partnership projects that scale up effective approaches, practices and ideas to engage and support young people
- Projects to engage particular groups of young people, especially those who aredisadvantaged or not currently engaged in the youth offer
- Youth Social Action or Youth Enterprise
These can be, but are not limited to:
- Projects that promote social action among young people through volunteering, campaigning and fundraising and provide opportunities for young people to play an active role within their local community
- Projects that encourage, inspire and support young people to set up, design,develop and deliver their own mini enterprise
Reporting Requirements
Successful organisations will be required to report to commissionersabout their project at scheduled points throughout the grant period.They will need to be able to account for the project expenditure and report on how well the project is contributing towards the overall benefits originally identified in their proposals, including:
- Description of the activities undertaken
- Evidence of the services delivered and impact through photos, publicity, young people’s testimonials and reviews, registration and evaluation forms and work produced by young people
- The number of young people benefitting
- Financial record of expenditure
- Any learning points (i.e. what worked, what didn’twork and why)
- Providers awarded partnershipcontracts over £10,000 will be required to record attendance data using the council’s database IYSS (Integrated Youth Support System)
As part of the contractual obligations the annual monitoring form must be submitted no later than two months after the end of financial year.
If you would like some advice and support with the application process please contact Voluntary Action Islingtonat , tel: 020 7832 5800or the CommissioningTeam at, tel: 02075275947
Application Process
Applications must be submitted by completing the attached form.
If successful, organisations will be expected to provide the following documentation before a grant award is finalised:
- A copy of your organisation’s constitution, terms of reference or group’s set of rules
- A copy of your current audited accounts (no more than 12 months old). If you do not have audited accounts you will have toprovide an income and expenditure sheet for the past 12 months. (If your application is successful you will be asked to provide evidence of past income and expenditure e.g. bank statements)
- A safeguarding and child protection policy/procedure
The closing date for submitting applications isMonday 20March 2017.Please be aware that late submissionscan’tbe accepted.
If after reading the documentation you are unclear about whether your activity, service or project meets thecriteria or if you would like to receive further information, please contact
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[1]Please find a copy of the Outcomes Framework here:
[2]All organisations will be required to undertake necessary safeguarding training within the first 6 months of grant award. Support from the Commissioning Team can be provided in accessing the Islington’s safeguarding and child protection training and DBS checks.