Thursday. 11:00 pm. Summer sheepishly inserted her key into the lock and opened the front door to her tiny, one-bedroom apartment. She lazily let her bag fall to the floor and kicked her shoes off. She slid out of her coat and trudged to her bedroom.

“UUUUUGGGGHH!” she groaned as she flopped across her bed and instantly fell asleep.


Summer slowly opened one eye so she could see her clock. 7:45 am. Friday. She closed the eye and sighed. Feeling like a grizzly bear right off the hibernation bed, she changed out of her drab work uniform from last night and put on some sweats and a hoodie. She put her wavy, red hair in a half-up-half-down “Ariana Grande” hairstyle.

This way my clothes will be lazy but my hair will make it look cute.

She picked her bag up off the floor and unzipped the tiny pocket on the front and pulled out her phone. 6%.

Dangit, I forgot to put it on the charger when I got home! I guess I could charge it in the library at school…

She shoved a few books, some scattered papers and her cell phone charger into her bag and flung it on her shoulder. She glanced at the clock above her bed. 8:02. She smiled in approval and snatched an apple off the tiny kitchen counter. Remembering something, Summer grabbed a lip gloss tube and a pack of gum from her bathroom. Taking a last look around her room, she marched to the door and slipped on her shoes. Then flung the door open and locked it behind her.

Every time she walked down what seemed like the three mile long corridor, it felt like she aged a couple years. Every step was heavier than the last, and her bag slowly began to gain weight. While she could see the door just yards in front of her, she never seemed to reach it. But she somehow managed to get past it and out to the other side. Summer wondered if other people felt the same way she did.

Maybe it’s just from coming home so late and not getting enough sleep? I walk down the hallway and I feel a thousand years old. But I step outside and I’m twenty-one.

She shrugged and decided it was nothing as she made her way down the metal staircase to the quiet streets below. The motel where she lived was right smack in the middle of a small town in Arizona. You’d think the streets would be pretty busy at this time of day. Au contraire! This town was different from the others. Socially? It was pretty good. Population? A good 9,000 or more. Business wise? It was excellent. Character of the population? Friendly, and homely. The only problem with the town, was that it was too quiet. Barely anyone walked the sidewalks. If they did, they were either brave or stupid. Cars still drove down the streets, but not enough cars to make the streets seem alive.

It’s really a dead town. I wish the mayor would do something about this eeriness.

Summer wasn’t yet used to the creepy vibe of the main streets. She moved into her apartment only just recently. However, she WAS used to the bus. Its schedule was never precise, because the bus driver had problems with his alarm clock, or so he says.


Summer hated the sound of the tires. She was never a fan of loud noises. Or wild events. Or social meetings. She was a very quiet girl, with no loud voice, and no attractive laugh (if anything it sounded fake).

When she got to her college, Summer went straight to the library to charge her phone. Her classes dragged on for what seemed like forever until finally, the bell rang. She ran to the library and charged through the crowds to the study cubicle she had used to charge her phone. She turned it on and checked the battery: 100%


She grabbed her bag, her phone and her charger and was about to exit the library when,


Sumer turned to see Emily, her best friend. She squealed and ran to meet her with a huge bear hug.

“Summer, where have you BEEN? You weren’t at the party last night and I got worried!”

“Oh, RIGHT! I guess it slipped my mind! I got home SUPER late last night and forgot to check my phone. Sorry I made you worry!”

“No no no! It’s TOTALLY fine! I’m your bestie. It’s like my JOB to worry about you. And dare I say it, but I’m pretty good at it, too.” The two girls laughed and walked arm in arm to the on-campus coffee shop.

“Oh my God, okay so! You know Brittany, right?” Emily was bursting with gossip and couldn’t wait to let it out.

“Yeah, she’s captain of the varsity cheer team. What happened?”

“Her boyfriend Harry just dumped her! He said something about her friends.”

“Well, I guess football players have their standards!”

“I know right. But that’s not what I wanted to tell you.”


“Brittany got mad that Harry dumped her so when her squad tried to comfort her, she kicked them off the team. Not the whole squad, just most of it. There’s only six girls left and they have to perform at the playoffs.”

“Wow. How did you find out about this?”

“I’m close friends with Scarlett, the co-captain. She told me everything.”

“Ohhh okay.”

“But I have a favor to ask you…”


“Since you did cheerleading in high school with a tiny squad, I was wondering if you wanted to teach the varsity team one of your routines while I hunt for more cheerleaders or try to get the old ones back?”

“Emily, I was only a cheerleader for a year! I don’t remember a thing.”

“C’mon, pleeeeeease?”

Summer thought for a little bit.

“UGH, fine. But if the routine comes out crappy I blame you.” She said at last. Emily squealed and hugged her from across their chairs.

“YAY! You WON’T regret this, Summer!” she said happily. They talked about practice times and locations. Then Emily’s phone chimed. She dug through her purse, pulled it out, and checked her notifications. She gasped.

“What is it?” Summer asked.

“It’s from my dad. He says my mom had a stroke and is in the hospital. God knows when she’ll be out again.” Emily let a tear roll down her cheek. Summer got Emily out of her chair so they both were standing, then gave her a big hug.

“Emily, go to the hospital. I’ll find more cheerleaders and remember the routine.”

“No, I can’t let you do all that by yourself.”

“Your mom needs you more than the cheer squad. I can handle it.” Summer smiled at Emily. A slow grin came to Emily’s mouth.

“Thank you SOOOOO much, Summer!”

“Hey, it’s your job to worry about me, it’s my job to take care of you! You’re like a little sister to me.”

“I’m only younger by four months!” Emily laughed. Summer laughed too.

“Alright, you get to the hospital. I’ll go dig up my old cheer book.”

They gave each other a quick hug, put their coffee in to-go cups, and went their separate ways. Summer walked slowly across the college campus to the bus station. As she walked through the gardens, she thought about her conversation with Emily.

What if I don’t find my cheer book in time for the playoffs? I’d have to make something up. Wait! I think I know where it is! No, it couldn’t be THERE... I know! How about-

“Hey Summer!” said a voice next to her. Summer jumped and turned to see Harry, Brittany’s ex, sitting on a park bench.

“Oh, God! You scared me, Harry! What’s up?” Summer asked nonchalantly. Like she HADN’T been thinking of how to help his ex’s life.

“Oh, sorry! And not much at the moment. Where are you off to?”

“I was just heading home to do some studying. I take it you’re just sitting there?”

“Pretty much, yeah. I’ve been sitting here and thinking. I assume you know what happened with Brittany?”

“Yeah, Emily told me a little while ago. What was wrong with her friends? If you don’t mind me asking…”

Harry chuckled and leaned on his knees with his elbows. He rubbed his neck as if it were difficult to explain.

“No, I don’t mind. It was just that, sometimes her friends can be a little snobby. I never liked how they treated other people.”

“Ohhh I see.” Summer didn’t want him to explain any more if it made him feel uncomfortable. She admired the part in him that wanted to see everyone treated fairly, no one less than anyone else.

“Yeah… what about you? Any drama goin’ on in Summer’s life?” he teased.

“Not necessarily.” She chuckled.

“You lucky duck!” Harry laughed. Summer shrugged.

“Eh, I guess. I better get going. See ya!”

“See ya!”

I guess he did the right thing in breaking up with Brit. I never liked the way she treats Hailey. It’s bad enough that poor girl has stage 1 heart cancer! I think I’ll call Hailey when I get home to check up on her, see how she’s doing.

“Oh, look! It’s quiet little Summer out in her natural habitat!” said a gruff, deep voice ahead of Summer. Laughter. Summer looked up to see Brad, a huge football lineman, chilling with his team.

“Ugh, what do you want, Brad?” Summer said, obviously annoyed.

“What’s in the bag?”

“None of your business!”

“It’s my business if it’s in a sport bag. Now hand it over!”

“No. it means too much to me. You touch it and I’ll have you suspended!”

One of Brad’s friends reached out and touched Summer’s bag with his index finger. “BOOP! Touched it! Oh no! Summer’s gonna get me susp-OOF!” Summer had taken her bag off her shoulder while the guy was distracted, and had swung it as hard as she could against his face. He flew backwards and into a mud puddle. Summer looked around at the group of jocks. Their jaws had dropped open. She unzipped the tiny pocket and pulled out her phone. She pretended to dial the college office.

“Hi, this is Summer Langley. I’d like to report 8 students for harassment…”

The jocks ran in every direction, including the one that touched her bag. Soon, Summer was standing all alone.

“Hmph. What a shame. I was really looking forward to getting all of you suspended…” she huffed as she put her phone back in her bag and walked away with her head held high.

CRAP! They could report me too! OOPS…

She regretted hitting that guy with her bag the whole ride home. But putting that aside, she called Hailey’s number. A cute, squeaky voice answered the phone.


“Hi! Is Hailey there?”

“Yeah, who’s asking?”

“It’s her friend, Summer. I’m just calling to check on her and see how she’s doing.”

Summer heard rustling on the other line. The phone was being fought over. Finally, an older voice spoke to the phone.

“Hey, Summer! Sorry, that was my little sister, Camilla. She likes to make sure no perverts call me.”

“Haha! It’s okay!”

“So, what can I do for you?”

“Nothing much, I was just calling to see how you’re doing.”

“Aww, aren’t you sweet! I’m doing great, Summer! How bout you?”

“I’m glad to hear that! And I’m doing pretty well, I guess.”

“You guess? What does that mean?”

Summer told Hailey about Brittany, Harry, Brad, and Emily.

“Oh, you poor thing! Don’t go anywhere, I’m coming over to help!” *CLICK*

Well, I better get some food out and clean up a bit.

Summer ran around her room, cleaning up and getting some tea ready. Ten minutes later the doorbell rang, and a young girl of about twenty-two walked in the door with an eight year-old holding her hand.

“I hope you don’t mind, my mom said I had to take her with me.”

“No, no! I don’t mind at all!” Summer smiled. She loved kids, and always had time for them. She took off their jackets and bags and led the two visitors to her small couch in the back of her apartment.

“I love your apartment, Summer!” Hailey gushed, looking around at the colorful decorations and furniture. Camilla took a running leap and landed on a bean bag in the corner.

“Camilla, be careful! You could’ve broken something!” Hailey scolded.

“But I DIDN’T, didn’t I?” Camilla asked sarcastically, sticking her tongue out. Hailey rolled her eyes and turned to Summer.

“I’m sorry about my sister, she’s been having some problems at her school lately.”

“It’s all good! Did you want some tea or coffee?” Summer offered.

“Oh, tea sounds great!” Hailey smiled.

“I want some milk!” Camilla said from the beanbag. “With a twisty straw!” Hailey frowned.

“Camilla, use your manners.”

Camilla ignored her sister and started playing with her hair. Hailey sighed.

“Hey, I have siblings like that, too. I know the struggle.” Summer said, handing Hailey a mug of tea, and a glass of milk with a twisty straw to Camilla. Hailey chuckled.

“Yeah, but you don’t live with one. What’s it like to live by yourself?”

“It’s… fun, I guess. But really lonely. I don’t hang out here often.” Summer explained, taking a sip of tea. Hailey nodded understandingly.

“What kind of problems at her school, though? Anything serious?” Summer asked. “If you don’t mind my asking…”

“Hahaha! No, I don’t mind at all. Camilla’s friends are, I guess, ‘outgrowing’ her. They shun Camilla from all their activities and ignore her in the hallways. They’re making Camilla depressed and she’s only eight! Twice, she’s talked about killing herself. That’s why I bring her with me wherever I go. The one time I left her at home, when I came back I found her trying to poison herself with rat killer. Since then we’ve taken all the knives and cleaners and put them out of her reach. But I still worry about her, you know?”

Hailey sighed. Her eyes started watering as she glanced at Camilla, who was looking out the window. Hailey wiped her eyes and sniffled. Summer scooted closer to Hailey and gave her a hug. She seemed to be giving out a lot of hugs today.

“Anyway, do you have any idea where your cheer book might be?” Hailey asked.

“Nope! Not a clue.” Summer hung her head. Hailey tapped her chin.

“Could it be in your closet somewhere?”

“I don’t know. Let’s find out!” Summer said, putting her tea on the coffee table and going into her bedroom. Hailey did the same. They spent hours in the closet, looking for anything that might resemble paper. But no such luck. Next, they tried Summer’s desk area. Still no luck. They looked everywhere in Summer’s apartment but couldn’t find anything. By the time they finished looking, it was almost 9:00 pm.

“I better get Camilla home and in bed. Call me if you still need help, okay?” Hailey said, gathering all her stuff and putting on her shoes.

“Okay, sounds great! Thanks for the help, Hailey!” Summer said, giving Hailey a big hug. “If you ever need a babysitter, you can always call me.”

“Seriously? Wow, thanks, Summer! I will!” Hailey smiled. She turned to Camilla, who was still on the bean bag. “Camilla, come on! We need to get home before it gets too dark.”

Camilla looked at Hailey with tears in her eyes. Hailey froze and dropped her bag. She ran over to her little sister.

“Camilla, what’s wrong??” she asked frantically. “Did you hurt yourself?”

“I wish I had friends like you…” the little girl answered quietly. Hailey was speechless. She just sat there and blinked. Camilla was crying now, with tears streaming down her face. Summer smiled sympathetically and walked into her bedroom. A minute later, she came out with a fuzzy, blue, teddy bear hidden behind her back. She approached the sisters.

“Camilla,” she began. “I know times are tough right now, and you’re feeling lonely. But I know someone who feels exactly the way you do.”

Camilla sniffled. “R-really?”

“Yup! Would you like to meet him?”

Camilla nodded. Summer grinned and handed Camilla the bear. The girl’s eyes widened and she smiled really big.

“His name is Blueberry. And he needs a friend, too. Why don’t you be his friend?” Summer suggested. Camilla nodded eagerly and hugged her new friend as tight as she could. Summer smiled and looked at Hailey, who had tears roll down her cheeks. Summer put a hand on Hailey’s shoulder.

“Sorry,” Hailey apologized. “It’s just the first time I’ve seen her this happy in weeks! Thank you SO SO SOOOOOO much, Summer. You’re honestly the best.”

Hailey and Camilla each left Summer’s apartment with huge smiles on their faces. Summer closed the door behind them with a huge grin.