More than I am
Head Boy and Head Girl ReportWe have had a fun week this week. On Tuesday we joined other schools to take part in the spelling bee at Freckleton. See below for the results, well done to everyone who took part. On Thursday we had a fabulous time at the school disco, the DJ was great, he organised lots of really funny games! On Friday Year 4 are off thetrampoline park we hope they have a great time!
Poppy and Thomas
Stars of the Week:. Deborah Avery, Grace Kline, Daniela Bukovska, Robert Bugins, Connor Harrison, Millie Bennet, Taylor Newsome, Artjom Mitroskins, Ethan Campbell. Well done everyone!
Attendance: Congratulations to Year3 - 99.1% attendance!
Book Fair - Advanced notice the Scholastic Book Fair will be in school from Wednesday 27th April.
PTA Spring Disco – Raffle Prizes – congratulations to – Amber Stannard, Amy Rose Parkes, Finlay Byrnes, Jack Harbon, Keeley Harris, Dariuss Jermanis, Lily Rose Starkey and Ruslans Stephanovics. The raffle prizes are in the office for collection. Thanks to the PTA members who ran such a successful event last night. The total raised for PTA funds was £135.
Summer Uniform – Now that the sun is shining and the days are getting warmer it’s time to be thinking about the summer uniform, polo shirt, grey shorts & grey socks or summer dresses and white socks. Please make sure that your child wears either black shoes or black/brown sandals. The heels of sandals must not exceed 5cm and must be sensible in order to ensure health and safety around school.
Text–to-Parents – From Monday 25th onwards we will be starting a new trial of a texting system to alert parents to things happening in school. Information could range from reminders re: your child’s class worship, forgotten lunches or PE kit, Permission slips for trips, sports day, Summer BBQ etc. We hope that this will be very successful to keep parents informed. The mobile numbers that you have supplied to school for contact will be used for this service. If you change your mobile number please can you let Mrs Parkinson know in order to update our records.
Reading Week – 25th – 29th April. We have Dan Worsley the children’s author coming into school as a special visitor. Please see flyer re: his new book.
Thursday 28th is Book Day at school. Please can your child dress up as a book character. We will also be having a special Themed Lunch on Thursday – normal £2.20 for junior children, free to the infants – number please asap to Mrs Parkinson.
Year 3 Games Afternoon - Next Friday Year 3 will be having a games afternoon to raise money for their class fundraising. Your child can have a go at the challenges priced from 20p. There will also be drinks and sweets for sale. All money raised will go towards purchasing another rainbowhouse/bench for the main playground.
Year 1 Phonics Check - Next Wednesday (27th) at 3.15pm Year 1 parents are invited to meet with Miss Fryer who will give more information about the upcoming phonics screening checks which year 1 children are involved in. Please do come along
In-House Spelling Bee - The winners of our school spelling competition were Archie Belfield, Esme Devlin, Katie Turner, Alina Barcova, Evie Thelwell-Gillett, Jessica Bagley, Millie Bennett, Daniel Tattersall, Taylor Roberts, Declan Padgeon, Jacob Bagley, Freya Mason, Eden Chambers-Baxter, Anya Lamb, Grace Kline, Dariuss Jermanis and Max Smith.
Inter-School Spelling Competition – The winners of our school Spelling Bee in the junior classes went on to represent school at the inter-school spelling competition held on Tuesday at Freckleton CE Primary. Special spelling congratulations go to Declan Padgeon – 1st in Year 3, Freya Mason – 1st in Year 4, Eden Chambers-Baxter – 2nd in Year 4.Well done to all our children for representing our school so well.
New Summer Menus–A school packed lunch contains 5 different items and your child will get at least 2 of the 5 daily recommended portions of fruit and vegetables. The sandwich fillings are a choice of either cheese, ham, egg or tuna on bread or a wrap. They are freshly made every day. If your child would like a school packed lunch at a cost of £2.20 (infants are free) please ask them to tell their teacher which kind of sandwich they would like when the dinner register is taken.
New KS2 Menu – We will be starting a new school meals service based at the Pavilion from Monday 25th April. This is for KS2 children only. It will be along the lines of the ‘Subway type’ food. Available will be hot jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings to choose from, hot paninis, Subway type rolls with either hot or cold fillings. There will be either bottled water or small carton of juice and either fruit or
some type of ‘on the move’ pudding. The cost will be the normal £2.20 per day. I do hope that you find this is a popular change and we can save mums and dads from an extra job at home having to shop & provide lunch for their children.
PTA meeting – Please come along and support the school by being part of the PTA. The next meeting is being held at Starbucks (Ribby Leisure Village) 5.30-6.30pm on Tuesday 17th May 2016. Coffee and Cake will be available. This is to discuss the Summer BBQ. We need all the support we can get to keep our fundraising/social activities going. Without your help there is a danger that not a lot happens and that would be such a shame for our children and you as parents.
Diary Dates
Monday 25th April / Reading WeekTues 26th April / Y5 & 6 Handball Tournament at Carr Hill
Weds 27th April / Worship – Year FS
Weds 27th April / Book Fayre arrives in school.
Weds 27th April / 3.30pm Y1 – Phonics Check information session in Y1 classroom with Miss Fryer
Thurs 28th April / Themed lunch – Book Day. Dress up as a book character.
Mon 2nd May / School Closed – May Bank Holiday
Weds 4th May / Worship – Year 3
Weds 4th May / Year 5 Trip to Rossall Astronomy Centre
Weds 11th May / No Worship
Mon – Thurs 9 – 12th May / SATs week for Year 6.
Tues 17th May / 5.30pm PTFA Meeting at Starbucks, Ribby Hall Village
Weds 18th May / Year 1 Worship
Tues 24th May / Orienteering Festival Y5/6 at Carr Hill
Weds 25th May / Worship Y4
Thurs 26th May / Y6 – Leavers Barn Dance 6.30 – 8.30pm
Fri 27th May / School closes for half term 3.20pm
Mon 13th June / School opens 8.50 am
Fri 8th July / PTFA BBQ
Best Wishes Mrs Astbury