PARENTS & GUARDIANS: This is the most important year in your child’s high school career


Make sure your child is at school on time and ready to learn. After 13 absences your child will be removed from the class and not receive credit for that class. In many instances, that credit must be made up in order for your child to graduate. Your child’s priority at this point is graduation. There are instances when your child must miss school for family obligations or because of sickness. Please help your child make the right decisions about attending school.


You may decide to allow your child to drive this year. Did you know that most insurance companies offer a discount on insurance rates for those students who have a B grade-point-average or better? Please help your child make good, responsible decisions when driving.


Your child may begin to work this year if he or she is not already. At this point, your child’s priority is graduating from high school. Although having your child work now may be necessary, the best thing you can do for your child’s future is to help him or her graduate from high school. If you believe working is a higher priority for your child right now than attending school, you and your child should make an appointment with his or her counselor to discuss the options available.

GPA = grade point average

Grade point average (GPA) is a way to evaluate your child’s progress compared to his classmates and within LeydenHigh School. Basically, it is an average of the semester grades your child has received during his time in high school. Colleges also look at an applicant’s GPA when making a decision about admitting the applicant. This year is the last opportunity your child will have to improve his GPA before the college application process begins. Please remember that a GPA of 3.0 or better can lower the insurance rate you pay for your son.

PSAE: PrairieState Achievement Exam

The PSAE is a statewide test administered to determine how well your child is doing compared with students throughout the state. Completing the PSAE is a graduation requirement in the state of Illinois. The PSAE is given in April. Here at Leyden, a student must have 13 credits by the beginning of the second semester of their junior year in order to be eligible to take the exam during the junior year. Those students lacking enough credits will have an opportunity to take the exam when they are seniors provided they have 13 credits.

If you envision your child attending a four year college after high school, this test is especially important for her. The first part of the PSAE is called the ACT test. Many colleges require a certain score on the ACT in order to be admitted. For many students, the PSAE will be the most important test taken in high school.


Leyden offers a class held in the evenings before the PSAE for any student who wants to learn basic test taking strategies that will help them on this exam. The prep class begins Saturday, February 3. For more information, check the Leyden website or call the Student Services office at 847-451-3138.


Your child is entering the point in her school career in which she has fewer required courses and more of an opportunity to take electives. The more classes she fails, the less of an opportunity she has to take courses that meet her needs and interests. Your child should begin to take classes with an eye to her future. In January she will have the opportunity to sign up for her senior year courses. The courses she chooses should move her closer to her career or post-high school plans.



Your child should have a firm idea of your expectations for his future beyond high school. He should know whether or not you will be able to support his education after high school. He should also be using the resources at school to make plans for the future. He should be considering what kind of career he wants to pursue and what kind of education or training he will need after high school to pursue that career. Your child should make an appointment with his counselor this fall to begin getting the materials that can help him with these decisions. NOWis the time to do this...not next year.


If your child is planning on going to a four year college, make plans to visit that college. You may invest heavily in the education of your child after high school. You wouldn’t buy a house without seeing it. Your child shouldn’t pick a school without seeing it either. The counselors can help direct your child to materials that will help her with her choice.


The college application process begins in the fall of your child’s senior year. This is why grades during the junior year are so important. Urge your child to make an appointment with her counselor in Student Services this year to help her find the right school or contact the school in which she is interested.


Your child should make an appointment with her counselor this year to determine what she still needs to do to graduate. You and your child do not want any surprises next year.