Category 1 Outside User Agreement
General Liability
Parish/School InformationLocation Name: / Location #:
Location Address: / Telephone:
Contact Name: / Facsimile:
notice to administrators/supervisors: This agreement must be completed and submitted to the
Loss control & prevention coordinator whenever an outside user requests the use of your parish/school facilities and at least 10 days before the intended use of your parish/school facilities. ALL agreements MUST BE REPORTED IN WRITING.
email to questions please call Theresa la Voun 408-983-0237.
This is an agreement between [Click & Type Name of Parish, School or Agency Here] representing the diocese of san jose and [Click & Type Name of Organization Here], hereafter user, relating to the following facilities: [Click & Type Name of Facility Here] located at [Click & Type Address of Facility Here].
[Click & Type Name of Parish, School or Agency Here]grants user permission to use such facilities for the following purposes: [Click & Type the Purposes Here] on [Click & Type Date & Year Here] from [Click & Type the Starting Time AM/PM Here] to [Click & Type the Ending Time AM/PM Here] for approximately [Click & Type Number of Persons Attending Here] persons only subject to the following terms and conditions:
1.user shall use the facilities exclusively for the purposes stated above and shall leave the facilities in clean and orderly condition. there shall be no alteration without prior written permission of [Click & Type Name of Parish, School or Agency Here]; and if any alteration was allowed, user shall restore the facilities to original condition; and shall repair any damage caused by its negligence or neglect or that of its representatives or invitees.
2.user shall purchase through the [name of parish, school or agency] liability insurance to provide protection to the [Click & Type Name of Parish, School or Agency Here] in the event of losses that may result from damages to property and injuries to persons during the activities or events sponsored by the user. user may apply for this coverage by filing the user insurance application and paying the required premium to the diocese of san jose.
3.User shall provide its own liquor license and adequate security whenever liquor/alcohol is sold within the facilities. user shall take full responsibilities for conditions resulting from the use of liquor/alcohol.
4.user at all times shall not engage in any unlawful activity and the [name of parish, school or agency] reserves the right to require that only activities that are not opposed to the principles and beliefs of the catholic church may be allowed within the facilities.
5.[name of parish, school or agency] may terminate this agreement and permission to use its facilities at any time for good cause without obligation except to refund amount user has paid.
User agrees to pay a deposit of $[Click & Type Amount Here] against cost and expenses and the required premium for liability coverage.[Click & Type Any Special Provisions Here]
Agreement Authorization
Agreement Completed By: / Date Completed:
Position/Title: / Telephone:
Signature: / Date:
Outside User Signature: / Date:
Chancery Use Only
Agreement Received By: / Date Received:
Updated 08/2016
The Chancery ● 1150 North First Street ● Suite 100 ● San Jose, California 95112-4966
(408) 983-0237 ● ● Fax (408) 983-0296