Common Clinical Registry Framework Minutes

Date: June 15, 2016

Time: 9:00am – 10:00am EST


Anita Walden – Facilitator
Rachel Richesson
Craig Parker
Floyd Eisenberg
Frank Minyon - Quintiles
Jason Colquitt - Quintiles
Tom Kuhn
Chrystal Price
Peter Goldsmith
John Roberts
AbdulMalik Shah
Claire Miller – Note Taker


Attendance - Claire

Review Agenda – Anita

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Review of Action Items - Claire

Welcome Quintiles

Review of Domain Analysis Materials – AbdulMalik

Minutes Approval

Motion to Approve

Abstain – 2

Approve – 8

Negative - 0


ACTION: Claire attached most update PPS w/ Minutes

ACTION: Quintiles asked to provide input on draft DAM document

ACTION: Anita Asked John Robert’s to give perspective on DAM

ACTION: Anita will send Quintiles a copy of draft white paper

ACTION: Anita will update PSS before sending to TSC for consideration

ACTION: Anita will reach out Alise to see if she’d be interested in joining the White Paper writing committee

ACTION: Anita will send out test to the HL7 Listserve

ACTION: Rachel will send draft of white paper to group

ACTION: AbdulMalik will send draft of DAM to group

ACTION: Frank Minyon, Quintiles will offer feed/back on use cases for next meeting

Update on PSS

·  Add additional items

·  International scope

·  Anita made changes and resent to TSC for review and hopefully on docket for Monday

·  ACTION: Claire attached most update PPS w/ Minutes

Quintiles on Call –

·  Anita presented an update on group’s activities to date

o  PSS in process for approval

o  This is framework to support various registries, looking for a better way for data to be exchanged across registries.

o  Hope is to create a DAM that shows what registries do.

o  Looking at what is currently available, what are the gaps and how to address the gaps

·  Jason & Frank offer explanation of what Quintiles does internationally

o  Who they partner with etc.

·  Indicated that they would be very happy to be work with the Registry Group.

Domain Analysis Model

·  ACTION: Quintiles was asked to provide input on draft DAM document

·  ACTION: Anita asked John Robert’s to give his perspective on DAM

White Paper

·  Writing White Paper – authors are all DAM experts but they would like to have vendor input

·  Rachel & Seth Blum taking the lead

o  Writing team – Anita, Ed, Rachel, Seth & AbdulMalik

·  We are at in early stages of the project

·  Rachel gave background information for Quintiles – Define HL7 standards, looking at what Standards are, the need for standards, and how they all interact. Define what a registry is and the need for a standardized processes.

·  Now focusing on sections 3 through 6 of the paper

·  ACTION: Anita will send Quintiles a copy of draft white paper

§  Audience: Standards people who want to know more about registries

§  Quintiles (Frank) is interested in joining the writing team

§  Question: Is ARC participating?

§  Floyd: created a white paper that was balloted

·  Questions: should we consider balloting the registry white paper

o  White Paper should be defined as a ‘for comment only’ document which would stay in the Work Group, or be defined as an ‘informative document’ which could go out to other Work Groups. Suggestion was made if White Paper is to be balloted it should be defined as ‘For Comment Only’ and stay within CIC WG.

o  Anita made motion made to ballot the White Paper ‘As Informative, seconded by John Roberts.

§  VOTE: Abstentions: 0

Negative: 0

Affirmative: 10

Motion Passed

o  White Paper should be mentioned in PSS before it goes to TSC

§  ACTION: Anita will update PSS before sending to TSC for consideration

§  Floyd: Alise from ARC was on early calls but so far not on writing committee since she is very interested in project.

§  ACTION: Anita will reach out Alise to see if she’d be interested in joining writing committee

·  Mark sent out link to WIKI – minutes will be placed on Wiki,

o  Floyd volunteered to post documents on Wiki after sent to Listserv

·  Suggestion made for meeting attendees to join the HL7 Listserve–

o  ACTION: Anita will send out test email to the Listserve

§  If you don’t get email – please go the HL7 website and join the Listserve

Domain Analysis Model Update - AbdulMalik

o  Use case model almost finished.

o  Just beginning the Class model.

Upcoming Meeting

Anita and AbdulMalik are not available on June 29

June 29 meeting cancelled

In the interim

ACTION: Rachel will send draft of white paper to group

ACTION: AbdulMalik will send draft of DAM to group

ACTION: Frank Minyon, Quintiles will offer feed/back on use cases for next meeting

Agenda for July 13 Meeting

·  Review Quintiles Feedback on Use Cases

·  Discuss Class Diagram

·  Discuss sections of White Paper (Companion Document)

·  Update from Pew PCPI Meeting

Submitted by: Claire Miller

June 15, 2016