Student Council Elections Contract
These rules must be followed in order to run for office:
1. A candidate must be a member of Student Council. Candidates for President and Vice-President must have one year of experience on Student Council.
2. Each candidate must have 50 petition signatures. These signatures must be from the students at GCMS:
- Students may endorse only 2 candidates.
- Petitions must be turned in at the meeting on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014.
3. Each candidate must have three letters of recommendation from GCMS teachers.
- Teachers may only endorse two candidates for each office.
- These recommendations must be turned in at the meeting on October 21st, 2014. They could also be emailed by the teacher to Mrs. Strangeway.
4. All candidates must present a speech according to the following schedule:
- Candidates running for all offices must present a speech during an all-school assembly on Monday, November 3rd, 2014 or during morning announcements the week of October 27th–31st.
- All speeches must be turned in to Mrs. Strangeway by Tuesday, October 21st, 2014. All speeches will be read and approved by Mrs. Strangeway. Candidates will need to meet with Mrs. Strangeway to review their speeches and will do so during the meeting on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014.
5. Campaign signs, banners, or flyers may go up on the morning of Monday, October 27th, 2014.
- All signs must be approved by Mrs. Strangeway and must have an approval signature on the back before they can be posted. Flyers cannot be handed out to individual students. However, you may post flyers on the walls throughout the school.
6. No candy or gum can be given out to the students by the candidates or by their campaigners.
7. All candidates and campaigners must conduct themselves in a respectful manner, observing all the rules of our school. This includes proper, appropriate, and acceptable behavior in their actions and words.
8. The all school election assembly will be held on Monday, November3rd, 2014. Voting will take place in homeroom on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014. The election results will be announced during morning announcements on Monday, November 10th, 2014. All elected officers will have a brief meeting with Mrs. Strangeway on Monday, November 10th, 2014 to discuss the agenda for the first full meeting.
9. This contract must be returned with a student and parent signature Friday, October 10th, 2014.
10. Please keep the first page for your information. Tear off the back page with signatures and return it to Mrs. Strangeway.
Student Council Elections Contract
Agreement Statement:
I have read the above-stated guidelines concerning Student Council elections and I agree to follow these guidelines. I understand that I will not be allowed to be a member of the Student Council or be able to run for an officer position in the council if I do not follow these guidelines. I also understand that if I miss any deadline for handing in petition signatures, teacher recommendations, election speech, or this contract, I will not be allowed to run for office.
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate