Shabonee PTA Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 9:06 am
Waived the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes from October 2016 PTA meeting.
Principal’s Report: Mr. Panozzo
Mrs. Buchanan is @ HP today. Thank you to parents who volunteered for the Halloween Parties. Great Activities, and fun had by all.
Thank you to the Book Fair Committee. Tues night most well attended Book Fair. 5-8pm great time frame, and good selection of books.
Successful Author visit last Thursday. Kids were very engaged, and she is local from Hyde Park.
Nov. 15th End of Trimester. Weds new lunch rotation.
3rd Grade Granny Award Music Performace Nove. 16th
Week after Thanksgiving - Terra Nova Testing (four mornings Tues-Fri)
Reports cards come out Dec. 2nd
Ms. Elizabeth Kramer joining us today as a Teacher representative.
President’s Report: Jill Carter
Golden Spoon going strong, great visual redirection and observant of their behavior
Dolphin got a name - simulated real voting. Used Google Forms and voting stickers.
Hope -8, Bubble-26, Flip-32, Fin-33
January Inauguration of the name.
Vice-President’s Report: Betsy Hara
Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Leslie Fakhoury
Nothing to report
Secretary’s Report: Donna Drakopoulos
PTA perks winner this month is Karen Stepen, .

New Business (Committee Reports)
Book Fair: Successful BF, did 11K. About $700 more than last year. School cash raised about $2,500. A BOGO Book Fair will be held in May.
Box Tops: Almost 4400 Box Tops send in. = $440. Do it again in February.
Communications: NA
Council Scholarship: NA
Directory: Came out Monday 11/7. A lot of new families this year, and a lot of data changed causing delay.
Display Cases: Two student collections to be displayed next week.
Environmental: ongoing recycling collection, batteries and toner cartridges. Will eliminate phone bin. Request to add used markers/crayons to be converted into clean burning fuel. Waiting to approve a budget. Possible plastic bins for classroom composting (hoping will get bins donated). November 15th America Recycles forms to go out.
Family Night: Winter and Spring. Movie night on a Friday. Popcorn, pizza and water possibilities. Laura Singer & Amy Torf to plan.
Fundraising: January 20% to PTA - host at Granite City.
Gifts: More Standing desks, and looking into Music Instrument Park equipment. That would be a summer project/addition to the playground.
Hot Lunch: More to discuss next meeting. Not going well, and looking for new options.
Membership: NA
Philanthropy: NA
PBIS Liaison: Dolphin dollars earned for positive behaviors. More in December.
Room Parents: Halloween Room Parties fun and organized. Next party December 22nd.
School Supplies: Signed Contract for next year. Maybe without headphone, or better ones available.
Shabonee Carnival: NA
Shabonee Community: 1 new family yesterday.
Spirit wear: Another order in Jan.
Square One Art: More after Thanksgiving.
Teacher Appreciation: loved apple surprises. Another surprise in Nov.
World Language: NA
Yearbook: Working on 5th grade page for yearbook.
In attendance: John Panozzo, Elizabeth Kramer, Donna Drakopoulos, Jill Carter, Olga Rozenbaum, Debbie Rothschild, Betsy Hara, Natalie Whelan, Leslie Fakhoury, Anna Harris, Mileen Zucker, and Emily Taylor.
Meeting adjourned 9:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Drakopoulos