
Do you want to share a Senior Baby Ad in the 2018 LDHS Yearbook?

We hope so. 

Please save, read, and use these forms.

*ONE character = ONE letter, number, space, symbol, or punctuation mark. (Space is limited.)

Family Members of the Class of 2018:October 2017

Congratulations for being the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a member of the Lower Dauphin High School Class of 2018. This is an important year for your senior, but it is also an important year for you, as individuals who have worked so hard to guide our seniors to this stage in their lives. Along the way, countless memories have been made. Many of our childhood memories were captured with cameras. It’s time to share…

Will you share amessage and/or picture(s) of your senior in the 2018 edition of the Lower Dauphin High School Yearbook (Falconaire)?We hope so.

You can share a brief message and up to 2 photographs in a special feature of the yearbook called the Baby/Childhood Advertisement. Your purchase of a Baby/Childhood advertisement not only celebrates our seniors, but it also helps to support the Yearbook class in terms of funding technology, events, and defraying the cost of the yearbook for everyone.

Please participate right now.Simply send your ONE or TWO picture(s) as an attachment to r submit a CD/flash-drive/printed copy to Mr. Chortanoff in the library.

Everything is due before1.12.2018.

There is a cost for this special feature. Make checks payable toLower Dauphin Yearbook.

*Option #1:$25 for just a message

*Option #2: $35 for a message with ONE picture*See SAMPLE LAYOUT.

*Option #3: $45 for a message with TWO pictures.

*There is no need for quotation marks. Use abbreviations and initials to your advantage.

For space reasons, you are restricted to 75 characters (a character is a letter, number, space, symbol, or punctuation mark). If your message is more than 75 characters, the staff may modify your message without consultation.Sample message of 68 characters is below:

Keep chasing your dreams, John! Enjoy life. Be happy. Love, family.


If you wish to participate, here is what you need to do:

  • Complete the next page, a formtitled: Senior Baby/Childhood Advertising Formby 1.12.2018.
  • Enclose cash or a check payable to “Lower Dauphin Yearbook” in the amount of $25, $35, or $45depending on the type of advertisement you select (Option #1, #2, or #3)---see last page.
  • Return that form anda print, CD, or flash-drive copyto LDHSor email adigital copy(.jpeg or .pdf) to (identify the student/parent). If you send in a print copy, write the senior’sname on the back of it and be sure to have the senior pick it up before the end of the school year.

We look forward to receiving your messages and picture(s)—this is a great way to personalize the yearbook. Surprise them! We keep these ads secret. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Chortanoff (advisor)at or call at 566.5330. Thank you very much for your continued support of our yearbook and our students.Lastly, please order a yearbook ator use the post cardsthat will be mailed home (and in Main and Counseling Offices).


The 2017-2018 Lower Dauphin Yearbook (Falconaire)Staff

Senior Baby/ Childhood Advertising Form

Due Friday,January 12th, 2018

Parent/Guardian:______Phone Number:______

Senior:______Email address:______

A. Mark the type of advertisement you are purchasing: (See the next page for SAMPLE LAYOUT.)

[ ] Option #1: $25.00 …………………………………………………………….MAX 75characters

[ ] Option #2: $35.00 …………………………………………………………….MAX 75characters*** plus 1 photo

[ ] Option #3: $45.00 …………………………………………………………….MAX 75 characters*** plus 2 photos

ONE character=ONE letter, number, space,

symbol, or punctuation mark.


B. Markyour type of payment:

[ ] Check payable to “Lower Dauphin Yearbook” given to the Yearbook Staff/Mr. Chortanoff. (Our preferred method)

[ ] Cashgiven to Mr. Chortanoff.


C.Markyour way of submitting photo(s):

[ ] Identified and emailed to . (Our preferred method)

[ ] Labeled and submitted on a CD or flash-drive.

[ ] Submitted a print copy of the photo(s) with name on the back of picture(s).It will be returned in May.


This form, your payment to “Lower Dauphin Yearbook,” and picture(s)

must be submitted before1.12.2018.


Lower Dauphin High School

c/o Yearbook/Falconaire/Mr. Chortanoff

201 South Hanover Street

Hummelstown, Pennsylvania 17036

For more info (like this letter) and updates, see:

Twitter: @LDHSFalconaire


You have 3 options.


OPTION #1: $25

Senior’s first and last name goes here.

“Your message of up to 75characters goes here.”


OPTION #2: $35

Senior’s first and last name goes here.

Your senior’s submitted baby picture goes here.

“Your message of up to 75characters goes here.”


OPTION #3: $45

Senior’s first and last name goes here.

Your senior’s firstsubmitted baby picture goes here. / Your senior’s second submitted baby picture goes here.

“Your message of up to 75characters goes here.”

ONE character = ONE letter, number, space, symbol, or punctuation mark. (Because space is limited.)