Position: Teaching Artist (Deadly Arts)
Position Objective:
The key objective of the role is to plan and deliver a sequential learning program in any area of the creative arts and to engage teachers in the program with a possible view to professional development as directed by the Director of Programs and in response to The Song Room (TSR) strategic plan and vision. The Teaching Artist should utilise both their artistic expertise and enthusiasm for their art form in their engagement of both the staff and the students in the workshop program.
The Teaching Artist reports to the relevant Regional Program Coordinator in the first instance and ultimately to the Director of Programs, in accordance with TSR policies, procedures and best practice in transparency and accountability. The Teaching Artist is responsible for the duties set out below, within the framework of statutory requirements, organisational policies and contractual arrangements or agreements made with other organisations. The Teaching Artist will promote and operate within the core values and goals of TSR.
Staff Relationships:
Where relevant and appropriate the Teaching Artist will work and liaise with the Regional Program Coordinator, Director of Programs as well as teachers and staff at the school.
Relationships and Duties
Relationships / Responsible for:• Planning and delivery of sequential creative Deadly Arts workshop
programs by liaising with schools and Regional Program Coordinator as
directed by Director of Programs;
• Engaging Teachers in the program by mentoring where
appropriate and with a view to professional development;
• Liaising with TSR Regional Program Coordinator regarding program
development and delivery, capacity building within the school environment and potential performance outcome of program.
Workshop Programs / The Teaching Artist will plan and deliver a creative learning workshop by:
• Planning content, resources and delivery of a creative learning
program for students;
• Providing The Song Room with a comprehensive Program Plan,
linked to school requirements in relation to demographic
backgrounds of the student cohort;
• Devising artistic and cultural content of program, seeking ways to
enrich the program through partnerships with arts organisations
and opportunities to raise the level of artistic merit through the
duration of the program and the performance outcome;
• Including a small performance outcome for the end of the
program, where appropriate;
• Providing a positive and safe environment for children to explore
creative arts;
• Encouraging teachers to participate and engage in the workshop
• Communicating with school contact and class teachers regularly
about the program;
• Developing a relationship with the school to foster sustainability,
including artistic mentoring with teachers and follow-up
Professional Development;
• Providing The Song Room with a written evaluation on the
Program Plan;
• Creative art forms include, but are not limited to, singing,
instrumental music, percussion, drama, creative movement, puppetry, visual arts and poetry.
Communication / Works with Regional Program Coordinator and The Song Room Team, and in line with The Song Room’s communication strategy, to:
• Build relationships with students and school personnel, especially
teachers in relation to on-going mentoring programs and
professional development opportunities following the workshop
• Maintain a relationship and have regular contact with TSR’s Regional Program Coordinator;
• Attend Professional Development days for Teaching Artists.
Administration / The Teaching Artist is responsible for:
• Adhering to the relevant Policy and Procedures of The Song Room
and at no time bringing TSR into disrepute;
• Maintaining appropriate records in accordance with the TSR quality
assurance policies and procedures;
• Ensuring completion of program plans and evaluation in
accordance with The Song Room Program Evaluation Framework;
• Assisting with program evaluations from schools and communities.