Adams Johns Kennard Chartered Architects Chartered Quantity Surveyors CDM Co-ordinator

Design and Access Statement

St Peter’s CE Primary School, Chailey

The following Design and Access statement is to be read in conjunction with the Planning Application:-

The school is located at East Grinstead Road, North Chailey, Lewes, BN8 4DB.

Access to the new 5 bay Preschool Nursery unit from the school is via the existing path and external staircase at the side and rear of the school. The new unit will be located on the site of the existing 2 No removed temporary classroom units at the North end of the existing school and playing field. The main access into the units will be via the existing path which leads off the external staircase from the school.


The proposal is to relocate the existing preschool accommodation which is located in a brick outbuilding off the playground area with a new refurbished

5 bay temporary classroom unit in the location of the two dilapidated single temporary mobile classrooms at the North end of St Peter’s CE Primary School, Chailey, The existing dilapidated units will have been removed from site and the ground and foot path made good prior to the installation of the new unit.

The proposed area to locate the new PreSchool unit is not used currently by the school as playing field space due to the existinglarge Oak tree and the existing dilapidated temporary classroom units to the north of the site. The site location of the new pre-school nursery unit has not been used as part of the sports playing field for at least the last 12years.

In locating the new unit on the site of the old dilapidated units will not affect the playing field area or affect the way in which the field is currently used by the school. The mechanical and waste services required for the new unit exist in the area and the proposal requires no alteration or reconfiguration of the services which could damage the existing playing field.

The playingfield is laid out with the football pitch laid from East to Westdue to the slope of the field from North to South.

The proposed temporary pre-school unit is required as the existing brick outbuilding accommodation on the site is in need of refurbishment. It has been indicated that to refurbish the unit to current standards would not be an economical propositions.

Design and Access Statement

St Peter’s CE Primary School, Chailey

Numbers at the school have remained consistent over recent years with a small increase to 131 pupils this year with a further increase up to 151. This has meant the temporary accommodation has continued to be used to support the delivery of the curriculum.

This proposal will allow the preschool facilities to continue at its current standard and numbers and meet the local requirement for a preschool facility which is needed in a rural area. The location of the new preschool unit next to the school playing field, will also allow a greater use of the playing field. The new 5 bay temporary unit will be linked to the other temporary classroom units. The new unit will have its own toilets and washing facilities located within its design.

A feasibility study has been carried out to determine how permanent accommodation could be developed. However the Children’s Services Department is awaiting suitable funding opportunities to progress the work.

We are therefore seeking planning consent for a period of five years (August 2015).

Existing / Proposed
Staff / 5.40 (FTE) / 6.4
Pupils / 131 / 151

The unit will be linked with the school’s main alarm system and intercom system. A separate intruder alarm system will be fitted and linked with the school.

Design and layout of the new unit will be designed to suite the requirements of the school and to meet current standards and DDA requirements.

There is no provision for landscaping around the new temporary classroom unit, as the units will only be on site for a period of five years and therefore no further landscaping is required. The existing Oak tree will be protected while the construction works are carried out. It is not anticipated that the Oak tree will be affected by the new proposal.

The unit will be painted “East Sussex Green”.

Crime Prevention

Security will be provided via the existing school arrangements supplemented by the contractor’s security on site.


The new mobile temporary classroom units will be fitted with an accessible rampand steps located at the front of the building, leading to the new and extended main footpath. The new fire access will lead directly back to the school and playing field area.

Existing pre-school Nursery unit to be replaced by new temporary unit.

The existing unit is in need of total refurbishment to meet current standards. It is considered that in the present climate that it is not an economical propositions to carry out these works.