Application for funding: Guidance

(please delete this section prior to submitting your application)

Section / Minimum information requirements
Purpose of this document / The purpose of this document is to enable an initial assessment of a proposed project, in terms of strategic alignment and context. The committee may seek further details from the applicant prior to making a recommendation to the Minister.
If the proposal is approved the information in this document will be used to provide information about your project to a variety of audiences, including Fund Committees, Ministers, Cabinet, or for Annual Reports, Departmental website, and Industry forums.
Length and format / Please do not exceed 6 pages in total. Font: Calibri 11
Delete this guidance section to provide additional space.
Please submit as a Word document to:
Project name / Please provide a short title for this project (5 or 6 words maximum)
Project budget / Please indicate estimated total budget from compensation funds and other sources. Indicate cash or in-kind for other sources.
Project synopsis / A brief summary of the project for use in publications (200 words maximum).
For example, a statement about the problem this project will address, an indication of the significance of the problem, how the project will address the problem, the target group. This is your business justification.
What’s in scope? What’s out of scope?
Project success / What does success look like for this project in terms of achieving its intended outcome/s?
Impact and Demonstration / What will be the impact of this work? How will you demonstrate it? What qualitative and/or quantitative data do you plan to collect as part of this project?
Alignment to Strategic Intent / Please refer to the current Statement of Strategic Intent (see website) and briefly explain the alignment of this proposed project.

Underlying assumptions / What are the underlying assumptions behind this project? (i.e. what are the conditions believed to be necessary for the success of this project)
Collaboration and co-investment / Indicate any collaboration or co-investment to implement this project
Alignment with strategic initiatives / Identify any strategic initiatives with which this project aligns
Milestone / (Month Year) What are the key stages of your project, when will they be completed? Describe each milestone and the key deliverables created. Approximate amount of funding required for each milestone. Please note: the committees endorse a report at the end of each milestone before payment can occur
Targeted stakeholders / Who are your targeted stakeholders for this project? (top 5 only)
What is the desired stakeholder behaviour change (i.e. what do you want them to do differently) as part of your project?
What strategic interventions (e.g. face to face meetings, social media etc.) do you plan to undertake with these stakeholders to achieve desired behaviour change?
Risks / The 2 or 3 most significant risks to achieving the outcomes
What measures have you built into your project design to manage this risk
Detailed budget / Where exact costs are not yet known please indicate a range. Total amount requested will reflect the maximum amount. When the Funding Agreement is being negotiated more precise costs will be defined.

Thank you!

Application for funding

Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund

Part 1. Summary
Project Name
Postal Address
Street Address
Primary Project Contact Name
Project Manager
Address for correspondence (if different from above)
Email Address
Start Date / Project budget / Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund / $
Other (specify) / $ / cash/in-kind
Total / $
Has your organisation previously received funding from the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund? / Yes/No / If Yes, then go to Part 2 –Project Information.
If you have not been a recipient of monies from the Honey Bee Compensation and Industry Development Fund please explain what are the main activities of your organisation(s)? / (Maximum 200 words)
Part 2. Project information
Project synopsis
What does success look like for this project?
Impact and Demonstration
How does this project align to the Statement of Strategic Intent?
What lessons have you incorporated from previous or similar projects?
What are the key aims and objectives of your project?
List the stages or milestones of your project (title of milestone or stage only)
1. / 5.
2. / 6.
3. / 7.
4. / 8.
For each milestone or stage describe what will be achieved, the key deliverables, timeframes and budget.
Copy and paste table for each milestone as required.
Milestone / Insert number / Title
Description / (Maximum 100 words)
Deliverable / Due date / Amount from compensation fund
Degree of collaboration and co-investment
Alignment with strategic initiatives
(Maximum 150 words)
Targeted stakeholders / Desired stakeholder behaviour change / Strategic intervention
Risk description / Treatment
What measures will you put in place to manage the risk
Part 3. Budget information
Expenditure Item/Activity / Compensation Fund
(excluding GST)
$ / Other Contribution
(excluding GST)
$ / Total
(excluding GST)
Salaries, Consultants and Contractors
Total wages/salaries
Operational Costs and Materials
Total operating
Travel details
Total travel
Total Other
Will this project generate revenue? If so please describe and provide an estimate
Revenue activity / Amount
Part 4. Applicant Declaration

I declare to the best of my knowledge that all the details supplied in this application form and in the attached documents are true and correct. I have read and understood the accompanying guidelines and conditions to applicants provided on the Fund website with this application form. The Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport & Resources will be contacted immediately if any information provided in this application changes or is incorrect.

I consent to the information contained within this application being collected, used and disclosed by the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport & Resources for the purpose of promoting my current and any future funding applications.

I agree to identify the livestock fund as the funding source in all project communications.
