P.O. BOX 673 – 50100


TEL: O56–30795, 31552 FAX: 056-31506


1.2 Geographical coverage

The Board covers an area of 14000km sq. comprising administrative districts in Western Province and part of the Rift Valley Province. The Districts include Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, Vihiga, Mt. Elgon, Lugari/Malava, Teso, Butere/Mumias, Uasin Gishu, Nandi North, Trans Nzoia and Marakwet district towns of Kapenguria and Makutano only.

1.3 Water Sources

Current estimates of Kenyan water supply indicate that 75 percent of the country’s urban population has access to safe drinking water, while only 50 percent of the rural population has access to potable water from various schemes, including piped water schemes, boreholes, protected springs, pans and dams. There are varied water resources locations within LVNWSB area of operation which as shown in the table 1 below:

Table 1

Item / District / No of Boreholes / No of Dams / No of protected springs
1 / Trans Nzoia / 13 / 4 / 27
2 / Uasin Gishu / 7 / 16 / 14
3 / Bungoma / 157 / 21 / 148
4 / Busia / 301 / 4 / 213
5 / Butere/Mumias / 206 / 0 / 242
6 / Kakamega / 339 / 4 / 470
7 / Lugari / 19 / 3 / 21
8 / Mt. Elgon / 15 / 1 / 24
9 / Teso / 26 / 0 / 16
10 / Vihiga / 165 / 3 / 115
11 / Nandi North / 6 / 0 / 19
12 / Marakwet / 6 / 1 / 27
Total / 1260 / 57 / 1336

Major rivers and dams in the Board area:

Rivers: Malakisi, Tisi, Lwakhakha, Kimilili, Sosio, Kuywa, Kibisi, Isikhu, Kamukutwa, Nzoia, Chwele, Yala and Sio

Dams: Chebara, Nziwa and Kipkaren

1.4 Population and service provision

According to the 1999 National Population Census the Lake Victoria North Water Services Board has an estimated population of 6,458, 015. Out of these only about 44% (2,840,719 people) are served by water. The main providers of water and sewerage services within the region are the Nzoia Water Services Company Ltd, the Western Water Services Company Ltd, the Amatsi Water Services Company Ltd and Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company Ltd. The total numbers of water and sewerage facilities within LVNWSB are 392.

Sanitation coverage is not adequately documented especially in rural areas. Towns which have sewerage facilities are Eldoret, Kakamega, Busia, Webuye, Kitale and Kapsabet. The performance of sewerage facilities in Kakamega, Webuye and Kitale is however not satisfactory. Major centres which are not sewered include Butere, Burnt Forest, Mbale, Mumias, Malakisi, Makutano, Matunda, Mois Bridge, Kimilili, Kiminini, Lwanda, and Turbo.