Regular Council Meeting Minutes

June 18th, 2014

Page # 8


ATTENDANCE Mayor Tyler Lindsay, Deputy Mayor Danny LeCain, Councillors Ian Glendinning, Sandi Hedin, Jon Hood

Staff Kim Owen and residents as observers

CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 5:26pm by Mayor Lindsay

OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Lindsay opened the meeting to the public discussion at 5:27pm regarding the Punga road closure. One question was asked by resident Donna Millhaem but there were no specific objections raised by those in attendance. Councillor Hood returned to regular council meeting at 5:34pm.



043-14 Mark Boltezar and Darren Wilde with Wilde Bros. Engineering Ltd, attended the meeting bringing a new set of plans for a ditch along 7th Ave as we have a resident that does not think the pre-existing plans of a berm will be suffice. Along with plans they brought quotes for the ditch and possibly a 12” culvert ranging from $8,500.00 to $15,000.00. Mark & Darren explained how the new plans would work and Mr. Jorgenson also came with a drawing/plans that he thought would work also. Mr. Jorgenson thinks that a ditch is cheaper than a berm and that the Village has man power to build the ditch cheaper than the berm.

Deputy Mayor LeCain made a motion to go with option #3 for the 7th Avenue drainage which includes full ditch construction length 122m, culvert installation (17m), and full ditch construction length 70m. Carried.

Mark & Darren with Wilde Bros. Engineering also brought quotes for the paving on 4th Ave. They had quotes from McNally’s for $79,199.80 and Tollestrup for $102,669.25. Mark advised that we need to make a decision on which quote to accept to get into the que for paving. If we don’t do it soon we might not get the paving done this year.

Councillor Hood made a motion to accept the quote from McNally’s for $79,199.80 Carried.

Mr. Boltezar & Mr. Wilde Left at 6:22pm & Mr. Jorgenson left at 6:04pm




044-14 Mark Lowe attended the meeting to talk about the amount of money that the school would need from the Village for the matching modernization grant for the kitchen being built at the Warner School. Mr. Lowe advised that Alisa Thomas would be the better person to talk to about the dollar amounts as she is the one working on the grants. Rough cost on the kitchen will be $225,000.00. Plans for the new school will be online soon to print off and post in the Village office. Mark advised that it would be best to ask Alisa back to the July meeting to explain more about the matching grant.

Mayor Lindsay advised council that he has donated two rooms in the Village office for the school to use as classrooms while the school is going through the modernization process. They will use the council chambers and the old dance room.

Mr. Lowe left at 6:34pm




045-14 Mr. Bueckert attended the meeting to talk about the pump site beside the old Hal Peterson farm north of Warner on highway 4. Mr. Bueckert would like to get water from our water pump/line so he can water his lawn after purchasing the farm from Hal Peterson. Mr. Bueckert asked if we could fill up the line up the hill and let water drain out when he opens the valves to water his lawn and water his son’s sheep. Mr. Bueckert also advised that he would look into getting his own meters for the waterline at his own cost. Mrs. Owen that was taking the minutes at the meeting asked Jake if he knew about a lease agreement that the Village had with the previous land owner for $300 a year. Mr. Bueckert was not aware of the agreement. Council decided that they would talk to Stan with the Public Works department to see what he thought and would it work. Then Council would make a decision on what they would like to proceed with.

Mr. Bueckert left at 6:51pm



Approval of Agenda Mayor Lindsay asked for additions or deletions to the agenda.

Deputy Mayor LeCain moved to adopt the agenda as altered.



Approval of Minutes Councillor Hood moved to approve the minutes of the May 21st, 2014 regular council meeting minutes as presented.



Approval of Minutes Deputy Mayor LeCain approved the organized minutes of the May 9th, 2014 meeting as presented.



Approval of Consent Agenda Councillor Hood moved to approve the consent agenda as provided.



Approval of Accounts Payable Councillor Hood made a motion to accept the accounts payable as provided.



Taxes Due Date Mayor Jon and Councillor Hedin mentioned there was no motion to move the tax date to July 31, 2014. The date will be August 31st, 2014 in the books so there is no motion needed. August 31st, 2014 is a Sunday so people can put their cheque in the slot or they can come in Monday morning to pay their taxes with no penalty.

Councillors Corner Administration will be responsible for the June newsletter and then the cycle starts again.

Policy Manuals They policy manuals will be done just like the bylaws prior to this council. They will be brought to the table in September 2014 and reviewed in sections.

Ridge Water Quality Meeting Mayor Hood has advised there is no action happening with the Ridge Water Quality. Councillor Lindsay advised that they are starting to survey Ridge.

Report From Asst. Arena Op. The Assistant Arena Operator Sue Beatty is asking if it would be okay to rent out the civic centre for the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guide. They will need the civic centre a couple nights a week for approximately 2 hours at a time during our dry floor season. Sue handed in their insurance policy from Jan 1, 2013 to Jan 1, 2014. She also handed in a copy of the group bylaws and examples of their venue insurance they supplied the City of Lethbridge for the use of the Adams Ice Arena. They currently pay the City of Lethbridge $70/hr. and Sue would recommend that we try to beat the price by at least $5.00 to encourage more off season usage. They LRDG would like to rent as soon as possible (immediately after the Gala) until we install the ice in the fall.



Tax Bylaw Mayor Hood moves to change the dates (year) on the tax bylaw from May 21st, 2013 to May 21st, 2014. 1st reading May 21st, 2014 2nd reading May 21st, 2014 3rd reading to set a date


Borrowing Bylaw 541-13 Mayor Hood moved to go to first reading of bylaw 541-13. Bring back the bylaw in the June agenda for 2nd and 3rd reading.


Request From Warner School Council is looking for more information as they are not sure if they want $5000 or $25,000. Council is looking for someone to come to the next council meeting to come and explain more on the Warner School Modernization so council can ask questions on what exactly they are looking for.

Purchase of Sander/Spreader Council discussed that you could buy a new sander in Lethbridge for $6300 and we could put an offer on the sander at the MD of Taber that is 8-10 years old and needs a little maintenance. The bid for the sander needs to be in by May 30th. Council discussed not to put a bid in higher than $1500 for the sander.

041-14 Councillor Glendinning moves to put a bid of $1500 including GST for the sander/spreader to the MD of Taber. Carried

Gala Table Request Council discussed buying tickets to the Warner Hockey School Dinner & Gala. Council decided to buy 8 tickets for the hockey gala.

042-14 Mayor Hood makes a motion that the Village of Warner will buy 8 tickets to the hockey gala, two tickets will be given to each community organization. The Warner Elks, Seniors Society, Library Board & the Lions Club of Warner.



2014 Budget Councillor Hedin moves to accept the 2014 budget as is.


Roller Derby Council discusses the roller derby practise that will go on at the hockey rink during the dry season. They advised that Sue the rink assistant should let the roller derby people know that there will be no concession during their practices. The rink assistant will have to open and close the arena for the roller girls and be the contact person. The roller girls will be able to start using the arena on June 12th, 2014. Council has asked the Sue bring in a schedule if they are to host games in the arena so that they can go and watch.

044-14 Mayor Hood makes a motion to rent the arena to the Lethbridge Roller Girls for $60.00 an hour. Carried

Burning Bylaw Council discussed the burning bylaw for the Village of Warner and thinking maybe we should look over the bylaw at the next council meeting. Council is looking into maybe adding times to the burning bylaw that you can burn your garbage or in your fire pit. Mayor Hood advised that he would email Kim Alberta Environment burning regulations she could put those in the June Village Newsletter for the residents to review. Council advised that we will have to add the burning bylaw to the next council agenda.

Rescue Truck Purchase Fire Chief Rick has received three bids for the old Rescue Truck. The top bid is $5500. The cheque will be made to the Village of Warner. The Village Council is okay with Municipal Clerk Kim Owen signing the registration as Lisa is not here anymore.

045-14 Mayor Hood makes a motion to accept the bid of $5500 for the old rescue truck. Carried

Overage Charge on Water Rates Council discussed raising the overage charge on water use. The water commission is now charging us 79 cents a m3 (cube) and as of May 21st we are charging the residents 54 cents a cube on their overage use. Council discussed raising the overage charge to $1.00 a m3 (cube) as we need to cover what we are getting charged plus an extra 10 cents will be used for the commission to take care of the water line.

046-14 Mayor Hood make a motion to raise the water overage use to $1.00 a m3 (cube) over the allowed 22 m3 on the Village water bills starting on the May utility bill. Carried

IN CAMERA SESSION No in camera discussion required.


DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be May 26th 6:00pm for the hiring of the CAO position.

The next regular council meeting will be June 18th, 2014 at 5:30pm

ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hood moved to adjourn at

047-14 Carried


Jon Hood, Mayor Kim Owen, Municipal Clerk



Bylaw 545-14 As a formality, council needs to go to first reading of Bylaw 545-14 regarding the closure of a public road.

Mayor Hood moved to go to first reading of Bylaw 545-14.




In Camera Session Mayor Hood moved to go in camera at 7:30 pm


Regular Session Councillor LeCain moved to go back to regular session at 8:19 pm


MEETING The next regular council meeting will be Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 at 5:30.


036-14 Mayor Hood moved to adjourn at 8:20 pm



Jon Hood, Mayor Lisa Carroll, CAO