Mitochondria Evidence Summary Page

Exercised for 120 minutes a day / Exercised for 10 minutes a day / Did not exercise at all
Amount of mitochondria / 4.67 mg per gram of muscle / 4.21 mg per gram of muscle / 2.97 mg per gram of muscle
Average weight / 353 grams / 367 grams / 348 grams


Cellular Respiration Occurs in the Mitochondria:

C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + ENERGY

glucose oxygen carbon dioxide water

Photosynthesis occurs in the Chloroplasts:

ENERGY + H2O + CO2 C6H12O6 + O2

light water carbon dioxide glucose oxygen

Nucleus Model and Evidence Summary Sheet


The nucleus gives instructions to make cell structures. It works like this:

The nucleus is a membrane with strands of DNA inside. Each strand of DNA is a sequence of genes. A gene is a small bit of DNA. /  / Each gene gives instructions to the cell to make particular chemical structures.
Different genes give instructions to make different chemical structures. /  / The chemical structures do things in the cell.
Patients with type 1 diabetes / Patients without diabetes
Patient / DRB gene / DRB protein / Patient / DRB gene / DRB protein
1 / Mutated / No protein / 1 / Normal / Normal
2 / Mutated / No protein / 2 / Normal / Normal
3 / Normal / Normal / 3 / Normal / Normal
4 / Mutated / No protein / 4 / Mutated / No protein
5 / Mutated / No protein / 5 / Normal / Normal
6 / Mutated / No protein / 6 / Normal / Normal
7 / Mutated / No protein / 7 / Normal / Normal
8 / Normal / Normal / 8 / Normal / Normal
9 / Mutated / No protein / 9 / Normal / Normal
10 / Mutated / No protein / 10 / Normal / Normal

Chloroplast Evidence Summary Page
