3rd Annual Safe Schools Summit


Saturday, April 12, 9am-3pm

CCSU, Vance Academic Center and NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

8-9am: Registration and Chapter/Display Table Set-up (7:30-8am), NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

Registration Check-in (8-9am), NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

9-9:55am: Opening Session with Keynote Speaker, NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

1.  Welcome: Chapter Leader and Student Leader

2.  Introduction to GLSEN, Connecticut Chapter, and Student Org. Team: Chapter Leader and Student Leader

3.  Introduction to CCSU LGBT Advisory Committee (Summit Co-sponsor): LGBT Advisory Committee Member(s)

4.  Statement of Summit Goals/Objectives: Chapter Leader and Student Leader

5.  Keynote Speaker TBD with Introduction by GLSEN Connecticut Co-chair Anthony Brisson (20 min. with 5 min. Q & A)

6.  Review of Community Agreements: All Student Leaders (with PGPs)

7.  Review of Community Expectations and Schedule: Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., Conference Coordinator

10-11am: Workshops, Session 1: KNOWLEDGE-CULTIVATION, Vance

Student Org. Team-Led Workshop (Facilitators TBD):

Option A: “LGBTQ 101: Coming Out and Supporting LGBT Students,” Vance 102

Option B: “GSA Toolbox: The Ins and Outs of GSAs,” Vance 103

Option C: “Non-Binary Gender and Sexuality: The 411,” Vance 104

Non-Team Led Workshops:

Option A: “State & Federal Laws Protecting Transgender Students: What Do We

Know?”: Dr. William Howe, State Title IX Coordinator/Civil Rights Compliance, and Kimberly

Traverso, Education Consultant, Connecticut State Department of Education, Vance 105

Option B: “Sharpen Your Pencils: What Parents and Educators of LGBTQ Youth Should

Know About Students’ Rights”: Vickie Henry, Senior Staff Attorney, Gay & Lesbian

Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), Vance 204

11:05am-12:05pm: Workshops, Session 2: SKILLS-BUILDING, Vance

Student Org. Team-Led Workshops (Facilitators TBD):

Option A: “What Does It Take to Be a Better Ally?”: Vance 102

Option B: “Bisexuality: It Isn’t Just a Phase”: Vance 103

Option C: “Safe Sex: What Does That Have to Do with Safe Schools?”: Vance 104

Non-Team Led Workshops:

Option A: “Intersections of Identity: Conversations in the Classroom”: Anthony Brisson,

GLSEN Connecticut Co-chair and State Education Resource Center (SERC) Consultant, and Nicole Vitale, SERC Consultant, Vance 105

Option B: “Trans* Etiquette: Making the Educational Environment More Comfortable for

Trans* Students”: Layne Gianakos, former Jump-Start Team Student Coordinator, and Mimi

Barcomi, Vance 204

12:10-1:10pm: Lunch and Open Mic, NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

1:20-2:20pm: Workshops, Session 3: ACTION-PLANNING, Vance

Student Org. Team-Led Workshops:

Option A: “What Parents Can Do to Make Schools Safer”: Facilitators TBD, Vance 102

Option B: “Organizing Around Faith-Based LGBTQ Safe School Initiatives”: Facilitators

TBD, Vance 103

Option C: “First Hand: What Gr. 6-12 Educators Need To Know To Support Their Trans*

Students”: Joy Lenters, GLSEN Connecticut Secretary/GSA Outreach Coordinator; Layne

Gianakos, former Jump-Start Team Student Coordinator; Calliope Wong, former Student Org.

Team Leader; and current Student Org. Team Leaders Maize Maldonado and Blaine Pawlak,

Vance 104

Non-Team Led Workshops:

Option A: “Envisioning the InQUEERsive Classroom: Using Theater to Create and Foster

Safer School Spaces”: Daniel Mahler, True Colors Studio Lead Teacher, The Theater Offensive, Vance 105

Option B: “GLSEN’s Guide to Viewing Valentine Road”: Christoph Sawyer, GLSEN Connecticut Digital Communications Coordinator, Vance 204

2:30-3pm: Closing Session, NW Dining Room, Memorial Hall

1.  Brief Closing Remarks by Two Selected Student Leaders (one remaining and one graduating) with Introductions by Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., Conference Coordinator (20 min.)

2.  Final Thoughts, Thank You’s, and Acknowledgments: Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., Conference Coordinator (10 min.)

3.  Evaluations: Please Submit to Registration Table Volunteers

PLEASE NOTE: Times, titles, and content of sessions and workshops subject to change.

The chapter reserves the right to limit the number of attendees for all workshops. Please have a second choice.

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