Women in prison (WIP) - Who we are:

Women in Prison (WIP) was founded in 1983 by Chris Tchaikovsky - a woman who had been in HMP Holloway and was driven by the anger she felt at the injustice and pain that she saw there. Today staff, trustees and patrons are driven by a similar determination to radically reduce the female prison population, and shift penal policy to community sentences and holistic support that enables women to improve their life chances and those of their families. For over thirty years WIP has been campaigning for, and providing services to support, women affected by the criminal justice system who face multiple disadvantages.

Today we provide the following:

1)A campaigning voice for systems change and for recognition of the rights and needs of women caught in the criminal justice system, including our 'State of the Estate’ report on the female prison estate.

2)Support services for women in prisons across England and in our community women’s centres in London (Lambeth), Woking and Manchester. In prisons we provide one-to-one holistic advocacy and support for women on a range of issues including complex needs, housing, parenting, domestic violence, education and employment. We provide high quality ‘through the gate’ support and group work on issues including healthy lives and relationships, domestic violence, and exiting prostitution. WIP also provides access to support for women into employment, particularly focused on women with complex needs. Our campaigning and services aim to reduce the use of custody for women, including promoting diversion, community provision and alternatives to custody.

3)A platform for women’s voices including national art and writing competitions/awards and the Women in Prison magazine – “Ready, Steady, Go!” - which is available to more than 4,000 women in custody and is driven by the priorities of women in prison.

4)Education and training for key professionals including probation officers, magistrates, judges and lawyers. We also provide education and employment placements for women on Release on Temporary License (ROTL) and access to distance learning in women’s prisons.

Our values include a passionate commitment to social justice and a belief that empowerment and persistence brings change. Our aim is to “speak truth to power” with honesty, authenticity and integrity. Trust, collaboration and strong partnerships are key to everything we do – all underpinned by kindness, compassion, empathy and care.