Principles of TechnologyCurrent worksheet #1



_____ 1. The flow of electric chargea. ampere

_____2. Particles within a solid conductor that carry charge through a circuit.B. Zero

_____3. SI unit used to measure electric currentc. Electrons

_____4. Equivalent to 1 coulomb of charge per secondd. Electric Current

_____5. The net charge in a current carrying wire

6. If the current in a wire of a CD player is 5.00 mA, how long would it take for 2.00 C of charge to pass a point in this wire?

7. In a particular television tube, the beam of current is 60.0 µA. How long does it take for 3.75 X 1014 electrons to strike the screen?(Convert electrons to coulombs and microAmperes to amperes, then solve)

8. If a metal wire carries a current of 80.0 mA, how long does it take for 3.00 X 1020 electrons to pass a given area of the wire?

9. the compressor on an air conditioner draws 40.0 A when it starts up. Ifthe start-up time is 0.50 s, how much charge passes a point of the circuit in this time?

10. A total charge of 9.0 mC passes through a section of nichrome wire in 3.5 s.

a. What is the current in the wire?

b. how many electrons pass through the section of the wire in 10.0 s?

c. If the number of charges that pass through the area of wire during the given time interval doubles, when is the resulting current?

11. The charge that passes through a filament of a certain light bulb in 5.00 s is 3.0 C.

a. what is the current in the bulb?

b. How many electrons pass through the filament of the light bulb in a time interval of 1.0 min.?

12. How long does it take a total charge of 10.0 C to pass through a section of copper wire that carries a current of 5.0 A?

13. A hair dryer draws a current of 9.1 A

a. How long does it take for 1.9 X 103 C of charge to pass through the hair dryer?

b. How many electrons doe this amount of charge represent?