JANUARY 27, 2016



Co-chair Chris Sariti called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: George Ervin, Gloria LoRe, Tony Lore, Dave May, Danielle Migliacci, Andy O’Connell and Chris Sariti. Also in attendance was Rec Director Dawn DaPuzzo.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by George Ervin, secondedby Gloria LoRe, the meeting minutes of November 18, 2015 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.

Old Business

Tree Lighting: went very well. Good turnout of over 200 people. Many high school volunteers were a great help. Also putting cupcakes on the tables and 2 hot chocolate stations helped with crowds.

Sled Donation: Joanne will check with Fire Co. 1 to see how much of a donation would be needed for the cost of the new sled. We can use Mahwah Day money in September.

Men’s Basketball: Participation is down, as most of the “older” players have been over-run by the more competitive “younger” players. Similar to soccer, we will split the groups into 2 separate, half-court games… one competitive group with 21-34 year olds, and the other less competitive group of 35 and up. Joanne will write up a new ad and send out. We will re-visit in March to see how this revised program is going.

Volleyball: all is well, everyone is enjoying the Co-Ed program.

New Business

Meet the Bunny: Saturday, March 19 at Continental Soldiers, 1:00-3:00. Joanne will advertise and will do a PO to George for $1000. Tina will do face painting. Will check with Deb about being the bunny. Asked about having an egg hunt, but decided to keep it simple, no mess & no upset kids. Need new markers & give away bags. George will check bunny suit. Will discuss further at next meeting.

Garage Sale: discussed several dates, but decided on Saturday, May 14, 9:00 – 3:00. Will check into having Project Graduation or Sports Boosters sell pre-packaged food/drinks.

Town-wide Adult Co-Ed Softball Tournament – The new proposed date is Saturday, June 18, 2016. Chris will look into getting sponsors to pay for team shirts, directly to the supplier. Chris will contact the Mahwah Museum about the 8 sections of Mahwah. He will plan the details of the tournament. We will probably need Commodore Perry fields as well as Continental for preliminary games, then finals at Continental. Chris will contact Fields of Cream with first option to provide food. More info to follow.

Softball: Chris said the women want to switch back to Tues/Thurs games, with men playing on Mon/Wed. Andy said this conflicts with the Industrial League and will affect men’s attendance. Women’s attendance was very low last year. Chris will contact Industrial League to see if they could possibly move to Tues/Thurs. We will need a new registration form for the website and to be emailed to players. Softball in-person registration will be on May 5 and May 25.

Tennis: Will be on Mondays & Wednesdays, June 20-August 1. In-person registration on May 5, May 19 and May 25.

Soccer: In person registration on May 19.

2016 Calendar dates:

Paddle Day: Thursday, July 7, 5:30-7:30. Rain date is July 14. Dawn has key for the gate. $300 to Ramsey Outdoor.

Senior Picnic: Tuesday, July 12 at 12:00. Rain date is July 19. Fields of Cream asked us not to have on Thursday due to the concert series at Ramapo. Dawn spoke with Suzanne at the Senior Center and agreed on Tuesday, 7/12.

Movie Night: Tuesday, July 26. Rain date Wed. July 27. Would like Fields of Cream at CP open to provide food, or maybe we can get a food cart to come and sell food. Dave will give out glow sticks instead of raffles.

Recreation Director’s Report


General Comments

Nic will check dates on possible Spring Bocce.

Dave will check on possible Spring Tennis.

On a motion by Andy O’Connell, seconded by Dave May, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 7:30 pm.

The minutes were prepared by Joanne Becker.