Biography of Mr El Houcine Louardi
Mr. El Houcine Louardi, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, appointed on Wednesday, April 05, 2017 in Rabat, Minister of Health, was born on September 22, 1954.
A member of the Political Bureau of the Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS), Louardi served as Minister of Health in the outgoing government.
Professor Louardi was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca and Professor of Higher Education in the same faculty. A specialist in anesthesia-resuscitation and emergency and disaster medicine, he was also Head of the hospital emergency department at the CHU Ibn Rochd and Chairman of the Emergency Steering Committee at the Wilaya of Greater Casablanca.
Mr. Louardi was also General Secretary of the Moroccan Society of Emergency Medicine and Disaster and Chair of the National Committee for the Equivalence of Diplomas in Health Sciences at the Ministry of Higher Education, the scientific research.
Former Director of Training in Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Mr. Louardi has also been an expert in the World Health Organization (WHO) in Emergency and Disaster Medicine since 1998, a member of the French Society of Medicine The French society of anesthesia resuscitation and the Moroccan society of anesthesia resuscitation, as well as member of the national committee for the preparation of draft laws, in particular on "medical ethics" and active member of the International Conference of Deans of French-Speaking Faculties of Medicine (CIDMEF).
Former President of the Maghreb Conference of Deans of the Faculties of Medicine, Mr. Louardi is the author of several publications and research papers on the teaching of emergency medicine in Morocco: state of play and future prospects "," Moroccan disaster medicine from the example of Casablanca "," Road safety in Morocco ", and" Protocols for the care of emergencies in Morocco ", presented in 2009 to His Majesty King Mohammed VI .
Mr. El Houcine Louardi is married and has a child.