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Record of Proceedings Regular Meeting March 22, 2016
Mrs. Tara Willerup called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room.Roll Call:
Members present: Mmes. Tara Willerup, Lydia Tedone and Susan Salina. Messrs. Mike Goman, Todd Burrick, Tom Frank and Jeff Tindall.
Members absent: Mr. Tom Doran
Also present: Superintendent Matt Curtis, Assistant Superintendent Erin Murray, Assistant Superintendent Sue Homrok-Lemke, Business Manager Burke LaClair, Director of Personnel Neil Sullivan, Student Representative Maia Czaikowski and Recording Secretary Katie Wilde.
Ms. Czaikowski reported on the end of the third quarter at SHS and the start of spring sports. She noted the work being done in the courtyard at the school. Ms. Czaikowski stated that the results for the March SAT will not be available until May; seniors were surveyed about wearing honor cords and pins at graduation; and there is a music trip to Germany and Austria during spring break. She discussed her experience at CABE Day on the Hill.
Mr. Frank stated that the induction of the National Business Honor Society is tomorrow. Ms. Salina noted that James Huang was named an All State and All Conference swimmer. Ms. Tedone reported on CABE Day on the Hill and the NSBA conference in April.
Ms. Lemke stated that April is Autism Awareness month and she reviewed how Simsbury will be participating. Mr. Sullivan reported that he is participating in a first responder townwide exercise. Ms. Murray stated that elementary parent teacher conferences were held last week. She reviewed the professional development schedule upcoming on Monday. Ms. Murray reported on the conference on Personalized Learning that she attended with district administrators and a conference this week which will be attended by 16 district staff members.
Mr. LaClair presented the bid results for the turf field. He stated that the winning bidder, Sprinturf is within the $657,000 budget for the project. Mr. Frank asked if there are any concerns with taking the lowest bid. Mr. LaClair responded that our architect, BSC Group, has extensive experience working with Sprinturf who does a lot of work in the northeast and they have vetted the company.
Mr. Curtis thanked the board as March is Board Appreciation Month.
A. Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2016 Meeting
Ms. Salina: MOVE to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2016 meeting.
Mr. Burrick: Seconded. So moved.
B. Personnel
Ms. Salina: MOVE that the Board of Education accept the retirement of Bertram Morency effective June 30, 2016.
Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.
Mr. Goman: MOVE that the Board of Education accept the resignations of Erin Bednarzyk and Amy Zima Martin effective June 30, 2016.
Mr. Frank: Seconded. So moved.
C. Non-Renewal of Non-Tenured Teachers
Mr. Tindall: MOVE that the contract of employment of the following staff members be non-renewed effective June 30, 2016, and that the Superintendent of Schools is directed to advise such person(s) in writing of this action: Maria Bement, Daniel Franczek, Susan Johnson, Dana Pescatello, and Linda Zabor.
Mr. Burrick: Seconded. So moved.
D. M&M Auto Group Excellence in Trades Scholarship
Mr. Burrick: MOVE that the Board of Education approve the M&M Auto Group Excellence in Trades Award, to be disbursed beginning in 2016.
Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.
E. M&M Entrepreneurial Excellence Scholarship
Mr. Frank: MOVE that the Board of Education approve the M&M Auto Group Entrepreneurial Award, to be disbursed beginning in 2016.
Ms. Tedone: Seconded. So moved.
F. Next Generation Leadership Scholarship
Mr. Goman: MOVE that the Board of Education approve the Next Generation Leadership Award, to be disbursed beginning in 2016.
Mr. Tindall: Seconded. So moved.
G. Gift to the Simsbury Public Schools / Tariffville School
Ms. Salina: MOVE that the proposed gift of $4,066.71 to Tariffville School from the Tariffville Parent-Teacher Organization be approved.
Ms. Tedone: Seconded. So moved.
H. Donation to the Simsbury Public Schools from PTO
Mr. Goman: MOVE that the proposed gift of funds from elementary school parent- teacher organizations to provide cultural programming to elementary school students be accepted.
Mr. Frank: Seconded. So moved.
I. Cancellation of April 12, 2016 Meeting
Mr. Burrick: MOVE to cancel the Board of Education meeting scheduled on April 12, 2016.
Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.
A. 2016-17 Budget Update
Mr. Curtis stated that the Board of Finance has chosen to fund two areas of the budget that are one-time costs. Mr. LaClair noted that the Board of Finance will fund $115,000 of the Board of Education’s CNR request and the $25,000 cost for the NEASC visit. Mr. Frank questioned where the BOF is getting the money. Mr. LaClair responded that they will use reserves in order to mitigate the tax impact. Mr. Curtis explained that the BOF like to maintain a 10%-12% reserve level and the current level is 13%.
Mr. LaClair stated that the district has an additional retirement and there is a reduction in the unemployment insurance account due to favorable numbers the past two years. There is also a reduction in the faculty advanced study account based on past experience. Mr. LaClair noted that the increased employee contribution for health insurance has resulted in savings in this line item. The sum of these reductions results in a budget increase of 1.94%.
Mr. Curtis pointed out that the insurance account will still increase by $400,000. Mr. Frank questioned why the advanced study account and unemployment accounts were not reduced previously. Mr. LaClair responded that the unemployment insurance reduction is based on the known reduction in force. With advanced study, if all faculty used these funds the cost would be $145,000. Last year $81,000 was budgeted and $40,000 was not spent.
Mr. Goman: MOVE that the Board of Education adopt the revised 2016-17 public school budget in the amount of $67,743,569 which represents an increase of $1,290,564 or 1.94%.
Ms. Tedone: Seconded. So moved.
B. Next Generation Accountability System
Ms. Murray presented the new state accountability system. The Next Generation Accountability Report includes 12 indicators that represent how well a school district is preparing its students for success in college, careers and life. The report is a more holistic approach providing perspective on district and school performance and incorporates student growth over time.
Ms. Murray stated that each school has an Accountability Index and a Performance Index. The Performance Index will refer to the index scores derived from state assessment results. The state target for the Accountability Index is 75%; Simsbury’s score is 90.4%. This places Simsbury second in DRG B behind Madison.
Ms. Murray addressed the achievement gap and graduation gap. A district/school is identified as having an achievement gap if its gap size is substantially different from the average statewide gap in any subject area. A district/school is identified as having a graduation gap if its gap size is substantially different from the average statewide gap.
Ms. Murray noted that Latimer Lane, Squadron Line, Henry James and SHS are reported as having an achievement gap. Central and Tariffville received the designation as Schools of Distinction. Mr. Curtis stated that at a future board meeting the administration will present what tools the district has in place to address the achievement gap.
C. Facilities and Enrollment Task Force Update
Mr. Sullivan presented enrollment data between 2004-05 and 2015-16, noting that there has been a decline of 800 elementary students. He stated that during the summer of 2013 the white modular classroom was removed from Latimer Lane School and all of the modular classrooms were removed from Tootin’ Hills School. During the summer of 2014 the remaining modular classrooms were removed from Latimer Lane School.
Currently the modular classrooms at Central School house two preschool classrooms, related services and special education offices. The Facilities & Enrollment Task Force is recommending that the modulars be removed from Central School this summer and the preschool be consolidated at Squadron Line School.
Mr. Sullivan reviewed the historical enrollment at Squadron Line School over the past 10 years. Enrollment has decreased by 258 students. Squadron Line has the capacity to incorporate all preschool classrooms at their location. Mr. Sullivan addressed the issue of security for preschoolers entering and departing the building. He noted that there is currently a separate entry that will be used for the preschool and a staff member will monitor individuals entering the building.
Mr. Frank: MOVE that the Board of Education approve the removal of the Central School modular classrooms during the summer of 2016 and move the Central School Preschool to Squadron Line beginning with the 2016-17 school year.
Mr. Goman: Seconded. So moved.
Mr. Sullivan explained the annual review process which will be used to determine the numerical feasibility of reducing one elementary school. He noted that the removal of the modular classrooms is the equivalent of reducing 18,472 feet of classroom space.
D. 2017-18 School Calendar
Mr. Sullivan provided the parameters based on the CREC uniform calendar and the work of the BOE Calendar Advisory Committee. The calendar will be brought forward at the next meeting for approval.
E. 5000 Series Policy Second Reading
Mr. Sullivan stated that the policy relative to magnet school student participation in sports at the high school has been clarified. The two areas of change in Policy 5133 have been combined for board review. These policy revisions will be brought forward at the next meeting for approval.
Ms. Tedone: MOVE to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m.
Mr. Burrick: Seconded. So moved
Todd Burrick Katie Wilde
Secretary Recording Secretary / Public Audience
Approval of Minutes of February 23, 2016
Non-Renewal of Non-Tenured Teachers
M&M Excellence in Trades Scholarship
M&M Entrepreneurial Excellence Scholarship
Next Generation Leadership Scholarship
Gift to Tariffville School
Cultural Programming Donation by PTO
Cancellation of April 12, 2016 Meeting
2016-17 Budget Update
Next Generation Accountability System
Facilities & Enrollment Task Force Update
2017-18 School Calendar
5000 Series Policy Second Reading
Public Audience