Objectives of Assignment:

  • Compose a persuasive memo arguing for or against a future dominated by electric cars.
  • Use the correct format for a memo.
  • Write paragraphs that each develop an idea and use a topic sentence to introduce that idea.
  • Compile information from multiple sources and create an organized argument.
  • Cite Sources and use quotes correctly.


Last week Ed Taylor from Coulomb Technologies discussed the ChargePoint Network of charging stations used for charging plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). While Mr. Taylor proposed a promising model for supporting electric vehicles, he also discussed many of the same challenges plaguing EVs that Rob Bearman from Better Place presented. In addition, he discussed some technical challenges that we had not heard about in previous talks. The question remains, will the electric car rule your future?


Read the article Will Electric Cars Rule the Future?, and write a persuasive memo arguing for or against a future ruled by electric vehicles. Refer to your notes from Mr. Taylor’s and Mr. Bearman’s presentations. Mr. Taylor’s presentation is posted on the ENGR 100W website. Draw fromthe other resources on this topic you have read already this semester.

Feel free to include quotes from the speaker or other resources. You will find a variety of resources related to electric vehicle charging and infrastructureon theclass web site (click on Assignments). IMPORTANT: You MUST provide in-text citations for your sources in APA format. See

Guidelines: The assignment must be turned in at the end of this class period and a copy MUST BE TURNED INTO TURNITIN.COM. Complete the memo with 12 point Times Roman font, 1 and ½ line spacing, and 1- inch margins.

  1. Write a memothat persuades me to agree with your argument.
  2. Number your pages.
  3. Cite references in APA style.
  4. Include a “References” section at the end of your letter with APA formatted references.

Proofread your document before you print it. Sign it by your nameand hand it.


Introduction: introducestopic and indicatesmemo purpose and scope;

includes a clear statement of your position3

Argument is well organized and provides supporting evidence, stays on message4

Conclusion providesa summary of most important details of argument;

restates your opinion (may include a prediction, recommendations, or a call for action)2

References properly cited and plagiarism avoided2

Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation4

Total15 points


Bearman, R. (2010, September 8). Better Place, electric vehicles, and the electric grid [Lecture notes].ENGR 100w: San JoseStateUniversity.

Taylor, E. (2010, September 29). Fueling the electric vehicle marketplace: ChargePoint Network electric vehicle charging infrastructure [Lecture notes]. ENGR 100w: San Jose State University. Retrieved from

Will electric cars rule the future? (2008). Retrieved October 4, 2010 from

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