© Mikell P. Groover 2012

Chapter 7 CERAMICS

Multiple Choice Quiz

There are 22 correct answers in this multiple choice quiz (some questions have multiple answers that are correct). To achieve a perfect score on the quiz, all correct answers must be given. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Each omitted answer or wrong answer reduces the score by 1 point. Percentage score on the quiz is based on the total number of correct answers.

7.1  A ceramic material can be defined as an organic compound consisting of a metal or semimetal and one or more nonmetals: (a) true or (b) false??

7.2  Which one of the following is the most common element in the earth's crust: (a) aluminum, (b) calcium, (c) carbon, (d) iron, (e) oxygen, or (f) silicon?

7.3  Which of the following are properties generally associated with ceramic materials (three best answers): (a) chemical stability, (b) electrically conductive, (c) good ductility, (d) high hardness, (e) soluble in water, and (f) thermally insulating?

7.4  The difference between traditional ceramics and new ceramics is that most traditional ceramics are based primarily on silicates such as clay whereas the new ceramics are based on nonsilicates such as oxides and carbides: (a) true or (b) false?

7.5  Clays used in traditional ceramics are based primarily on which of the following (one best answer): (a) aluminum oxide, (b) aluminum silicate, (c) quartz, (d) silicon carbide, or (e) silicon oxide?

7.6  Glass products are based primarily on which one of the following minerals: (a) alumina, (b) corundum, (c) feldspar, (d) kaolinite, or (e) silica?

7.7  Which of the following contains significant amounts of aluminum oxide (three correct answers): (a) alumina, (b) bauxite, (c) corundum, (d) feldspar, (e) kaolinite, (f) quartz, (g) sandstone, and (h) silica?

7.8  Which one of the following is generally the most porous of the claybased pottery ware: (a) china, (b) earthenware, (c) porcelain, or (d) stoneware?

7.9  Which one of the following is fired at the highest temperatures: (a) china, (b) earthenware, (c) porcelain, or (d) stoneware?

7.10  Which of the following ceramics are commonly used as abrasives in grinding wheels (two best answers): (a) aluminum oxide, (b) calcium oxide, (c) carbon monoxide, (d) silicon carbide, and (e) silicon dioxide?

7.11  Which one of the following carbides does not need to be combined with a metallic binder in order to fabricate a useful product: (a) chromium carbide, (b) silicon carbide, (c) tantalum carbide, or (d) tungsten carbide?

7.12  Which one of the following materials is closest to diamond in hardness: (a) aluminum oxide, (b) carbon dioxide, (c) cubic boron nitride, (d) silicon dioxide, or (e) tungsten carbide?

7.13  Glass ceramics are polycrystalline ceramic structures that have been transformed into a mostly glassy state: (a) true or (b) false?

7.14  Which of the following best characterizes the structure of glassceramics: (a) 95% polycrystalline, (b) 95% vitreous, or (b) 50% polycrystalline?

7.15  Properties and characteristics of glassceramics include which of the following (two best answers): (a) efficiency in processing, (b) electrical conductor, (c) high thermal expansion, and (d) strong, relative to other glasses?

7.16  Synthetic diamonds date to (a) ancient times, (b) 1800s, (c) 1950s, or (d) 1980.

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