Precocious Puppies


For puppies 10 to 15 weeks of age who have had their second vaccines.

This introductory class focusses on puppy socialization. This class is broken up into two different age groupsto accommodate different developmental levels: Totsfor puppies aged 10-15 weeks, and Tweeners for aged16-20 weeks.

Puppies form and solidify their impression of the world in their first 20 weeks of life. We call this the “critical socialization window”. What they experience in this period determines how adaptable, calm and confident they’ll be as adults.

We’ll help you to socializeyour puppy to new people, dogs, sights and sounds in a safe and positive environment by providing a variety of fun and creative social situations. Learn to use Tellington TTouch so handling, grooming and vet visits are less stressful. Learn how to encourage appropriate behaviour and set boundaries. You’ll geta solid start on the most important skills a dog needs, such asbite inhibition, recall, down, house training, appropriate dog-dog skills and more. Most importantly, build a strong relationship with your puppy based on mutual trust and respect!

Sessions are ongoing. Puppies are encouraged to join the class as soon as they have received their second set of shots. Vaccination records must be presented when attending class for the first time. This class runs every week for 6 weeks. Learn new skills, experience new situations and meet new people and new dogs!Investing in socialization today will pay big dividends in the future.Train early. Train often.Start this week!

Requirements: / Puppies age 10to 15 weeks with their second vaccines.
Cost: / $205
$184 for CHS members, seniors (65+) and dogs rescued from shelters or other rescue organizations (including CHS, Animal Services, ARF, etc.)
Terms: / Non-refundable
Location: / The Calgary Humane Society, 4455 110 Avenue SE

In order to be successful, dog owners who participate in Precocious Puppiesmust be prepared to:

1.attend class each week for 6 weeks;

2.invest time and energy into practicing the exercises every single day; and

3.try new things and be creative, even if some exercises might seem “silly”!

Family members are encouraged to come to class, provided they are old enough to benefit. Students will receive a package of CHS course materials and a clicker.

To register, please submit a registration formwith paymentto:

Behaviour Department

Calgary Humane Society

4455 - 110 Avenue SE fax: 403-723-6050

Calgary AB T2C 2T7email:

Precocious Puppies - Tots

Registration & Dog/Trainer Profile

class startdatetime / at 6:00 p.m. / dog will reach 6 weeks of class on:
owner’s name:
postal code:
phone: / (h)(w)(c)
e-mail address:
name one adult (18 years or older) who will work with the dog in class:
dog’s name:
breed: / date of birth:
age (in weeks) as of the first class: / will your puppy have had a second set of vaccinations by the start of class? / yesno
sex: / female male / spayed or neutered? / yesxno
adopted at CHS? / yes Nocontract #, if adopted:
if not at CHS, where did you get your puppy?
CHS membership? / yesno / over the age of 65? / yesno
is this your first dog? / yes no
why did you choose this puppy?
when did you bring your puppy home?
who lives in your dog’s household? (i.e. other pets, children, etc.):
are you currently experiencing any behaviour concerns? / yes No
if yes, please explain.
where did you hear about this class? (Yellow Pages, website, CHS Store, newsletter, adoptions, friend, vet clinic, other)
what are your expectations from this course?
Opt in to receive information about upcoming events at the Calgary Humane Society! / yesno
credit card number: / Do not fax or e-mail your credit card information! Please e-mail this form () or fax it (403-723-6050), then call 403-723-6019 to make a payment.

OFFICE USE ONLY (adoption staff please fill out upon entry):

entered by: ______(initials)date: ______

payment entered underPrecocious Puppies - $205

Precocious Puppies - $184 (members/seniors/adopted)