Community Health Assessment Report

Community Health Assessment Report

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Community Profile

Statistical data about the general and elderly populations of Washington County, including age, race, education, employment, and poverty

Behavioral Risk Factors

Behaviors that affect health, including physical activity, nutrition, alcohol and tobacco use, social & physical environment and, crime.

Health of Community

Statistical data about vital statistics, mortality, chronic illnesses, communicable diseases, injuries, and child-related issues.

Health Resource Availability

Health care professionals, health care beds, and emergency department visits, and recruitment needs and succession planning, as well as assistance programs.

Community Health Stakeholder Survey Results

Input from representatives of the Washington County Community Health Council on local health care needs.

2011 - 2014 Action Plan and Accomplishments

Details about steps taken since the last CHNA.

Health Need Priorities 2014

Top health priorities are reviewed.

2014 -2017 Action Plan

Details about current findings and the plans for future improvements.

Executive Summary


The purpose of this report was to collect and analyze relevant data to prioritize community health needs of within Washington County Ohio. The Memorial Health System and the Community Health Council, and its members, develop and implement action plans to meet those needs and improve current programs and services. This Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is a joint CHN completed by Marietta Memorial Hospital and Selby General Hospital, both located in Marietta, Ohio.

Data Sources

Multiple data sources were used to construct this report with varied data collection time periods and methodologies. All were chosen based on data integrity, sponsoring agency, and repetition of study. Every effort was made to cross reference data points and integrate findings in the present report. All sources are listed at the end of this document.

Key Findings

·  Washington County has and older population than the state or national average and the elderly population of Ohio is projected to continue growing more quickly than the rest of the country

·  There is a higher than average number of grandparents serving as primary caregivers to children in Washington County

·  The per capita income in Washington County is lower than the state and nation

·  22% of the children in Washington County live in poverty

·  11.1% of county residents lack health insurance

·  There has been a reduction in the number of adult protective services cases since 2011

·  Washington County has a higher rate of obesity, in both adults and youth, than the state or nation

·  There is a higher percentage of smokers, both adults and youth, in Washington County than in the state

·  There are fewer physicians and dentists per resident in the county that in Ohio

·  Washington County has an aging physician population

·  In Washington County, cancer is the leading cause of death followed by heart disease

·  The rate of colon, rectum and prostate cancer has declined while the rate of breast cancer has increased

·  Local perceptions of access to medical treatment and physicians in the county has improved since 2011

·  From 2011 to 2104, mental health and addiction services and treatment remained the top two services that Washington County residents seek outside the county

·  The top health concerns for adults, children and teens changed very little since 2011 with an emphasis on mental health, substance abuse, obesity/poor nutrition, poor physical health and lack of physical activity

·  While employment and access to mental health services remained top community concerns again in 2014, access to healthcare fell out of the top three concerns and was replaced by housing

·  Chronic disease is resulting in more poor health days in Ohio and often leads to unnecessary hospitalizations due to a lack of appropriate disease management

Community Profile

Statistical data about the general and elderly populations of Washington County, including age, race, education, employment, and poverty

The total population of Washington County is 61,475. Over 61% of the population is between the ages of eighteen and sixty-four, and 17.47% of the population is over the age of sixty-five. The majority race is white at 96.6%, and only 0.9% of the population is Hispanic. 48.83% of the residents are male and 51.17% are female.

Demographic Information1

Total Population / Washington County / Ohio / United States
61,778 / 11,536,504 / 308,745,538
Age / Under 5 Years / 5.25% / 6.0% / 6.4%
5-17 / 15.70% / 17.1% / 17.1%
18-64 / 61.58% / 62.1% / 62.8%
65 Years and Over / 17.47% / 14.8% / 13.7%
Race* / White / 96.6% / 83.4% / 77.9%
African-American / 0.9% / 12.5% / 13.1%
Native American / 0.1% / 0.3% / 1.2%
Asian / 0.7% / 1.8% / 5.1%
Pacific Islander / 0.0% / - / 0.2%
Other / 0.4% / 2.0% / 2.4%
Ethnicity / Hispanic (all races) / 0.9% / 3.3% / 16.9%
Gender / Male / 48.83% / 48.9% / 49.2%
Female / 51.17% / 51.1% / 50.8%

*Race alone or in combination with one or more other races

Demographic Information1 continued

The majority of households in Washington County are family households, meaning there is a head of household and one or more other people related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. The average household size is 2.34 people and the average family size is 2.84 people. 5.7% of all households do NOT have a vehicle, compared to 8.2% in Ohio and 9.2% in the U.S.

English is the primary language, with only 1.8% of the population speaking a different language at home. While55.2% of the population in Washington County is married, 12.5% is divorced. 23.95% of residents have never been married, which is lower than the state and national percentages.

Household Information1

Washington County / Ohio / United States
Household Size1 / Average Household Size / 2.34 / 2.44 / 2.58
Average Family Size / 2.84 / 3.01 / 3.14
Household Type1 / Total Households / 25,587 / 4,603,435 / 116,716,292
Family Households / 66.8% / 65.0% / 66.4%
Nonfamily Households / 33.2% / 35.0% / 33.6%
Households Without a Vehicle / No Vehicle Available / 5.7% / 8.2% / 9.2%
Grandparents as Caregivers / Grandparents who are living with and are responsible for their own grandchildren under the age of 18 / 49.9% / 46.9% / 39.8%
Language Spoken at Home / English Only / 98.2% / 93.4% / 79.5%
Speak a Language Other than English at Home / 1.8% / 6.6% / 20.5%
Marital Status / Never Married / 23.95% / 30.45% / 31.90%
Now Married / 55.20% / 49.40% / 49.25%
Separated / 1.33% / 1.80% / 2.15%
Widowed / 7.10% / 6.45% / 5.90%
Divorced / 12.50% / 11.80% / 10.75%

Education Level2

10.9% of Washington County residents aged twenty-five and over have not graduated from high school. This percentage is lower than the percentage in Ohio (11.8%) and the U.S. (14.2%).

Washington County / Ohio / United States
Education Level* / No High School / 3.2% / 3.3% / 6.0%
Some High School / 7.7% / 8.5% / 8.2%
High School Graduate / 44.3% / 34.9% / 28.2%
Some College / 20.0% / 20.9% / 21.3%
Associate’s Degree / 8.9% / 7.7% / 7.7%
Bachelor’s Degree / 11.0% / 15.6% / 17.9%
Graduate or Professional Degree / 4.9% / 9.1% / 10.6%

*Population 25 years and over

Employment Status2

Washington County / Ohio / United States
Employment Status* / Not in Labor Force / 42.2% / 35.7% / 35.3%
In Labor Force / 57.8% / 64.3% / 64.7%
(1)  Civilian Labor Force / 57.7% / 64.2% / 64.2%
(a)  Employed …. / 52.6% / 58.0% / 58.2%
(b)  Unemployed / 5.1% / 6.2% / 6.0%
(2)  Armed Forces / 0.0% / 0.1% / 0.5%

*Population 16 years and over

Employment Status3, continued

In 2013 6.7% of those 16 years and older in the civilian labor force are unemployed in Washington County. This is lower than the percentage in Ohio (7.3%) and the U.S. (7.7%).

*Population 16 years and over

Employment by Occupation & Industry2

The leading employment industries in Washington County include Educational Services and Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing. The industry that employs the least amount of the population is Information.

Employment by Occupation & Industry2, continued

Washington County / Ohio / United States
Employment Occupations2 / Management, Business, Science, and Arts Occupations / 28.4% / 34.0% / 35.9%
Sales and Office / 25.2% / 24.8% / 24.9%
Service / 18.3% / 17.7% / 17.8%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving / 18.1% / 15.6% / 12.1%
Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Occupations / 9.9% / 7.9% / 9.3%
Employment Industry2 / Educational Services and Health Care & Social Assistance / 23.1% / 24.2% / 22.9%
Manufacturing / 16.1% / 15.4% / 10.6%
Retail Trade / 11.4% / 11.7% / 11.6%
Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation, and Accommodation & Food Services / 8.6% / 8.7% / 9.2%
Professional, Scientific, & Management, and Administrative & Waste Management Services / 6.2% / 9.2% / 10.7%
Construction / 6.2% / 5.3% / 6.5%
Public Administration / 6.1% / 4.0% / 4.9%
Finance & Insurance, and Real Estate & Rental & Leasing / 5.6% / 6.5% / 6.7%
Transportation & Warehousing, and Utilities / 5.6% / 4.9% / 5.0%
Other Services, Except Public Administration / 5.4% / 4.6% / 4.9%
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, and Mining / 2.5% / 1.0% / 1.9%
Wholesale Trade / 1.9% / 2.8% / 2.8%
Information / 1.5% / 1.8% / 2.2%

Income & Poverty1,2,8

The per capita income in Washington County is lower than both the state and national averages.

In Washington County, the median household income is $43,829, which is lower than the median in both Ohio and the nation.

Income & Poverty, continued

Washington County / Ohio / United States
Income / Per Capita Income / $23,137 / $25,857 / $28,051
Median Household Income / $43,829 / $48,246 / $53,046
Mean Household Income / $55,899 / $63,996 / $73,034
Poverty Status / Families Below Poverty Level / 10.4% / 11.2% / 10.9%
Individuals Below Poverty Level / 15.6% / 15.4% / 14.9%
Under 18 Years / 21.2% / 22.2% / 20.8%
18 to 64 Years / 29.3% / 27.6% / 26.7%
65 Years and Over / 10.2% / 8.1% / 9.4%

Income & Poverty3, continued

Washington County Household Income / 2000 / 2010
Total Households / 25,162 / 24,975
Less than $10,000 / 9.9% / 8.3%
$10,000 - $14,999 / 8.0% / 6.5%
$15,000 - $24,999 / 17.2% / 12.7%
$25,000 - $34,999 / 15.9% / 12.8%
$35,000 - $49,999 / 17.2% / 16.4%
$50,000 - $74,999 / 18.5% / 19.1%
$75,000 - $99,999 / 7.5% / 10.7%
$100,000 - $149,999 / 3.9% / 9.2%
$150,000 - $199,999 / 0.9% / 2.1%
$200,000 or more / 1.1% / 2.1%

Ohio Works First (OWF) is the financial-assistance portion of the state’s Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides cash benefits to needy families for up to 36 months. Currently, 5 out of every 1,000 residents in Washington County received cash benefits through OWF during SFY 2013.

Cash Assistance (CA) / SFY 2011 / SFY 2012 / SFY 2013
Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio
Average Monthly Adult Recipients / 23 / 138,085 / 23 / 110,936 / 8 / 72,573
Average Monthly Child Recipients / 294 / 283,338 / 278 / 245,825 / 271 / 193,976
Total # of Recipients (Annual Unduplicated) / 317 / 421,423 / 301 / 356,167 / 279 / 266,549
Percent of Population / 0.5% / 3.7% / 0.5% / 3.1% / 0.5% / 2.3%
Net Expenditures / $477,219 / $466,826,098 / $476,643 / $392,535,664 / $463,562 / $321,177,604
Average Annual CA Payment per Recipient / $1,505 / $1,108 / $1,584 / $1,102 / $1,662 / $1,205

Income & Poverty22-25, continued

Ohio Direction Card/ Food Assistance Program / January 2000 / 2000-2005 / January 2005 / 2005-2008 / January 2008 / 2008-2010 / January 2010 / 2010-2012 / January 2012
Number of ODC/FA Recipients in Washington County / 3,555 / 5,590 / 5,513 / 7,959 / 8,210
Percent Change / 57.2%↑ / 1.4%↓ / 44.4%↑ / 3.2%↑
Increase 2000-2012 / 130.9%

The Food Assistance program is designed to raise nutritional levels, to expand buying power and to safeguard the health and wellbeing of individuals and families whose gross monthly income is within 130 percent of the federal poverty guideline.

Food Assistance (FA) / SFY 2011 / SFY 2012 / SFY 2013
Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio
Adult Recipients / 6,837 / 1,377,173 / 7,178 / 1,472,746 / 7,043 / 1,421,518
Child Recipients / 4,496 / 953,014 / 4,780 / 1,029,621 / 4,683 / 979,415
Total # of Recipients (Annual Unduplicated) / 11,333 / 2,330,187 / 11,958 / 2,502,367 / 11,726 / 2,400,933
Percent of Population / 18.4% / 20.2% / 19.4% / 21.7% / 19.1% / 20.8%
Net Expenditures / $12,233,349 / $2,959,815,232 / $12,495,288 / $2,983,899,907 / $12,144,823 / $2,972,410,717
Average Monthly FA Payment per Recipient / $1,079 / $1,270 / $1,054 / $1,247 / $1,036 / $1,238

Income & Poverty5,36, continued

Food insecurity is defined by the USDA as “meaning that the food intake of one or more household members was reduced and their eating patterns were disrupted at times during the year because the household lacked money and other resources for food.”

Source: Calculated by ERS using data from the December 2012 Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement.

Income & Poverty4, continued

2010 / 2011 / 2012
Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio / Washington County / Ohio
Child Population / 12,941 / 2,730,751 / 12,699 / 2,693,092 / 12,547 / 2,663,674
Children in Poverty / 22.7% / 23.1% / 21.7% / 23.9% / 24.2% / 23.6%
Children Receiving SNAP / 25.8% / 28.0% / 26.3% / 28.4% / 28.0% / 29.6%
Children in Foster Care / 76 / 21,697 / 66 / 22,304 / 59 / 21,994
Children Abused and Neglected / 184 / 23,811 / 116 / 23,356 / 101 / 21,372

Income & Poverty3,26, continued