Staged by
To Be Held at Edinburgh Hall, Great Hockham
On Sunday 19thAugust 2012 - ADMISSION FREE
Timetable of Events
Entries to be displayed in Edinburgh Hall from: / 8:00am to 11:am / Presentation of trophies local dignitary: / 3:00pmJudging takes place from: / 11am to 2:00pm / Prize raffle: / 3:15 to 3:30pm
Doors open to public: / 2:00pm / The sale of boxes of many prize exhibits: / 3:30 to 3:45pm
Rules For Exhibitors
The show will be conducted in accordance with the rules and standards contained in The Royal Horticultural Show Handbook unless otherwise stated.- A fee of 10p will be charged for each exhibit.
- Children’s exhibits are free.
- Exhibitors shall not enter more than one exhibit in each class.
- The decision of the judges will be final.
- Exhibitors must provide their own containers, plates and saucers or bases. Plates must be placed under pots.
- Exhibits must be free from pests and diseases.
- Only the show manager and stewards will be present while judging takes place.
- Great Hockham Gardening Club cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits.
- Display of 5 vegetables to be in tray as provided by the club obtainable from the Secretary (address below). Each chosen vegetable must be displayed in numbers as per classification listing – e.g. if choosing to display runner beans, display 5; if displaying cucumber, display 1 etc.
- Floral art to be no larger than 30cm across, height optional.
- Every exhibit must be the bona-fide property of the exhibitor and with the exception of floral art and children’s classes must have been in the exhibitor’s possession for at least three months. Domestic and handicraft must have been made or grown by the exhibitor.
- Handicraft items must not have been exhibited in a Great Hockham flower show before.
- Awards of points scored for each successful entry will be:- 1st Place - 3 points
2nd Place - 2 points
3rd Place - 1 point
Exception: Classes “Display of 5 vegetables” & “Fruit cake” will have 6 points for 1st place. - No points for other exhibits.
- Exhibits must be staged between 8:00am and 11:00am on the morning of the show.
- Entry cards may be used to identify if your entry is organic.
- Any prize may be withheld by the judges.
- Trophies owned by Great Hockham Gardening Club may be retained by the successful winner for one year. All trophies to be returned prior to the next show.
Best Kept Garden and Best Hanging Basket Competition
In mid June our judges will be coming round looking at front gardens – owners of those that are judged above average will be left a note asking if it is possible to call back to view the back garden in July. The overall winner will be awarded a cup and a garden voucher. A certificate and voucher will be awarded for the best hanging basket.
CLASS “Victoria Sandwich” - Recipe.175g Margarine; 175g Sugar; 175g Self raising flour; 3 Eggs; Bake in two 18cm (7”) greased tins for 20 min. at 160 o to 180oC (325 o to 350 o F; gas mark 3 to 4). Filling, jam only - any kind.
CLASS “Fruit Cake” - Recipe. 140g Margarine; 140g Soft brown sugar; 225g Self raising flour; 340g Any mixed fruit; 2 Eggs; 2 Tablespoons of milk. ½ Teaspoon mixed spices. Bake in 18cm (7”) tin for 2 hours at 150o C (300 o F, Gas mark 2) (Fan ovens 135 o C, 275 o F).
Entry Forms
Exhibitors must complete and submit the entry form provided, with their remittance to the club secretary (see below)
Latest date and time for entries – 7pm. Thursday August 16th.
Show Manager:- Edward Szczepanowski, Green Gables, Mt. Pleasant, Rockland All Saints,
Attleborough, NR17 1XG. Tel. 01953 483589
Club Secretary:- Jane Dalton, Overton House Harling Rd, Great Hockham, Thetford IP24 1NT – Tel 01953 498 694.
More information on theSummer Show Entry Standards and Summer Show Schedulepages of our web site