Megalodon Total Length Activity

Group Members:

Read the directions below carefully. Please show your work and write down the information for each of the steps below. When your group has calculated the total length of the shark, select one group member to add your data to the class chart on the board. Record your data and the class data in the table in your packet.

How to determine tooth position:

  1. First, familiarize yourself with the names given to each tooth position (see figure below)
  1. Now, make note of differences that occur within the jaw. Focus on differences between the front and back of the jaw (anterior to posterior) and differences between the upper and lower teeth.
  2. Anterior teeth are more symmetrical and larger than lateral teeth
  3. Teeth of the lower jaw are narrower than teeth in the upper jaw
  4. Match your tooth up with a tooth position and assign the proper name (ex. A1 = first upper anterior). Then use the table below to record the proper equation for estimating body length.

*It’s important to remember that assigning tooth to position isn’t an exact science. You should make your best guess based on tooth shape and size, but don’t spend a lot of time trying to decide between two side by side tooth positions.

Position / Equation (x=CH) / Position / Equation (x=CH)
A1 / TL= 5.234+11.522x / a1 / TL= -8.216+14.895x
A2 / TL= -2.16+12.103x / a2 / TL= -7.643+13.597x
A3 / TL= 19.162+15.738x / a3 / TL= -10.765+17.616x
L1 / TL= 5.540+14.197x / l1 / TL= 9.962+17.437x
L2 / TL= 4.911+13.433x / l2 / TL= 1.131+19.204x
L3 / TL= 0.464+14.550x / l3 / TL= -30.947+25.132x
L4 / TL= 5.569+17.658x / l4 / TL= -51.765+35.210x
L5 / TL= -5.778+26.381x / l5 / TL= -73.120+55.262x
L6 / TL= -71.915+50.205x / l6 / TL= -117.456+96.971x
L7 / TL= -48.696+69.292x / l7 / TL= -64.732+138.350x
L8 / TL= -84.781+104.968x / l8 / TL= -137.583+231.411x
L9 / TL= -10.765+17.616x

How to measure Crown Height:

  1. The first step is to turn the tooth into a triangle by marking three points on a sheet of paper: A) where the crown meets the left root lobe, B) where the crown meets the right root lobe, and C) the tip of the crown (see image below).
  1. Now measure a perpendicular line from the crown tip (C) to the line segment AB. This is your crown height, or X in your equation. (Don’t forget to measure in mm)

To calculate total length:

  1. Determine the tooth location in the jaw.
  2. Measure your Megalodon tooth crown height in mm.
  3. Find the correct algorithm for you tooth location and record it.
  4. Plug the crown height you measured in for x, record the solution in cm.
  5. Convert the solution from cm to m.
  6. Convert m to ft.
  7. Record your finding in the data chart below.


cm to mDivide by 100

m to ftMultiply by 3.28

2D/3D / Crown Height (mm) / Total Length (m) / Total Length (ft)