of Oil and Gas
15 KarpatskaStr, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
Fax: ++380 (342) 54-71-39
Tel.:+380 (342) 54-72-66 / The Centre for International Integration of Higher Education
Sector for International Students (CIS)
15 Karpatska Str,, Suite 0419
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
Fax: ++380 (342) 54-71-39
Tel.:+38 (0342) 72-71-46
International Student Application for
Invitation for Study
1 / Applicant / Student Information:Full legal name according to the passport:
(Surname/Last/Family name) / (First Name) / (Middle Names)
Date of birth: month ______day ______year ______
Passport: No date of issue expiry date
Gender: Male Female
Your first (native) language:
English Proficiency: Basic Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Advanced
Ukrainian Proficiency: Never studied Basic Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Advanced
2 / Citizenship and Visa Information
Country of birth:
Country of citizenship:
Country of permanent residence:
Country of Student Visa application at Ukrainian Embassy:
3 / Intended Program:
Preparatory Department – pre-study language course (non-degree, non-credit)
Undergraduate Studies / Bachelor / PhD
Graduate Studies – Master / Internship
Academic Program / Field of educaion / Specialty (select ONE from IFNTUOG list)
Educational institution providing non-degree pre-study language course :
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Educational institution providing the main program:
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
4 / Educational Background (the latest information)
Name of School Attended:
Year of graduation:
Qualification/ Name of School Certificate, No, date of issue:
5 / Financial Information: Financial aid is not available to international students and the cost of tuition is subject to change.
Source of Financial Support:
Personal and/or family savings (attach a bank letter/bank statement).
Government/Other Sponsor (print name of agency and attach signed copy of letter certifying sponsorship):______
Other (Specify and attach a signed certification):
6 / Preferable Accommodation:
on-campus off-campus
7 / Applicant Contact Information
Address: (name, street address, city, state/province, ZIP code, country)
Tel.: / Email:
Skype: / Facebook:
8 / Parent / Guardian /Trustee / Contact Person Information
Address: (name, street address, city, state/province, ZIP code, country)
Tel.: / Email:
Skype: / Facebook:
9 9 / Documents Required for Invitation:
· this application form (signed);
· biographical section of the current, valid passport (payment for its translation into Ukrainian is included in the invitation fee);
· official secondary/high school / college certificate and transcripts (payment for their translations into Ukrainian is included in the invitation fee);
· consent to personal data collection and processing (signed);
· motivation letter.
10 / Documents for Admission:
· Your current, valid passport verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine; its verified translation into Ukrainian (three copies);
· official secondary/high school / college certificate and transcripts: verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine; verified translations into Ukrainian (two copies);
· Health certificate: valid within two months from the moment of issue; verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine;
· 16 photos (3,5 x 4,5 cm).
11 / Integrity Statement:
▪ I am familiar with the IFNTUOG policies and regulations obtainable from the university site.
▪ I certify that all the above information is accurate and true.
▪ To the best of my knowledge, all official documents are authentic, unaltered records that pertain to me.
▪ I know that the Invitation Fee is non-refundable.
▪ I understand that Invitation for Study is a prerequisite for Student Visa but does not guarantee obtaining it.
▪ I undertake to arrive at the University not later than twenty days before my visa expires. I know that Invitation for Study is required at the point of entry to Ukraine.
▪ I undertake to notify of my arrival date and time, my arrival airport, airline name and flight number at least seven days prior to my arrival. I understand that I may be denied entry into Ukraine at the border-crossing if the University does not notify the Ukrainian Border Protection Service of my arrival.
▪ I acknowledge that IFNTUOG may suspend my enrolment if required information is not supplied by the due date.
▪ I undertake to comply with the provisions of the Ukrainian Immigration legislation being in force.
▪ I authorize the release of any information submitted by me in connection with the application to any person, firm, corporation, association, or government agency, but only to verify or explain the information.
▪ I undertake to pay all tuition fees, accommodation payments, transfer fees, insurance payments, immigration fees, administrative charges in full before commencement of the course.
▪ I declare that I have personally completed this application form.
12 / Applicant's Signature: / Date:
13 / Parent/Guardian/Trustee’s Signature: / Date:
Fill in this Application, scan all the necessary documents and e-mail them to the university
/ Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Universityof Oil and Gas
15 KarpatskaStr, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
Fax: ++380 (342) 54-71-39
Tel.:+380 (342) 54-72-66 / The Centre for International Integration of Higher Education
Sector for International Students (CIS)
15 Karpatska Str,, Suite 0419
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
Fax: ++380 (342) 54-71-39
Tel.:+38 (0342) 72-71-46
International Student Application for Admission
1 / Student Information:Full legal name according to your passport:
(Surname/Last/Family name) / (First or Given Names)
Date of birth: month ______day ______year ______
Passport: No date of issue expiry datel
Gender: Male Female
Your first (native) language:
English Proficiency: Basic Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Advanced
Ukrainian Proficiency: Never studied Basic Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Advanced
2 / Citizenship Information
Country of birth:
Country of citizenship.
Country of permanent residence.
3 / Intended Program:
Preparatory department – Non-degree pre-study language course
Undergraduate Studies / Bachelor / Traineeship
Graduate Studies – Master / In-Service Training
Field of education – for Bachelor’s Program (select ONE from IFNTUOG list)
Specialty – for Master’s Program (select ONE from IFNTUOG list)
4 / Family / Emergency Contact Person Information:
Parent / Guardian / Emergency Contact Person
Name: / Name:
Employment: / Employment:
Address: Street address, city, state, ZIP code, country / Address: Street address, city, state, ZIP code, country
Tel.: / Tel.:
Email: / Email:
Facebook: / Facebook:
Skype: / Skype:
5 / Documents for Admission:
1) Your current, valid passport verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine; its verified translation into Ukrainian (three copies);
2) official secondary/high school / college certificate and transcripts verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine; their verified translations into Ukrainian (two copies);
3) Health certificate (valid within two months from the moment of issue); verified according to the laws of your country and legalized by the Embassy/Consulate General of Ukraine;
4) Immigration and health insurances
5) 16 photos (3,5 x 4,5 cm).
6 / Financial Declaration:
Source of Financial Support:
Government/Other Sponsor (name of agency and a signed copy of letter certifying sponsorship): ______
Personal and/or family savings (attach a signed bank letter/bank statement).
· I declare that I have access to sufficient funds to cover all associated costs with my study and living expenses for the total period of my stay in Ukraine.
· I undertake to pay all fees for which I am liable (immigration fees, registration fees, insurance payments, tuition fees, accommodation payments, transfer fees, administrative charges) in the first year on time in full on the day of enrolment.
· I undertake to pay all fees for which I am liable (tuition fees, accommodation payments, transfer fees, insurance payments, immigration fees) in the following years on time: payments for Autumn Semester are due August 27; payments for Spring Semester are due January 27.
· I understand that the tuition fees do not include expenses such as textbooks, stationery, additional program specific requirements, administrative charges, translation charges.
· I understand that I am liable to buy Medical Insurance every year as the university shall not be responsible for any medical services.
· I know that I must pay tuition fees and other University related fees to the University directly and not to any recruitment agent or other party.
· I understand that in the event that I have insufficient funds to cover all associated study and living costs, the University reserves the rights to take any actions as it deems necessary to recover such fees and charges, including but not limited to excluding me from the University, withholding any award that I might be entitled to and taking legal action against me to recover the outstanding amounts.
· I know that the fees (except tuition fees) may be subject to change.
7 / Integrity Statement:
· I undertake to comply with the provisions of the Ukrainian Immigration legislation being in force.
· I agree to abide by the University rules, policies, procedures and guidelines and conditions of enrolment, including the Student Fees and Charges Policy.
· I undertake to to submit my educational documents for recognition (nostrification) till November 1.
· I consent to information collected about me on this form being disclosed if authorised or required by law.
· I declare that the information I have provided on this application form and any attached documentation is accurate, true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
· I agree to immediately notify the University of any changes to the information I have given in this application form, including a change of telephone number and address.
· I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in an automatic denial of my admission request or enrolment or eventual dismissal from the University.
· I understand that I cannot change my education provider without a written letter of release from the University and an official offer of a place from another registered education provider.
· I certify that I have been informed that violations of law and breach of International Student Agreement may result in an automatic termination of my enrolment, eventual dismissal from the University, and deportation from Ukraine within 7 (seven) days.
· I understand and accept the conditions set out in the declaration above.
8 / Address in Ivano-Frankivsk:
Tel.: / Email:
Skype: / Facebook:
9 / Applicant's Signature: / Date:
Ukrainian State Center of International Education State Enterprise at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
In accordance with the Procedure for issuing invitations to foreigners and stateless persons for studies (internship) in Ukraine and their registration as approved by Order N 1541 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 1 November 2013 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 25 November 2013 under N 2004/24536, and to secure the guarantees of the MES of Ukraine as to the authenticity of issued invitations to enter Ukraine for educational purposes, all invitations for studies issued by educational institutions to foreigners are subject to registration with the electronic system of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Personal data of prospective foreign students used during the registration of invitations as incorporated in the statutory form of the Invitation for Studies will be used solely for the purpose of entering to the account database of invitations and, as may be required, providing visa support to foreigners invited to study in Ukraine.
to personal data collection and processing
I, ______,
do hereby give my consent to the Ukrainian State Center of International Education State Enterprise, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, acting pursuant to the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection, for collecting and processing my personal data in account files (databases), including electronic ones, which the Enterprise is authorized to maintain by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the statutory goals and objectives of the Enterprise only.
The following personal data may be processed:
- passport data: full name, the date of birth, series, number and the date of issuance of the passport, and the nationality;
- country of residence;
- gender;
- issue date of a document (documents) confirming education.
______20____, ______(______)
(signature) (Full name)
de l’Entreprise publique « Centre national ukrainien de l’éducation internationale» du Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine.
Conformément à la Procédure de délivrance des invitations aux étrangers et aux personnes apatrides en vue d’effectuer des études (stages) en Ukraine et de leur enregistrement, approuvée par l’arrêté du Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine n° 1541 du 01.11.2013, enregistrée au Ministère de la Justice de l’Ukraine le 25.11.2013 sous le n° 2004/24536 et afin de garantir par le Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine l’authenticité des invitations délivrées pour entrer en Ukraine à des fins éducatives, toutes les invitations pour les études délivrées par les établissements d’enseignement aux étrangers sont soumises à l’inscription dans le système électronique du Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine. Les données personnelles des étudiants étrangers utilisées lors de l’enregistrement des invitations et incluses dans le formulaire de l’Invitation pour les études approuvé par la loi seront utilisées uniquement pour faire entrer des invitations délivrées dans une base de données ainsi que pour fournir, le cas échéant, un soutien de visa pour étranger invité à faire ses études en Ukraine.
pour la collecte et le traitement de données personnelles.
Je soussigné, ______,
donne par la présente mon accord à l’Entreprise publique « Centre national ukrainien de l’éducation internationale» du Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine agissant en vertu de la Loi de l’Ukraine « Sur la protection des données personnelles », pour la collecte et le traitement de mes données personnelles dans les fichiers d’enregistrement (bases de données), y compris sous forme électronique, dont le suivi effectué par l’entreprise est autorisé par le Ministère de l’Education et des Sciences de l’Ukraine exclusivement dans la limite du but et des objectifs statutaires de l’entreprise.