Tuesday, October 9, 2012

6:00 PM


6:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Members present: Brad Gunderson, Jared Gapinski, Bill Bard, and Paul Weber. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator,Pete Eckhoff, Public Works Director, Perry Beise, Police Chief, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director, andTerry Wotzka, City Engineer.

2.Additions or Changes to the Agenda

Mayor Saunders requested that Tony Hommerding provide an update on the Fire Department’s Open under Mayor’s Communications. Mayor Saunders also requested that due to a schedule conflict agenda item 10-A be moved to Mayor’s Communications. Ross Olson requested on behalf of the City’s Legal and Community Development Departments to add Holiday/Coborn’s Sign Agreement as agenda item 9F. Olson also requested to add authorizing staff to go out for bids for grandstand at Bob Cross Park as agenda item 10-B.

3.Approve the Agenda

Motion: Moved by CouncilpersonBardand seconded by Councilperson Gunderson to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

4.Approve Minutes

A. 9-24-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Motion: Moved by CouncilpersonWeber and seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to approve the9-24-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

5.Receive and File

A.6-20-2012 Sauk Rapids Advisory Park Board Meeting Minutes

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Bard and seconded by Councilperson Gunderson to receive and file the 6-20-2012 Sauk Rapids Advisory Park Board Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

6.Mayor’s Communications

  • Fire Department Open House

Tony Hommerding, Fire Chief, reminded everyone that this week is Fire Prevention Week. Hommerding reminded residents to check the batteries in their fire alarms and to also practice fire drills at home. Hommerding stated that the Fire Department will again be holding its annual open house event at the Fire Hall on Saturday, October 13th from 10:00am until 2:00pm. He encouraged everyone to stop down and talk with the firefighters and receive a free pumpkin.

  • Parade of Lights and City Participation

Tiffany Smith, Miss Sauk Rapids 2012-13, noted that the Organization is excited to once again facilitate this year’s 2012 Parade of Lights. Smith stated that the Miss Sauk Rapids Organization is proposing to hold this year’s holiday festivities on a Saturday, December 1st. The parade is proposed to start at 5:00pm, and it would follow the same parade route as last year, running along 2nd Avenue from Williams-Dingmann Funeral Home to Harvest Fellowship Church. Smith explained that the rationale behind switching from a Friday to a Saturday is to hopefully draw additional parade participants and spectators. Smith noted that lineup will begin at 4:00pm, which means that there will be more daylight to setup floats before the parade starts at 5:00pm. She stated that barricades and traffic control will be needed prior to and during the parade. Smith concluded by saying that typically the winter parade has had approximately 25-30 units in the parade. She said that this year they are expecting more than 15 visiting Royalty floats and they are hope to see 50 to 60 total units.

Carissa Gaffy, Miss Sauk Rapids Princess, advised the Council that by changing the Parade of Lights to a Saturday event it will allow for more activities to take place during the day, which may help to involve more families and members of the community. Gaffy stated that the Committee is planning several activities throughout the day that include the Toys for Tots Drive at the Fire Station, kids bingo at the VFW with prize table, pizza buffet, time with Santa and Mrs. Claus, goodie bags for kids, silent auction, steak fry dinner, meat raffle, and lighting contest in addition to the grand parade. Gaffy explained that the Parade of Lights activities are also part of the fund-raising efforts needed to support the Miss Sauk Rapids Scholarship Pageant. Gaffy thanked the Council for its considerations regarding the Parade of Lights of Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Mayor Saunders thanked Marla Elness and the Miss Sauk Rapids Royalty for all that they do for the City.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Gundersonto approve the proposed parade route for a December 1st Parade of Lights and authorize the appropriate City staff to work with the parade organizers to facilitate the event.


Councilperson Weber questioned if moving this year’s event to a Saturday would conflict with the City of Waite Park’s or St. Cloud’s holiday parades. Marla Elness, Festival Coordinator, stated that it would not conflict with the City of St. Cloud’s event, and she didn’t think that the City of Waite Park had a holiday parade.

Motion carried unanimously.

7.Audience Items/Visitors

Total Time Limit 10 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda

George Vadies, 823 River Ave N,stated that he was here tonight representing the Sauk Rapids Sportsman’s Club. Vadies noted that the Sauk Rapids Sportsman’s Club recently held a meeting regarding the proposed Summit Avenue North road extension. He said that the group voted unanimously to keep this nature trail untouched. He noted that the School District uses nature trail for its science classes. Vadies said that the neighborhood does not want a road to go through here. He stated that this proposed road project goes completely against the City’s Feasibility Studies that talk about keeping and preserving the wetlands.

Sally Goodman, 116 7th Ave N,stated that she and her son love the Bob Cross Nature Preserve. She said that she is opposed to the creation of a road here. Goodman said that she and her son use the nature trail frequently. Goodman talked about the nature aspects and wildlife aspects that are currently there that she fears will be harmed if this proposed road goes through in this location.

8. Public Hearings


9.Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Resolution Accepting Donation For Softball Association Dugouts
  2. Approve 3rd Quarter Building, Mechanical, and Plumbing Permits
  3. Accept SCORE Grant Funds and Authorize Police Department to Move Forward With The Purchase and Installation of a Pharmaceutical Waste Drop Box
  4. Approve Street Repairs on Division and 8th Ave. N.—Pulled
  5. Approve Sauk Rapids Police Department Donating Abandoned Evidence Lockers To Foley Police Department
  6. Approve Holiday/Coborn’s Sign Agreement

Motion: Moved byCouncilperson Gapinskiand seconded by Councilperson Gundersonto approve agenda items9A-9C, and 9E-9F. Motion carried unanimously.

9-D. Approve Street Repairs on Division and 8th Ave. N.

Councilperson Weber questioned the road fabric being proposed and if it is the same road material that the City decided not to use for the recent Summit Avenue overlay project.

Terry Wotzka said that the type of road fabric being proposed is a different type and different make than that which was proposed with the Summit Avenue overlay project. He noted that the material proposed to be used here is for areas with a silky, sandy soil.

Councilperson Weber asked if there was a recommendation as he sees that two bids have been submitted. Pete Eckhoff said that he is recommending Dirt Works 2000 at $34,500. Councilperson Weber asked if the Summit Avenue North extension were to take place if this anything with this proposed project would have to be redone. Eckhoff stated that the proposed project will not be impacted by the possible Summit Avenue North extension.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Bardtoapprove street repairs on Division and 8th Ave. N. and to award the project to Dirt Works 2000 in an amount not toexceed $34,500.

Motion carried unanimously.

10.Regular Agenda

A. Parade of Lights and City Participation—Moved To Mayor’s Communications

B. Grandstand at Bob Cross Park

Ross Olson advised the Council that on September 24th the City Council approved the design for the proposed Grandstand to be located at Bob Cross’ Competitive Baseball field. Olson said that the Architect from GLTA working on the project will have the necessary construction/design specifications completed by Friday.

Olson explained that Administration working with the Baseball Association is requesting that the City Council allow the facilitation of the appropriate construction quotes for this project. He stated that the Arhitect’s construction estimate of $100,000 for this project will allow the City to facilitate quotes rather than the competitive bidding process. The Baseball Association has informed the City that they have secured $78,000. Olson said that the Baseball Association plans to continue their fund raising efforts and they believe that they will secure additional funds. The quotes for construction will provide direction to the City and the Baseball Association as to the amount needed prior to any request to the City Council to approve the start of construction. Olson said that in the event that the quotes come in lower than anticipated then this will allow for the start of this project yet this fall. He explained that the hope in terms of fall construction is that the construction of the grandstand’s foundation could be poured.

Olson noted that staff will bring the construction quotes back to the City Council for approval once they have been obtained. He explained that the Council will have the ability to review the financial needs for the project and determine if the Baseball Association has secured the necessary pledges prior to moving forward.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Weber to authorize staff to go out for bids for grandstand at Bob Cross Park. Motion carried unanimously.

11. Other Staff Items


12. Other Council Items and Communications


13.Approve List of Bills and Claims

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Bardand seconded by Councilperson Gundersonto approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion: Moved by CouncilpersonGunderson and seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Saunders adjourned the meeting at 6:23p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Furman

Administrative Services Coordinator

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