Standard Reading Assessment Rating Scale for Literature, Grade 9
(adapted from BC Performance Standards)
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Snapshot/ Summary(all elements are considered, but more weight is given to summarizing and inferring) / 1
not yet meeting/limited
May need help to read simple selections.
Work is often vague or incomplete; may include irrelevant or inaccurate material / 2
minimally meeting/partial
Able to read literature with some complexity at a literal level. Work is generally accurate but may be vague or incomplete / 2.5
satisfactorily meeting
The student is able to read literature with some complexity. Work is generally accurate and complete / 3
fully meeting/proficient
Able to read literature with some complexity. Work is clear and well developed; shows some insight / 4
exceeding expectations
The student is able to read complex literature. Work is precise, well developed, and insightful.
- Connections: How does what you read connect with what you already knew, experienced, or read somewhere else?
May not distinguish between ideas and themes presented in the selection and own ideas and beliefs
Vague reaction; no support / Makes limited or obvious connections to own ideas or other selections
With direction, can compare themes
Minimal elaboration or support; may be vague or general / Makes relatively straightforward, obvious connections to own experience, ideas, or to other selections
Can compare themes
Provides basic support / Makes logical and clear connections with own ideas, beliefs, and knowledge; may show insight
Relates themes to those in other selections and to universal themes
Supported by reasons and examples / Imaginative or insightful connections that may synthesize selection themes with own ideas, beliefs, and knowledge
Relates themes and techniques to those in other selections and universal themes
Supported by reasoned arguments
- Summarizing: Choose a way to show how the details of this text support its main idea (theme).
May identify some main characters and events; may confuse or omit some key points / Logical interpretation of obvious themes; provides some support but tends to be vague, superficial, or underdeveloped
Describes key elements (setting, characters, events); may omit or misinterpret some aspects / Generally accurate analysis and interpretation of theme with evidence (support)
Accurately describes setting, characters, and events
May miss more subtle features / Offers and supports logical interpretation of themes; may deal with some complex ideas
Accurately and thoroughly describes setting, characters, events, and their relationships / Offers and supports insightful interpretations of themes; may risk going beyond the obvious to develop an unusual interpretation
Describes and analyzes setting, characters, events, theme, and their relationships
- Inferring: Read between the lines to find something you believe to be true but that isn’t actually said. Explain your reasoning.
Offers little or no support
May be illogical or show misreading
May not recognize literary techniques; often tries to interpret figurative language literally / Makes some simple inferences about characters, story events, and/or themes; weak evidence
May recognize some literary techniques and types of figurative language; may become frustrated when attempting to interpret it / Makes basic inferences about characters, events, or themes; supported by evidence from selection
Recognizes some literary techniques and types of figurative language; simple interpretation / Makes inferences about characters, story events, and/or themes; supported by specific evidence from the selection
Recognizes and interprets some literary techniques, including figurative language / Makes inferences that show insights into characters, events, themes, and techniques; provides specific, detailed, relevant evidence from the selection as support
Recognizes and deals confidently with literary techniques, including figurative language
- Vocabulary: Use context clues, word structure clues, and/or prior knowledge to explain your understanding of any three (3) underlined words in the text.
Relies on sounding out and context for new words; little success
No attempt made
Unaware of strategies
Unable to deal with figurative or abstract words / Correct definition of most words; vague explanations
Uses a limited range of word strategies; inefficient
Limited grasp of figurative or abstract words / Correct definitions; basic explanation
Uses and discusses basic range of word strategies
Some ability to grasp figurative or abstract words / Correct definitions; clear, complete explanation of strategies
Uses a variety of word strategies confidently
Able to grasp figurative or abstract words / Correct definitions; thoughtful, logical explanation of strategies
Uses range of effective word skills; independently selects and adjusts strategies
Mature understanding of figurative or abstract language
- Explain a question the reading leaves you with AND/OR a prediction you can make now.
May offer guesses rather than reasoned predictions;
Little recognition of genre or its relevance to the reading task
Lacks support; illogical / Some direct /literal questions
Uses some genre and prior knowledge to make basic, simple, logical predictions; vague or general support
May be unable to project “beyond” the selection / Some obvious questions connected to the key ideas of the text
Uses genre/prior knowledge to make logical predictions with some support
Makes simple, logical predictions about events in and “beyond” the selection / Thoughtful, logical, reasoned questions
Uses genre and prior knowledge to make and support predictions
Makes and justifies logical predictions about events in and “beyond” the selection / Takes risks to pose unexpected but thoughtful and relevant questions
Uses genre and prior knowledge to make and support predictions; interpret, evaluate
Makes and justifies logical, often insightful, predictions that go “beyond” the selection
- Reflecting: How easy or difficult was this text for you to read? Give specific examples of how you helped yourself understand.
Lacks awareness of strategies or how to use them to develop ideas
Quickly frustrated by grade level material / Limited ability to reflect on own thinking
Demonstrates a limited understanding of how to use strategies to respond to text
May need guidance / Basic ability to reflect on own thinking
Demonstrates a basic understanding of how to use a few specific strategies to develop ideas / Clear ability to reflect on own thinking
Demonstrates an understanding of how to select and adjust strategies and rate of reading to deal with problems or features of the material, often rereading or skimming / Mature understanding of own thinking
Demonstrates a thorough and effective understanding of how to select, use, and adjust specific strategies
- Oral Reading (Fluency: reading at the speed of speech)
Little or no attention to punctuation or context Little or no intonation; lacks fluency / One word at a time; some attention to punctuation
Some intonation; minimal fluency / Phrasing evident; attends to punctuation
Adjusts intonation to convey meaning; some fluency / Confident in oral reading; often becomes more fluent as the story progresses
Begins to explore intonation that reflects mood, pace, and tension / Fluent, confident, and expressive
Intonation reflects a more thorough understanding of the text
Provincial Exam Scale summary / 1/2
Demonstrates a misreading or significant misunderstanding of the texts and/or task. Response may be irrelevant or incomplete. Ideas are not developed or are restatements of texts. Support is absent or flawed, with little evidence of relationships or connections / 3
Demonstrates some understanding of the texts at a literal level. Response may be unclear, incomplete or lack detail, but still addresses the task. Ideas are often listed or developed unevenly. Support may consist of long references to the texts which are not clearly connected to the central idea. / 4
Demonstrates some understanding of the texts at an interpretive level. There are no significant errors in comprehension. Response addresses the task in an organized, straightforward manner, but may miss subtle or complex ideas. Supported by relevant details from the text. / 5
Demonstrates a clear, accurate, complete understanding of the texts at an interpretive level. May show understanding of literary techniques appropriate to genre. Support, explicit or implicit, is convincing and relevant to the task. / 6
Demonstrates an insightful understanding of the texts at an interpretive level or inferential level. May show understanding of literary techniques appropriate to genre. Support, explicit or implicit, is thoughtful and well integrated. Despite its clarity, response need not be error-free.