Where a National Cricket Federation wishes to make an application pursuant to Article 5.1 of the ICC’s Player Eligibility Regulations, then such application must be made on the following form as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than sixty days prior to the relevant International Match or ICC Event.
Player Information:
Full Name as per Passport:Date of Birth:
Country of Birth:
Nationality as per Passport:
Other Countries Represented
(please provide details):
International Match or ICC Event Details:
Match / Event Name:Match / Event Start Date:
National Cricket Federation making this application:
Please consider carefully the nature of your application and attach all of the applicable and relevant forms/details (as suggested below) in order to provide the clearest possible explanation for, and background to, the Exceptional Circumstances application, including why any such application should be granted.
The following are attached to this application to assist the Exceptional Circumstances Committee in arriving at its recommendation to the ICC’s Cricket Committee Chairman:
[Double click box and select ‘Checked’ (where applicable)]
Passport/Birth Certificate Copy – MANDATORY IN ALL CASES
Complete Data Summary for Resident Players (Appendix 5), if required
Information confirming the Player has been in the country for the relevant period of time, if required
Letter from Club, if required
Letter from President/Chairman of National Cricket Federation, if required
Letter from Employer/School/University, if required;
Country Residence Permit or other relevant documentation of similar nature, if required
Score sheets from relevant domestic league matches in which the domestic club team of which the Player was a member, if required
Completed Work Log for Players(Appendix 6), if required
Other (please specify): ______
Why is this Player not eligible under the ICC Player Eligibility Regulations?
Player does not meet Core Qualification Criteria (Article 3A)
Player does not meet Development Criteria (Article 3B)
Please provide in the following box a detailed explanation of why this Player does not satisfy the applicable criteria, giving as much information as possible:
Please provide in the following box a detailed explanation of which of the applicable criteria that this Player does meet, giving as much information as possible:
Why should this Player qualify for ‘Exceptional Circumstances’?
In addition to providing all of the relevant documentation described above, please set out below all of the relevant factors that, because of their exceptional, unique or unusual nature, the National Cricket Federation believes should be taken into account when determining whether to depart from the otherwise strict eligibility requirements:
NOTE:Where an application is being made on the ground that Exceptional Circumstances exist to justify the departure from the otherwise strict requirements in relation to residency, please ensure that a completed Data Summary Form for Players (Appendix 5) is attached to this application and, in the space below, provide a full explanation for each of the absences from the relevant country identified in that Form.
Print Name of Player:Signature of Player:
Print Name of President/Chairman of National Cricket Federation:
Exceptional Circumstance Application August 2010 Page 1 of 3