Press release
For immediate release

29 October 2014

IFST now accepting applications for Register of Food Safety Professionals

The Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) is now accepting applications for the ‘Manager’ and ‘Principal’ levels of its new Register of Food Safety Professionals.

IFST, the leading qualifying body for food professionals in Europe, created the Register of Food Safety Professionals to recognise those working at all levels within food safety throughout the sector. The register was developed following considerable cross-sector consultation and was officially launched earlier this year at a reception held at the House of Lords.

The production of food and drink that is safe to consume is the number one priority for all those legitimately involved in its production, distribution and preparation. IFST’s Register of Food Safety Professionals offers recognition to food safety personnel following a robust and independent assessment process through IFST. Professional accreditation demonstrates an individual’s high level of skills and experience within food safety, as well as commitment to lifelong learning and excelling as a food professional.

Individuals on the register will receive support from IFST through access to a range of food safety resources and the community of other food safety professionals to ensure that they can reach their full potential and are continuously developing as a professional.

For food businesses, this register will prove an individual’s independently accredited experience, providing employers with reassurance when recruiting new food safety personnel as well as providing additional reassurance to retailers, auditors and enforcement officers that their business has suitably qualified and experienced people in these critical roles.

The Register of Food Safety Professionals offersa four level professional structure through which people can develop and progress irrespective of their starting point. Accreditation is flexible in that it recognises a blend of formal education and professional experience. ‘Principal’ and ‘Manager’ are the two highest levels of the four tiers. Applications for ‘Practitioner’ and ‘Technician’ will open up later this year.

Sterling Crew FIFST, IFST’s Vice President and Head of Technical at Kolak Foods, said of the register:

“The food and grocery industry employs 3.6 million people. That’s one in seven of all jobs in the UK and with a gross value added contribution of £24 billion. Food is also the UK’s largest manufacturing sector.Food safety professionals are to be found working right across the food supply chain from producers, processors, manufacturing, service and retailing. For the food industry, this registration scheme will make an important contribution to safe, nutritious and authentic food. It will give employers the confidence and assurance they need and for the professional it will play a key part in their development and career.This easily recognisable trusted scheme will help in the continued success of our industry and has already gained wide spread support.”

Jon Poole, IFST’s Chief Executive, said of the register:

“I am really pleased that we have been able to develop this register in a way which recognises all levels and so develops an effective career path.The safety and integrity of our food supply chain has never been under so much scrutiny and we know that having appropriately skilled and experienced professionals is at the heart of the provision of safe food ”

To find out more information, visit


Notes for Editors:

1. Institute of Food Science and Technology:

The Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) is the independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe. Membership is drawn from all over the world from backgrounds including industry, universities, government, research and development and food law enforcement. IFST’s activities focus on disseminating knowledge relating to food science and technology and promoting its application. Another important element of our work is to promote and uphold standards amongst food professionals. Find out more on

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Media and Communications Officer: Sophia Griffiths
Tel: 020 7603 6316