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Table of Contents
NGO Council information 2
NGO Council’s Chair’s April update 2
Ministry of Health information 2
A Guide to Community Engagement with People with Disabilities 2
Coming Soon – national campaign promoting the main signs of stroke 2
Ministry of Health website: http://www.health.govt.nz/home 3
Other government agencies 3
Department of Internal Affairs – Community Internship Programme 3
Superu (Social Policy evaluation and Research Unit) Effective Community-level change 4
NGO information 4
Funding opportunity - JR McKenzie Trust 4
Loss and Grief Awareness Week 5
Call for abstracts - 6th International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference 5
Places to find NGO information 5
Training, education, resources and conferences 6
Philanthropy NZ Workshop: Future-proofing your not-for-profit: Finding stability in an unstable world 6
Safekids Aotearoa - 2016 Child Injury Prevention Workshops 7
Self-Confidence, Wellbeing & Employment Guidance for Women 7
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Seminar 8
NZDSN Auckland regional networking meeting 8
Events included in previous updates 9
Consultation, surveys and submissions 9
Opportunity to make a submission to Select Committee 9
NGO Council information
NGO Council’s Chair’s April update
The update has information about the following areas:
· NZ Health Strategy
· Health Symposium – Powering up our future
· A change with the membership of the NGO Council
· Influencing public policy workshops
Please click here to read the update.
Ministry of Health information
A Guide to Community Engagement with People with Disabilities
This document supports agencies and organisations to be inclusive when they are consulting with communities. It offers practical advice about engaging with people with disabilities and reducing barriers to their full participation in their communities.
This guide focuses on engaging with people with learning/intellectual, physical and/or sensory disabilities. However, much of its advice can also be applied to work with people who experience mental health conditions.
There are two sections.
1 Planning for community engagement with people with disabilities - has information and tips on planning the engagement process.
2 Undertaking an accessible community engagement process - has information on engaging with people with specific impairments and tips on specific aspects of community engagement – this section is also available online at Community engagement with people with disabilities.
The guide was created in association with disabled people’s organisations to help agencies and organisations such as government departments, local bodies, district health boards, schools, community groups and disability support services providers.
Coming Soon – national campaign promoting the main signs of stroke
A national campaign to promote the three main signs of stroke through the FAST mnemonic will start at the beginning of June. The campaign aims to increase public awareness around stroke symptoms i.e. FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time) to get people to dial 111 for suspected cases and to stress the importance of rapid presentation to hospitals to achieve early interventions and improved stroke outcomes.
It is being developed by the Ministry of Health, the Health Promotion Agency and Stroke Foundation.
There is limited public awareness of the signs of stroke among the general population. Surveys conducted in 2007 and 2010 by the Stroke Foundation found at least one third of New Zealanders were unable to recognise even one sign of stroke. This means people are often presenting too late for potential acute stroke thrombolysis treatment, and therefore opportunities for reducing long-term disability are lost.
The campaign will include television, radio and digital advertisements and will run from early June to early August. Materials are still under development and we will share them with you prior to launch.
The campaign will start on 5 June 2016 and run for approximately 10 weeks into early August.
·There will be an initial burst with TV adverts running for the first 3 weeks of June.
·Radio will run on and off from 5 June to end-July.
·Digital advertising will run throughout the campaign.
·Online TV will run on and off from 5 June to mid-July.
For more information go to the Ministry of Health Stroke web page or the Stroke Foundation website
Ministry of Health website: http://www.health.govt.nz/home
For more information about the Ministry’s structure and business units go to Ministry business units.
Other government agencies
Department of Internal Affairs – Community Internship Programme
The Department of Internal Affairs will be seeking applications for the 2017 Community Internship Programme from 20 July until 31 August. This programme is a three-way partnership designed to strengthen community organisations, increase understanding, and encourage co-operation between the government, local authority, iwi, corporate, business and community sectors. Skilled interns have the chance to spend time working in NGOs on a defined piece of work.
Key information:
· Applications are accepted by DIA between the 20 July and 31 August 2016.
· Decisions are announced by DIA in November
· The start date should be between 1 January 2017 and 1 June 2017.
· Applications for full-time internships for three or six months are preferred, but part-time internships for up to 12 months may be considered.
· DIA covers the secondees usual salary (including Kiwisaver).
· The host organisation needs to identify its area for development and be clear about what it wants the intern to do during the internship. For instance, an internship may focus on developing policies and procedures, planning, or developing systems that build the host organisation's capacity and capability to operate more effectively.
If you are interested in finding out more about this, please contact Caroline Speight, NGO Relationship Manager (). Caroline will be working across the Ministry of Health to find possible interns for this programme.
You can also contact staff at the Department of Internal Affairs if you have questions about the programme. The best point of contact would be the closest DIA regional office to your NGO. Contact details can be found here: http://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/Working-with-communities---Advice-support-and-information. Juanita Thornton is the Fund Coordinator within DIA, you can contact her on (03) 218 0703 or
Go to the DIA website to find out more about the programme - http://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/Funding-and-grants---Crown-Funds---Community-Internship-Programme.
Superu (Social Policy evaluation and Research Unit) Effective Community-level change
Community-level initiatives have been widely implemented in New Zealand and overseas. There are a number of success factors and barriers associated with community-level initiatives. In December last year, Superu published new evidence providing insights about what works and how government can best support communities.
Case studies demonstrated the importance of developing a genuine partnership between the government funding agency and the community. Funding agencies need to walk a fine line between a ‘hands off’ approach intended to empower communities and providing assistance to build capacity to deliver and be accountable.
The report identifies a number of factors that help make community-level initiatives successful and some suggested actions for government and communities.
Three separate publications have been produced from this research on Effective community-level change: What makes community-level initiatives effective and how can central government best support them?
NGO information
Funding opportunity - JR McKenzie Trust
The JR McKenzie Trust funds many organisations throughout the country. They support different initiatives focused on creating a socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. Their next funding round opens on 17 May. For more details visit http://www.jrmckenzie.org.nz/
Loss and Grief Awareness Week
Each year Skylight Trust hosts the “Loss and Grief Awareness Week”; this year the awareness week is from Monday 25 to Sunday 31 July. The purpose of this week is to raise awareness about the unique impact and challenges that children, young people and adults face when they are grieving a loss.
This year our focus is on children and young people. Skylight, individuals and different organisations will offer ideas, workshops and resources about ways to support children and young people through hard times. To know more about loss and grief or share information contact Constanza at:
Call for abstracts - 6th International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference
September 6-7 at the School of Population Health, Tamaki Innovation Campus, University of Auckland
This year’s theme is “Working together to achieve better health outcomes”. There will be a mixture of invited international and local speakers, featured sessions, workshops, and oral and poster presentations. Click here for more information
We are inviting submissions for oral/poster presentations of current or recently completed research
projects or service initiatives in the areas of: health promotion; mental health; chronic conditions and disability; health experiences of Asian and Ethnic Minority families, women, children, adolescents, older people, international students and refugees; culturally responsive interventions; methodology and evaluation.
Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes in length, with opportunity for discussion and
feedback. Poster presentations will be displayed during the conference. Presenters are expected to answer questions about their posters to interested conference attendees.
Abstracts should be 250 words maximum. Please include in the submission, your name, academic or
professional affiliation, abstract title, email and phone number.
The deadline for submission is Friday 24 June. Please submit abstracts to Successful abstracts will be notified by July 22, 2016.
You can submit an abstract before making registration. More information about the conference and
registration will be available for viewing at https://www.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/en/soph/about/our-departments/social-and-community-health/our-research/cahre/events.html from mid-May.
Places to find NGO information
Community Research http://www.communityresearch.org.nz/
Volunteering NZ www.volunteernow.org.nz
Training, education, resources and conferences
Philanthropy NZ Workshop: Future-proofing your not-for-profit: Finding stability in an unstable world
9:30am-4pm Wednesday 18 May Christchurch (CPIT Committee Room), 130 Madras Street
You don't need to tell us that the landscape is constantly changing for not-for-profit organisations. Changing expectations, changing funding practices, changing demands for accountability, it can be hard to keep up! Our one-day, hands-on workshop will give you the tools to help your organisation flourish whatever the future throws at it.
Whether it’s tweaking your organisational culture, developing a sustainable funding model, or learning how to provide the evaluation and impact reports that will keep your funders happy, the workshop will provide you with solutions you can put into practice immediately
The workshop will cover three main topics
1. Organisational culture: what traits does your organisation need to cope in a changing world?
2. Sustainable funding: multi-year grants, social impact investing, and social enterprise – how can you ensure your organisation’s financial viability?
3. Impact assessment and evaluation: What are funders looking for, and how can you prove you’re making a difference when it might take years to get a final result?
Bring your challenges
Participants are invited to tell us what they find most challenging in each of these three areas before they arrive. We’ll be exploring these problems in small groups to find practical solutions you can start using as soon as you get back to the office.
The presenters are Liz Gibbs (Philanthropy New Zealand) and Darren Ward (Direct Impact Group).
Click here to Register now!
Registration Fees
Philanthropy NZ Member $130; Non-member $185 Fees exclude GST
Become a member of Philanthropy New Zealand and save: join Philanthropy New Zealand today and save 30% on your registration fee instantly.
Community membership of Philanthropy New Zealand has a range of benefits, including a minimum 30% discount on all our Community event registration fees. Plus there's no limit to the number of people from your organisation who can register at the member rate
Our membership year runs from 1 July - 30 June and costs $300 +GST. If you join before 31 March, your membership will start straight away and will run through to 30 June 2017, effectively 15 months for the price of 12. To find out more about the benefits of becoming a Community member of Philanthropy New Zealand, check out our website at www.giving.org.nz . If you'd prefer to talk to a member of our team, please call Yvonne or Jo on 04 499 4090 or you can email them at
Safekids Aotearoa - 2016 Child Injury Prevention Workshops
Safekids Aotearoa’s child injury prevention workshop series is back—this year’s theme is Home Safety. Supported by Starship Foundation and ACC, there are 11 workshops scheduled this year:
Location / DateAuckland – South (Otahuhu) / Thursday 19 May
Christchurch / Thursday 26 May
Kaitaia / Wednesday 1 June
Whangarei / Thursday 2 June
Tauranga / Wednesday 8 June
Taupo / Thursday 9 June
Hamilton / Friday 10 June
Gisborne / Wednesday 15 June
Napier / Thursday 16 June
Whanganui / Wednesday 22 June
Palmerston North / Thursday 23 June
Auckland – West (Henderson) / Tuesday 28 June
Lower Hutt / Tuesday 12 July
Injury topics to be discussed at the workshops include: burns, button batteries, cutting & piercing, drowning, falls, driveway danger, poisoning, suffocation and strangulation.
The agenda includes discussions on child injury data (national and regional), child development, safe environments, networking and new resources available from Safekids.
These workshops are FREE to attend, and Safekids Aotearoa invites Māori and Pacific health providers, community groups, policy makers, health professionals, NGOs, educators, DHBs, councils, injury prevention practitioners, housing stakeholders and anyone interested in child safety to attend.
To register, email for more information, visit www.safekids.nz
Self-Confidence, Wellbeing & Employment Guidance for Women
10.00am to 12.00pm, Wednesday 1 June 2016 - Wednesday 6 July 2016 (over 6 weeks)
Norman King Community Hub, Level 1 65 Pearn Crescent, Northcote
This course is designed for women to strengthen their personal wellbeing, and increase the employment prospects for those seeking work.
You will learn:
- To identify your personal strengths, personality type and talents
- How to outsmart anxiety, self-doubt and negative self-talk
- How the 5 Ways to Wellbeing can enhance all areas of your life
Tips on services that provide support for: budgeting, parenting, coping with loss, counselling, networking and coaching on where to look for job opportunities.
Course bookings can be made online: www.raeburnhouse.org.nz/courses
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Seminar