2009 Fernbank Unit Owners Annual Meeting Minutes

Cress Creek Country Club, August 9, 2009 6:00 pm

President Gary Engebretson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present were members: Walt Pellish, Laurin LeTart, Betse Hinkley, Larry Strite and Steve Schatken. Lis Staro, Norma Siler and John Streeter were also present.

Welcome / Board President, Gary Engebretson, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and welcomed all unit owners to the meeting.
Election of Judges / Larry Strite introduced the nominees for election judges: George Marshall and Leo Driehuys. Motion to nominate these gentlemen was made by Larry Strite and seconded by Allen Weingold. Motion carried.
President’s Summary / President Gary Engebretson presented the following summary of the Board’s activities over the past fiscal year”
  1. New Street Lights: for Fernbank entrance, Reachcliff Drive and Greystone Drive needed. We have budgeted for one light and the others will come from monies we receive from North Hills lot sales as these funds must be used for capital improvements.Gary explained that several unit owners had complained about the dark spots in these locations.
  2. Safety/Security: The committee has addressed various nuisances and will continue to do so.
  3. ARC: A reminder to all unit owners that any changes for landscaping and architectural changes must go through the review process with the Architectural Review Committee.
  4. Undeveloped Lots: A reminder that the 15’ right of way must be cut and groomed. Please keep our neighborhood clean.
  5. Telephone Tree: The telephone tree is still in use. This has proved to be an invaluable service to the community.
  6. Stop signs at the corner of Singletree and Fernbank: When the North Hills project was built, the signs were placed to help keep everyone safe and protect golfers.
  7. Yard Sale: Judy Ringer continues to do a great job on the annual yard sale. Many thanks, Judy.
  8. Traffic Safety Awareness Day: Milt Hendrickson has made this a great success. Thank you, Milt.
  9. The Social Committee has planned the Annual Picnic, Holiday party and Dinner parties and had great success. Many thanks Norma and Thelma.

Reading of Minutes-Previous Meeting: / Motion was made by Phil Hill and seconded by Wendy Mopsik to approve the minutes from the July, 2008 Annual Meeting without reading. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
ARC: / Betse Hinkley presented the report for the committee. A copy is attached and made a part of these minutes. Betse thanked all the members of her committee. Currently there are 19 undeveloped lots in Fernbank. Following her report, Betse answered questions from the floor.
Roads: / Tim Murphy introduced the members of the committee and presented the report for the committee. A copy is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Beautification: / Lis Staro presented the report for the committee. A copy is attached and made a part of these minutes. Following her report, Lis answered questions from the floor.
Communications: / Larry Strite introduced the members of the committee. The new directory is due to be published in September, 2009. Larry requested help to keep any email address changes current. Please direct any changes to Larry. Larry also answered questions from the floor.
Covenants: / Steve Schatken introduced the members of the committee and presented the report for the committee. A copy is attached and made a part of these minutes. Steve expressed thanks for all those unit owners who responded to the Covenants Survey. Following his report, Steve answered questions from the floor.
Safety/Security: / John Streeter presented the report for the committee. John introduced the members of his committee. He also expressed thanks to Milt Hendrickson for the annual Traffic Safety Awareness Day. He and his committee believe it has made a positive impact on the community. A copy of the report is attached and made a part of these minutes. Following his report, John answered questions from the floor.
Social: / Norma Siler presented the report for the committee. Norma introduced the members of the committee with thanks for all their hard work. Upcoming events include the annual picnic on September 12, 2009 at Juniper Circle, Saturday dinner with the Cress Creek unit owners on October 3, 2009 and the Holiday Party. No date for the Holiday Party has been set.
Treasurer’s Report: / Laurin LeTart presented the report. The financial position of the association is good. The Budget v. Actual report was presented in line by line detail. Laurin answered several questions about the budget and financial reports. Motion to approve the report was made by Allen Weingold and seconded by Pat Donohoe. Motion carried.
Budget Review & Approval / Treasurer, Laurin LeTart, presented the proposed budget for fiscal year 2009-2010. Motion to approve the budget was made by Rod Clark and seconded by Allen Weingold. Motion carried.
Election of Board Members / Gary Engebretson gave instructions for voting and went over the ballot. Board members voted in were Betse Hinkley, Steve Schatken and Tim Murphy. Congratulations all.

There being no further business to discuss, motion to adjourn was made by Pat Donohoe and seconded by Dale Walter. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.

Social Hour followed.

Respectfully submitted

Milt Hendrickson
