- Results are based on interviews with 1,280(weighted 2148) members of the eligible electorate aged 18+.
- Interviews were carried out by telephonebetween 4th – 22nd May 2012
- A representative sample was interviewed, with quotas set by voting/not voting, age, gender and local authority area.
- The data has been weighted by election holding areas, age, gender, social class andwork status.
- Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to multiple responses, computer rounding or the exclusion of don’t knows/not stated.
- Results are based on numbers as shown at the head of each question answer set.
- Based on the full sample of 1,280and assuming a 95% confidence interval, data is assumed to be correct to within +/-2.7%.
- An asterisk (*) represents a value of less than one half or one percent, but not zero.
- Study undertaken by ICM on behalf of the Electoral Commission.
Hello, I am telephoning on behalf of ICM, the independent social research organisation. We are conducting a research project which requires us to talk to a representative sample of people throughout the country on issues that affect all people. We have selected your telephone number purely at random and would greatly appreciate your help for a few minutes to answer some simple questions.
For the purposes of our research project it is most important that we talk to a representative cross section of all people. So, your views are really important to us and the interview will only take a few minutes of your time.
If you cannot spare the time at the moment I would really appreciate it if we could call you back at your own convenience over the next few days. As I say your own views are very important to us.
QS1Can I start by checking your postcode? CHECK AGAINST PRE-CODED LIST
IF: Don’t know / CLOSEQS2And can I confirm, what is the name of your local authority or council? CHECK AGAINST PRE-CODED LIST. PROMPT WITH COUNCIL NAMES WITHIN AREA IF NECESSARY.
IF: Don’t know / CLOSEREgistration, turnout and voting
ask all
Q1As far as you know, is your name on the electoral register, that is, the official list of people who can vote, either where you are living now or somewhere else?
Base:2148Yes – where living now / 94%
Yes – somewhere else/another address / 2%
No / 2%
Don’t know / 2%
Q2How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the procedure for getting your name on the list of those people who are registered to vote? Are you……READ OUT
Base:2148Very satisfied / 53%
Fairly satisfied / 32%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 11%
Fairly dissatisfied / 1%
Very dissatisfied / 1%
Don’t know / 3%
Q3As you may know, on Thursday May 3rd there were/was …CATI: INSERT AS APPROPRIATE: English local council elections / Scottish local council elections / Welsh local council elections / London Mayor and Assembly elections / Mayoral elections in Salford and Liverpool and a city wide Mayoral referendum in ….CATI: City……. Many people have told us they didn’t manage to vote on 3rd May. How about you – did you manage to vote in the……READ OUT AS APPROPRIATE
BASE 4104 / Yes / NoOVERALL
ENGLISH ELECTION AREAS ONLY: English local council elections / 48% / 52%
WALES ONLY: Welsh local council elections
SCOTLAND ONLY: Scottish local council elections
LONDON ONLY: London Mayor and Assembly elections
SALFORD CITY COUNCIL ONLY: Salford Mayoral Election
LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL ONLY: Liverpool Mayoral Election
*specific local authorities holding referendums: location eligibility taken from sample file
Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Coventry, Doncaster, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nottingham, Sheffield, Wakefield,
if non-voter (no) in all eligible elections/referedum at q3, ask:
Q4People had many reasons for not voting in the….elections/referendum…. Why did you not vote in the ..Q3 elections/referendum on 3rd May? DO NOT PROMPT
BASE: 1114Circumstances / 53%
I really intended to vote but circumstances on the day prevented me / 5%
I was away on 3rd May/voting day / 7%
I forgot / 11%
Lack of time/too busy/I was busy at work / 24%
I couldn’t get to the polling station/it was inconvenient / 5%
Medical/health reasons / 5%
Poor weather / *%
Administration / 10%
I wasn’t registered / 2%
Admin reason / *%
I didn’t receive a polling card / 6%
I didn’t receive a postal vote/it arrived too late / 1%
I didn’t know where my polling station was / 1%
Elections/referendum not important / 9%
The elections (unspecified) weren’t important / *%
Local council elections aren’t important / 1%
The Mayoral referendum is not important/won’t change anything / 1%
There was no point in voting because the local council can’t do very much/can’t change anything/has no power / 5%
There was no point in voting because the Mayor can’t do very much/can’t change anything/has no power / 2%
There was no point in voting because the London Assembly can’t do very much/can’t change anything/has no power / -
Disinterested/no point / 14%
I couldn’t be bothered / 7%
I’m just not interested in politics / 4%
There was no point in voting because it was obvious who would win/my vote wouldn’t have made a difference to the outcome / 3%
Unopposed candidate / *%
Referendum choices / 2%
I didn’t agree with either of the options on offer / 1%
I didn’t like the campaigners/campaigns weren’t inspiring / 1%
Parties/candidates / 7%
There was no point in voting because all the parties are the same / 2%
I didn’t like the candidates/parties/they didn’t represent my views / 3%
You just can’t trust politicians to keep their promises / 3%
No information/indecision/complicated / 7%
I didn’t get any information / 4%
I didn’t know enough about the different options / 1%
I couldn’t decide which way to vote / 1%
I didn’t know there was a referendum / 2%
Miscellaneous / 6%
I don’t vote / 3%
Religious reasons / -
Other / 2%
None of these/no reason / 1%
Don’t know / *%
Q5Did you vote on 3rd May…..MULTICODE OK
Base: 1034In person at a polling station / 67%
By post / 34%
By proxy IF NECESSARY SAY: (getting someone else to vote on your behalf) / *%
Other / *%
Don’t know/can’t remember / -
Q6People have many reasons for voting in elections and referendums. Why did you vote on Thursday 3rd May? What else?
BASE: 1034Civic responsibility reasons / 66%
It is important to vote/It is my civic duty/everyone should vote/It is my right to vote / 48%
I always vote / 21%
People fought to win the right to vote for me/others / 5%
To support my local community / -
To express my view / 33%
I wanted to have a say / 24%
If people don’t vote then you have no right to complain/have an opinion / 8%
Concerned about local issues / 4%
Because an important issue was at stake / 1%
To help create a change / 16%
To change the voting system / 1%
To get a change / 9%
Not happy with the government/to send a message to the government/local council / 7%
To help keep the status quo / 6%
To keep the voting system / 1%
Like/pleased with the government / 2%
I like/have faith in the person I voted for / 3%
Tactical reasons / 3%
To defeat/stop the other side from winning / 3%
Other reasons / 3%
I was urged/persuaded to vote by a family member/friend / 1%
Because I was sent a ballot paper in the post / *%
Family/friend was standing / -
Other specify / 1%
None of these / no reason / 1%
Don’t know / 1%
ASK ALL IN AREAS HOLDING …..elections/referendum
Q7How much, if anything, did you feel you knew about what ….ELECTION: ASK AS APPROPRIATE….….on 3rd May was about? Would you say you knew…READ OUT
Local councilElection
A great deal / 9%
A fair amount / 41%
Not very much / 31%
Nothing at all / 18%
Don’t know / *%
ASK ALL in appropriate areas
Q9To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? READ OUT. CODE ONE FOR EACH
Agree strongly / Tend to agree / Neither / Tend to disagree / Disagree strongly / DKLOCAL COUNCIL AEAS ONLY:
I had enough information to be able to make an informed decision on how to vote in the English/Scottish/Welsh local council elections
BASE:2148 / 30% / 33% / 11% / 9% / 17% / 1%
ask all
Q10Generally speaking, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the procedure for voting in elections (IF MAYORAL REFERENDUM AREA: and referendums) in Great Britain? Are you…?
Base: 2148Very satisfied / 38%
Fairly satisfied / 42%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 9%
Fairly dissatisfied / 6%
Very dissatisfied / 4%
Don’t know / 1%
Q11Why do you say you were dissatisfied with the procedure for voting in elections (IF MAYORAL REFERENDUM AREA: and referendums)? WRITE IN
BASE: 213Not enough information/media coverage 23%
The system is not fair 6%
Don’t trust them/don’t fulfil their promises 8%
Voting process should be available online/email 6%
Voting system should be more secure 6%
People didn’t understand the elections 2%
Everyone should vote/compulsory 6%
Not enough polling stations to choose from 4%
Disagree with FPTP 5%
More than one together confusing/questions ambiguous 2%
Politicians don’t make themselves known 2%
Want PR 3%
Voting should be spread over a few days 4%
Need more options 4%
Many people didn’t get to vote/register 2%
Smaller parties no chance 3%
Others 29%
Don’t know 2%
Q12How confident, if at all, are you that the …….ASK AS APPROPRIATE: ELECTION/REFERENDUM……was/were well run on 3rd May? Are you…READ OUT
Base: 2148Very confident / 31%
Fairly confident / 43%
Not very confident / 7%
Not at all confident / 7%
Don’t know / 13%
Q13Why do you say that you are…Q12 confident/not confident…..that the….. ASK AS APPROPRIATE: election/referendum was well run? WRITE IN
BASE: 1862Well organised 28%
Well publicised 12%
Voting system fair 14%
Tried and tested 12%
No negative feedback 5%
Lack of information 7%
Quick easy voting 5%
Trust the staff 5%
Accessible polling stations 3%
Good staff attitude 2%
Personal involvement 2%
Professionally conducted 1%
Received polling card ballot papers in good time 2%
Well canvassed 1%
Others 23%
None 3%
Don’t know 8%
polling stations
Q14From what you have seen or heard or experienced, do you think that voting at the polling station / (SCOTLAND: polling place) on 3rd May was…READ OUT
BASE: 2148Very convenient / 43%
Fairly convenient / 25%
Neither convenient nor inconvenient / 12%
Fairly inconvenient / 6%
Very inconvenient / 4%
Don’t know / 11%
Q15Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the process of voting at a polling station/place? Would you say…..READ OUT
BASE: 688Very satisfied / 76%
Fairly satisfied / 22%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 1%
Fairly dissatisfied / *%
Very dissatisfied / 1%
Don’t know / 1%
Q16Once you arrived at your polling station/place, how easy or difficult was it for you to get inside to vote?
BASE: 688Very easy / 92%
Fairly easy / 8%
Neither easy nor difficult / *%
Fairly difficult / -
Very difficult / -
Don’t know / -
Q17Thinking back to when you went to vote at the polling station/place, how useful, if at all, was the help or support available from polling station/place staff on how to vote? Was it…READ OUT
BASE: 688Very useful / 47%
Fairly useful / 15%
Not very useful / 1%
Not at all useful / *%
Didn’t use them/need them / 35%
Don’t know / 1%
Q18And again thinking back to when you went to vote at the polling station/place, how useful, if at all, were any written instructions on how to vote, such as a poster on display in the polling booth or guidance on the ballot paper(s)? Were they….READ OUT
BASE: 688Very useful / 44%
Fairly useful / 19%
Not very useful / 3%
Not at all useful / 1%
Didn’t use them/need them / 33%
Don’t know / 1%
Q19Thinking back to the atmosphere when you voted in the polling station/place, please say whether you agree or disagree with the following?
Agree strongly / Tend to agree / Neither / Tend to disagree / Disagree strongly / DKIt was chaotic
BASE:688 / 2% / 1% / 1% / 6% / 89% / 1%
It was well ordered
BASE: 688 / 88% / 10% / 1% / *% / 1% / *%
It was intimidating
BASE: 688 / 3% / 1% / 1% / 10% / 84% / 2%
It was safe
BASE: 688 / 92% / 6% / 1% / 1% / *% / *%
It took too long to vote
BASE: 688 / 3% / 2% / 1% / 9% / 87% / *%
It was well run by staff
BASE: 688 / 88% / 9% / 2% / *% / *% / *%
MULTI-ELECTION AREAS ONLY: It was confusing which ballot paper to use
BASE 166 / 3% / 4% / 2% / 12% / 80% / -
voting by post
Q20From what you have seen, heard or experienced, do you think that voting by post for the 3rd May election (IF APPROPRIATE: and referendum) was…READ OUT
BASE: 2148Very convenient / 38%
Fairly convenient / 21%
Neither convenient nor inconvenient / 16%
Fairly inconvenient / 4%
Very inconvenient / 4%
Don’t know / 18%
Q21Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the process of voting by post? Would you say………..READ OUT
BASE: 347Very satisfied / 83%
Fairly satisfied / 12%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / 2%
Fairly dissatisfied / 1%
Very dissatisfied / 2%
Don’t know / *%
Q22How easy or difficult was it to understand what you had to do in order to complete and return your postal vote(s)? Would you say….READ OUT
BASE: 347Very easy / 79%
Fairly easy / 18%
Neither easy nor difficult / 1%
Fairly difficult / 2%
Very difficult / *%
Don’t know / -
Q23Thinking back to when you voted by post, how useful, if at all, were any written instructions on how to vote and return your vote, such as guidance on the ballot paper? Were they…..READ OUT
BASE: 347Very useful / 76%
Fairly useful / 20%
Not very useful / 1%
Not at all useful / 2%
Don’t know / 1%
BALLOT papers
Q24Some people said it was difficult to fill in the ballot paper(s) when voting in the 3rd May elections (IF APPLICABLE: and referendum). How easy or difficult did you find it to fill in the ballot paper(s) for the ….ASK FOR EACH Q3 ELECTION/REFERENDUM VOTED IN (CATI: ALWAYS ASK FOR REFERENDUM FIRST AT THIS QUESTION)……Was it…..
IF NECESSARY: By ‘fill in’ we mean place your vote on the form rather than decide which way to vote.
Very easy / Fairly easy / Neither / Fairly difficult / Very difficult / DKENGLISH ELECTION AREAS ONLY: English local council elections
BASE: 1031 / 86% / 11% / 2% / *% / *% / *%
Q25Why do you think it was difficult to fill in the ……Q24……ballot paper? WRITE IN
INSIGNIFICANT BASES TOO SMALL TO REPORTask all voters who voted in more than one electoral event at q3 (excluding london)
Q26You said you voted in the referendum whether to have a City Mayor and the ….Q3 election….. How easy or difficult did you find it to fill in more than one ballot paper on the same day? Was it…..IF NECESSARY: By ‘fill in’ we mean place your vote on the form rather than decide which way to vote.
BASE: 257Very easy / 76%
Fairly easy / 17%
Neither easy nor difficult / 3%
Fairly difficult / 1%
Very difficult / -
Don’t know / 3%
electoral fraud
Q29What do you understand by the term “electoral fraud”? WRITE IN
BASE: 2148Someone using someone else’s vote 34%
Cheating/corruption/vote rigging 17%
Ballot stuffing 13%
Deliberately miscounting votes 5%
When people not eligible but still do vote 8%
Spoiling/tampering of ballot papers 4%
Misuse of postal voting 3%
People being intimidated 3%
Casting a vote where not registered 3%
Missing/disposing of votes 1%
Others 5%
None 4%
Don’t know 25%
Q30aAs you may know, there are many types of fraud such as benefit fraud and insurance fraud. How much do you feel you understand about electoral fraud in the UK, that is fraud relating to elections and voting? Would you say….READ OUT…
BASE: 2148A lot / 10%
A little / 37%
Hardly anything at all / 30%
Nothing at all / 22%
Don’t know / 2%
Q30bWhich, if any of the following do you think are forms of electoral fraud? READ OUT. CODE ANY ‘YES’
BASE: 2148Someone pretending to be another person so they can vote more than once to influence the election result / 96%
Someone making another person vote for a party or candidate they don’t want to vote for / 82%
A person registering to vote under somebody else’s name to get a mortgage / 79%
Party workers collecting postal ballots from door to door / 68%
A candidate making false statements about another candidate in a campaign pamphlet / 59%
Ballot papers being sent to the wrong address / 42%
A candidate that breaks a campaign promise once elected / 43%
None of them / 1%
Don’t know / *%
Q30cAnd which of the things you said are electoral fraud most concerns you? READ OUT ALL ANSWERS GIVEN AT Q30b
BASE: 1280Someone pretending to be another person so they can vote more than once to influence the election result / 42%
A person registering to vote under a different name get a mortgage / 14%
Someone making another person vote for a party or candidate they don’t want to vote for / 13%
Party workers collecting postal ballots from door to door / 12%
A candidate that breaks a campaign promise once elected / 6%
A candidate making false statements about another candidate in a campaign pamphlet / 6%
Ballot papers being sent to the wrong address / 1%
None of them / 3%
Don’t know / 3%
Q31In general, when it comes to being safe from fraud and abuse, would you say that voting is….
BASE: 2148Very safe / 24%
Fairly safe / 55%
Neither safe nor unsafe / 13%
Fairly unsafe / 4%
Very unsafe / 2%
Don’t know / 3%
Q32In general, when it comes to being safe from fraud and abuse, would you say that voting at a polling station (SCOTLAND: place) is…READ OUT
BASE: 2148Very safe / 39%
Fairly safe / 49%
Neither safe nor unsafe / 6%
Fairly unsafe / 2%
Very unsafe / 1%
Don’t know / 4%
Q33In general, when it comes to being safe from fraud and abuse, would you say that voting by post is…READ OUT
BASE: 2148Very safe / 17%
Fairly safe / 38%
Neither safe nor unsafe / 10%
Fairly unsafe / 19%
Very unsafe / 8%
Don’t know / 7%
Q34How much, if at all, do you think that electoral fraud took place at the …ASK AS APPROPRIATE: Q3 election/referendum…..on 3rd May? Would you say it happened a lot, a little, hardly at all or not at all?
BASE: 2148A lot / 5%
A little / 30%
Hardly at all / 325
Nothing at all / 9%
Don’t know / 23%
Q35Which one of the following best describes why you think electoral fraud or abuse took place on 3rd May? READ OUT. CODE ONE
BASE: 761Identity fraud is on the increase / 37%
General impression that fraud is a problem / 28%
Postal voting is not secure / 13%
I saw stories in the media about electoral fraud / 8%
I heard from someone else that electoral fraud took place / 4%
I have first-hand experience of electoral fraud (on May 3rd) / 1%
Don’t know / 6%