v 1.6 (26.08.14)
Blaenau Gwent: Post Inspection Action Plan v 1.524 July 2014
The programme is focussed on 4 high level outcomes which directly relate to the 7 Estyn recommendations
Outcome A: All 3-16 year olds achieve high standards (R1 and R6)
Outcome B: Leadership is effective at all levels so that learners achieve their potential (R4 and R5)
Outcome C: Services are transformed to raise the performance of the Council, schools and learners (R2 and R3)
Outcome D: Children and young people are safe (R7)
Using RBA methodology, medium to longer term progress against the outcomes is tracked against population indicators. These are the same for the first 3 outcomes as the population benefitting i.e. the children and young people of Blaenau Gwent, is the same and the indicators of educational achievement will not vary. Outcome D has the same population but the indicators need to reflect benefit in terms of their safety rather than educational achievement.
Each outcome has a number of workstreams and for each workstream there are performance measures to track short to medium term progress in terms of the quantity and quality of effort put in by the providing services and the quantity and quality of effect upon the service users.
The actions under each workstream are mostly drawn directly from the PIAP. A RAG status will be given to each action according to how far the action is on schedule to be achieved (RAG S)and how well it is being achieved (RAG Q).
RAG status / Schedule (S) / Quality (Q)Green / on schedule / good or better
Amber / behind schedule / adequate
Red / will not meet end date / Unsatisfactory
White / Not yet scheduled to start / AwaAwaiting evaluation
Blue / Closed / Completed Actions
Summary of progress:24th April 2014
RAGS / RAGQOutcome A: All 3-16 year olds achieve high standards
Recommendation 1: Raise standards at all key stages, particularly at the end of key stage 4.
Recommendation 6: Improve provision for pupils with ALN and those from vulnerable groups through better planning, building capacity in schools and tighter quality assurance of officers’ work
Outcome B: Leadership is effective at all levels so that learners achieve their potential
Recommendation 4: Create a leadership structure with the mandate to align the efforts of all relevant agencies in order to co-ordinate and direct initiatives for school improvement.
Recommendation 5: Use the full range of powers available to the authority to improve underperforming schools more quickly.
Outcome C: Services are transformed to raise the performance of the Council, schools and learners
Recommendation 2:Secure more thoroughness and consistency in self-evaluation both operationally and strategically.
Recommendation 3:Formalise and strengthen business planning and performance management systems in order to focus more on outcomes and hold officers to account.
Outcome D:Children and young people are safe
Recommendation 7:Ensure that safeguarding procedures are robust and underpinned by a clear policy
Population indicators
Data shows the position as at January 2014. For the historical trends and future expectations, refer to turning the curve graphs in the summary document.
Outcomes A, B and C (Standards, leadership and service transformation)National tests
474 (13%) of Primary aged pupils below 85 standardised score in reading tests
737 (21%) of Primary aged pupils above 115 standardised score in reading tests(graph)
332 (17%) of Secondary aged pupils below 85 standardised score in reading tests
237 (12%) of Secondary aged pupils above 115 standardised score in reading tests
735 (21%) of Primary aged pupils below 85 standardised score in numeracy tests
360 (10%) of Primary aged pupils above 115 standardised score in numeracy tests
337 (17%) of Secondary aged pupils below 85 standardised score in numeracy tests
178 (9%) of Secondary aged pupils above 115 standardised score in numeracy tests
282(38.7%) of learners achieving the Level 2 Threshold Inclusive at KS4 (graph)
Rate of improvement of non-FSM against FSM pupils on Level 2 Threshold Inclusive at KS4
438 (60.1%) of learners achieving the Level 2 Threshold at KS4 (graph)
Rate of improvement of non-FSM against FSM pupils on Level 2 Threshold at KS4
649 (89.0%) of learners achieving the Level 1 Threshold at KS4 (graph)
Rate of improvement of non-FSM against FSM pupils on Level 1 Threshold at KS4
336 (46.1%) of learners at or above the all Wales capped average points score at KS4. (graph)
5 (0.7%) of learners failing to gain a recognised qualification at the end of KS4
No of secondary schools at or above their FFT (D) KS4 predictions for each of:
Level 2 threshold1 of 4 Schools
Level 2 threshold inclusive2 of 4 Schools
English3 of 4 Schools
Maths2 of 4 Schools
Science1 of 4 Schools
Teacher assessed outcomes
81.2% achieving the Foundation Phase outcome indicator(graph)
83.9% achievingFoundation Phaselevel 5 in Language, Literacy and Communication(graph)
83.6% achievingFoundation Phaselevel 5 Mathematical Development(graph)
83.7% of Primary aged pupils above the 85 standardised score in reading tests
20.8% of Primary aged pupils above the 115 standardised score in reading tests (graph)
77.6% of Secondary aged pupils above the 85 standardised score in reading tests
11.9% of Secondary aged pupils above the 115 standardised score in reading tests
80.1% of Primary aged pupils achieving the KS2 CSI (graph)
Rate of improvement of non-FSM against FSM pupils on KS2 CSI
83.1% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 4 or above at KS2 in English/Welsh (graph)
84.2% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 4 or above at KS2 in Maths (graph)
87.1% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 4 or above at KS2 in Science (graph)
64.5% of Secondary aged pupils achieving the KS3 CSI (graph)
Rate of improvement of non-FSM against FSM pupils on KS3 CSI
71.4% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 5 or above at KS2 in English (graph)
75.2% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 5 or above at KS2 in Maths (graph)
81.6% of Primary aged pupils achieving Level 5 or above at KS2 in Science (graph)
Wellbeing indicators
93.1% attendance for Primary schools in Blaenau Gwent (graph)
91.0% attendance for Secondary schools in Blaenau Gwent (graph)
X number (5) of Primary schools with average attendance of 94% or above
X number (1) of Secondary schools with average attendance of 92% or above.
899.5 days lost through fixed term exclusions
No of families with school aged children showing positive benefits from a TAF
54 (4.4%) of NEETs aged 16-18
0 of 16 schools achieving excellent for current performance in Estyn inspections.
9 of 16 schools achieving good or better for current performance in Estyn inspection.
12 of 16 (75%) of schools placed in an Estyn category(graph)
EAS gradings
14 (47%) of schools in standards category 1 or 2 (Routine support and monitoring; Specific support and monitoring)(graph)
9 (30%) of schools in standards category 4 or 5 (Particular and Critical)(graph)
Outcome D (Safeguarding)
64 LAC in statutory education
33 children and young people on the CP register in statutory education
362 Children in Need (CIN) in statutory education
Outcome A: All 3-16 year olds achieve high standards
Estyn Recommendation 1: Raise standards at all key stages, particularly at the end of key stage 4.
Estyn Recommendation 2:Improve provision for pupils with ALN and those from vulnerable groups through better planning, building capacity in schools and tighter quality assurance of officers’ work
Workstream A.1: School challenge and review
Performance measures A:1 (figures show baseline position as at Jan ’14; changes will be tracked through the summary and exception reports)
Quantity of effort
- X of 30 schools received at least minimum entitlement days of system leader time
- X of 30 schools implement pupil tracking systems
- X number of EAS school reports provided during academic year
- X formal review meetings a year held between H of SI and EAS Principal Systems Leader to monitor the impact of the delivery of the EAS programme of support for schools.
- X of 30 schools attending SSMG meetings with elected members over 2 years
- X Intervention Plan Review meetings held to monitor progress.
- X school to school support arrangements in place
- X of 30 schools implement the National Literacy and Numeracy programme
(% shows level of expectation)
- Schools report 100% satisfaction with quality of system leaders work
- EAS reports 100% of schools have tracking systems which are fit for purpose and that they are being used effectively.
- 100% of EAS school reports are on time and of good quality.
- 90% SSMG members report good understanding of the key strengths and areas for development of schools
- 100% of schools report that SSMG meetings are challenging and supportive and are of value to them.
- 100% of Intervention Plans demonstrate progress.
- 100% of schools in school to school support arrangements report improving in-school provision and standards.
- EAS reports 100% of schoolsare implementing the Numeracy and Literacy Framework effectively.
Quantity of effect
X number (18) schools in top 2 quartiles for outcome 5 Foundation Phase performance in the FPI
X number (13) schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in the CSI
X number (13) schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in English
X number (14) schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in Maths
X number (0 )schools in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in the CSI
X number (1) school in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in English
X number (2) schools in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in Maths
X number (4506) pupils attaining an 85+ score in the national reading tests
X number (974) pupils attaining a 115+ score in the national reading tests
X number (4307) pupils attaining an 85+ score in the national numeracy tests
X number (538) pupils attaining a 115+ score in the national numeracy tests
X number (263) learners achieving the CSI at KS4
X number (363) learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in English
X number (344) learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in Maths
X number (446) learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in Science
X number (0) schools in top half of benchmark table for CSI at KS4
X number (2) schools in top half of benchmark table for L2 Inc at KS4
X number (0) schools in top half of benchmark table for L2 at KS4
X number (1) schools in top half of benchmark table for English L2 at KS4
X number (1) schools in top half of benchmark table for Maths L2 at KS4
X number (649) learners achieving level 1 at KS4
X number (438) learners achieving level 2 at KS4
X number (3001) primary aged learners with attendance above 90%
X number (1667) primary aged learners with attendance above 95%
X number (2415) secondary aged learners with attendance above 90%
X number (1477) secondary aged learners with attendance above 95%
X number (9/16) schools judged to be ‘good’ / ‘good’ or better by Estyn / Quality of effect
(% shows level of expectation for 2015; figure in parenthesis gives2013 position)
75% (69) of schools in top 2 quartiles for outcome 5 Foundation Phase performance in the FPI
60% (50) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in the CSI
60% (50) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in English
60% (54) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 4+ KS2 in Maths
50% (0) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in the CSI
50% (25) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in English
50% (50) of schools in top 2 quartiles for level 5+ KS3 in Maths
90% (81.6) of pupils attaining an 85+ score in the national reading tests
25% (19.9) of pupils attaining a 115+ score in the national reading tests
85% (77.7) of pupils attaining an 85+ score in the national numeracy tests
20% (10.9) of pupils attaining a 115+ score in the national numeracy tests
48% (36.1) of learners achieving the CSI at KS4
60% (50.2) of learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in English
56% (47.6) of learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in Maths
73% (61.7) of learners achieving level 2 at KS4 in Science
50% (0) of schools in top half of benchmark table for CSI at KS4
100% (50) of schools in top half of benchmark table for L2 Inc at KS4
50% (0) of schools in top half of benchmark table for L2 at KS4
75% (25) of schools in top half of benchmark table for English L2 at KS4
75% (25) of schools in top half of benchmark table for Maths L2 at KS4
93% (89) of learners achieving level 1 at KS4
75% (60.1) of learners achieving level 2 at KS4
82% (78.6) of primary aged learners with attendance above 90%
47% (43.7) of primary aged learners with attendance above 95%
75% (70.8) of secondary aged learners with attendance above 90%
47% (43.3) of secondary aged learners with attendance above 95%
56% of schools judged to be ‘good’ / ‘good’ or better by Estyn
Action / Start date / End date / Lead officer / Contributors / Progress / RAG
A 1.1
Strengthen the quality assurance framework between EAS and BG to ensure the effectiveness of interventions and reporting. / 9.13 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / (EAS) DH / Interim QA timetable implemented from September 2013. Full QA policy to be implemented from September 2014. /
Use the School Standards Monitoring Group (SSMG) as a means of scrutinising the performance of schools identified as requiring improvement. / 9.12 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) /
Service Improvement and Performance Manager (AJ) / Schools (Head, GB)
NA, LP, Scrutiny committee and Chair. / Process has been reviewed over the past few months with the SLs now more fully involved in the process.ToRrecently revisited as some Primary HTs were uncomfortable with the format.
Evidence: Notes of SSMG with agreed outcomes; monitoring of agreed actions via SL reports and EAS monthly meetings with Head of SI; Intervention Plan Review meetings and outcomes (letters to HTs and CoGs).
Embed ‘School Secure’ (SS) as a means of sharing all school performance information and to ensure a common understanding between schools, the LA and EAS of school performance and improvement priorities. / 9.12 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / Head of Transformation and Performance (LP)/ Schools (Head, SLT) / All schools are using SS as a means of communicating information with the EAS. All reports from advisers now uploaded onto the system. The finance teams in the LA now upload to SS. All school performance information as target setting information is now loaded onto SS. / /
EAS to report the impact of SEG / PDG to WG on anannual basis. / 9.13 / Annually until 6.14 review / Head of School Improvement (HDE) with Finance / Finance officer / The EAS will provide a report on the impact of SEG / PDG / WEG at the end of this financial year on the 2012/2013 allocation. Future impact reports will be on an annual basis. Review 6.14 /
Evaluate the impact of the EAS literacy and numeracy strategies on pupil performance. / 6.13 / Termly until 9.14 review / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / Literacy and numeracy EAS teams / Impact reports provided as part of the QA arrangements. Service offers for literacy and numeracy have been implemented.
Evidence: 2014 national test scores – threshold and progress data. In addition impact reports for Literacy, numeracy, Welsh and foundation phase for BG specific impact. Review 9.14
Evaluate the impact of the EAS leadership CPD programmes. NEW. / 1.13 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / EAS brokerage and support team.
Programme participants / EAS provides data on who is engaged in leadership programmes. Review of impact on quality of provision and pupil outcomes not yet in place as programmes still running.
Evidence: Termly EAS QA report. X number of BG teachers engaging in leadership programmes. /
Outcomes of the literacy and numeracy national tests to be analysed by the EAS, with SLs ensuring that the performance of at risk/near-miss pupils in all year groups are targeted appropriately. / 6.13 / Ongoing / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / EAS Intelligence Team
Schools (Head, GB) / This is in place as part of the SL core agenda, which ensures that pupil progress to targets at all key stages and for all KPIs is monitored termly and reported to BG. Impact on standards of literacy and numeracy in the early stages due to the newness of the national tests.
Evidence: EAS termly reports on schools’ progress with implementing NLF.
Monitor the implementation and impact of the ‘EAS Teaching Schools’ initiative in Primary and Secondary Schools. / 6.13 / 9.14 review / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / Heads and SLs. / This initiative has been running for two terms and will be reviewed Summer 2014. It is on track for delivery but impact cannot yet be evaluated. The secondary equivalent programme has started.
Evidence: EAS impact report on the ‘Securing Good‘ programme will be delivered in the summer term 2014.KP about to do a summary report.
EAS Welsh in Education Team to monitor individual school performance in Welsh via analysis of L5+ and L6+ outcomes and the impact of both internal and cluster standardisation and moderation. / 6.13 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / EAS Welsh Team and EAS Intelligence Team. / All primary schools have been formally profiledin terms of their progress against the identified success indicators. Data analysis and target setting is included. All secondary schools have been profiled in terms of their standards andprovision for Welsh with areas of concern discussed with Head teachers. Profiles wereuploaded onto School Secure in January 2014. KS4 results have now been finalised and are being inputted. Profiles are available to Systems Leaders and are uploaded onto the EAS School Secure.
Evidence: Welsh impact report (Autumn term 2013).
Ensure that all schools have a copy of and are using the EAS Welsh KS3 standardisation portfolio and examples of EAS wide successful externally moderated learner profiles (collected and shared following the WJEC KS2/3 external cluster moderation exercise of 2011). / 06.13 / 07.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / Schools (Heads,SLTs) / 4.4.14: awaiting EAS report
Evidence: Welsh second language KS3 provisional data 2014 is 78.6% which is 5.8 pp up on 2013. /
Monitor the impact of EAS work to develop the quality and leadership of teaching and learning in schools. NEW. / 9.13 / 7.14 / Head of School Improvement (HDE) / EAS (DH) / Systems Leaders / Monthly meetings with the Principal Systems Leader report on changing categorisations. The impact of the wide range of programmes to improve the quality of provision in this area should become clear over the next two terms, as categorisations change and the Excellence in Teaching Programme embeds.
Evidence: SL ongoing categorisation reports/ impact reports from the ‘Excellence in teaching’ model.Draft categorisation will be in place at the end of the Summer 2014 for leadership and teaching and learning based on the new national categorisation criteria.
Plan jointly and strategically with the EAS and schools the development of a LA attendance strategy.
Ensure that schools have sufficient focus on a whole school approach to attendance including effective use of data and systems. / 1.14 / 7.14
Revise to 12.14 to allow comparison with national data. / Head of School Improvement / EWS
Schools (Head, GB) / 31.1.14: SLs categorise attendance, but this is based purely on attendance data and not on the strategic leadership of attendance by SLT. EAS holds attendance information but does not monitor weekly. SLs routinely advise about strategies for improving attendance, especially in schools where this is part of the Intervention Plan or it is a recommendation following an Estyn report. There isn’t a coherent LA-wide attendance strategy, however, there have been improvements in attendance figures in both primary and secondary in the past year.
Evidence: LA attendance figures and Estyn reports on leadership of attendance – frequency of attendance as a recommendation for improvement from inspections;impact reports for the intervention plan meetings in identified schools.