AuchenbackPrimary School

Session 2010/2011

Newsletter11 – June 2011

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can hardly believe this is the last newsletter of this school session! It only seems like moments since I was introducing myself to you all in August! What a year it has been……….

Here are some important diary dates for the month ahead. It seems that the month is way too short for all the things on my “to do” list!

Friday 3rd June /
  • P7 to Barrhead High for Science Transition morning
  • General Assembly – 9.15

Monday 6th June /
  • Final day for Rag Bag Collection

Wednesday 8th June /
  • Sports Day – 1.15pm

Friday 10th June /
  • P7 Assembly -9.15am

Monday 13th June /
  • Kelvin Room trip to Troon

Tuesday 14th June /
  • Pre Entrant Morning for new P1’s
  • Assembly from Dogs Trust – 9.30am
  • P7 Prom – 7pm

Wednesday 15th June /
  • Pre Entrant Morning for new P1’s

Thursday 16th June /
  • P7 at Barrhead High for Induction Day – all day

Friday 17th June /
  • P7 at Barrhead High for Induction Day – all day
  • General Assembly – 9.15am

Saturday 18th June /
  • Barrhead Gala Day

Tuesday 21st June /
  • Parent Council Meeting – 6.15pm

Thursday 23rd June /
  • End of Year Service – 10am in the hall

Friday 24th June /
  • School Closes – 1.00pm

ERC Talent Show

You may remember that last month I told you about the ERC Talent Show. We held our own auditions in Auchenback and were very impressed by the standard of the acts. Two acts were chosen to go through to the cluster auditions to be held in Carlibar. These acts were Allie Monaghan, P7 who played a clarinet solo beautifully and a singing duo, Amy Connell and Rachel O’Brien who sang a duet. All the girls did very well and although they didn’t make it through to the final of the show, we are very proud of them. Auchenback certainly has talent!

Active Schools News

My thanks to Mr Gary McGunnigle, our Active Schools Co-ordinator who did a fabulous job leading our sports day on Wednesday. Unfortunately, due to our typically Scottish “summer” weather, we had to have the sports day indoors but we still managed to have a lot of fun and, thanks to Mr McGunnigle, it all ran very smoothly.

Gary was the perfect person for the job and we are indebted to him for his help with this and with all the other active schools events that he has supported us with throughout the year. We are very lucky to have Gary as our co-ordinator and the children have benefitted greatly from the opportunities that he and Mrs Dobson have organised.

As the school year draws to a close, our extra curricular clubs are coming to an end but we look forward to an exciting programme again next session with the help of Gary and his Active Schools colleagues.

Auchenback Springhill Consultation

As you know from the letter that the Parent Council sent out, the Education Committee agreed to the proposal to amalgamate Auchenback and Springhill, with one Head Teacher in charge of both schools from August 2011 and the combined new school on the Springhill site from August 2012. We are now in the final stage of this process. This is called the “call in period” and is a timescale of 6 weeks where the Cabinet Secretary for Education can choose to “call in” the proposal and overturn the decision. This period ends on the 22nd June so we will have an absolutely final decision by the end of term, albeit at the last gasp! I will keep you posted as soon as I have any news. Once again, my thanks to all staff, children and parents for their patience and tolerance during this time.

Investors In People

I am delighted to report that, along with other Primary schools in East Renfrewshire Council, Auchenback Primary has been awarded Investors in People Status. We are very proud.

Summer Holiday Reading Challenge

East Renfrewshire Council is once again running a Summer Holiday Reading Challenge. Mary Dickie, Library Development Officer has spoken to the children at assembly and has asked me to include the details in our newsletter. Please see the details of this challenge on the next page:-

East Renfrewshire Libraries



Please remember to visit your community library this summer to register your child for the Reading Challenge - Circus Stars

The 2011 summer reading challenge follows six children who have signed up for a contemporary circus skills academy.

On registration each child will receive an impressive “moving image” membership card, a Bailey the circus stars bunny bookmark and an exciting new pop-up stage to assemble.

Over the summer there are 3 sets of stickers to be collected that can be added to the pop up stage to create a Circus Stars Performance.

Half way through the challenge children will receive a red and yellow circus stars wristband and on completion a circus stars yo-yo for learning new skills and tricks.

Children will also be invited to your community library for a special award ceremony to receive a circus stars certificate and medal.

Join us for the launch of our summer reading challenge with professional storyteller



Giffnock Community Library 10.00am

Clarkston Community Library 11.30am

5-12 years

Barrhead Gala Day

Barrhead Gala Day is on Saturday 18th June. Some of the children (and me!) are talking part by walking in the parade which starts at 11.30 from the train station and ends at CowanPark just before 1pm. A separate letter has been sent out for you to inform us whether or not your child will take place. The main Gala events will be in CowanPark and it looks like being a fun, family day out. Gala Programmes can be purchased from the school, priced £1. Thanks to John Campbell, P7 for organising this.

Mr Keenan

As you know, our Janitor Mr Allan Keenan is leaving us to take up the post of janitor at Springhill Primary. Allan has been the janitor at Auchenback for the last 23 years and has gone above and beyond his duties in his running of the football team and youth club and many other things. Leaving after this length of service is of course a very emotional thing and Allan is most insistent that he does not want “a fuss”. Whilst I would prefer to give him a loud and public send off (with a good selection of embarrassing stories, songs and photographs!), I think it is important that we respect Allan’s wishes and keep it low key.Allan has now confirmed he will be with us until the 24th June and as he is going to what may be our new school site, it is really more “see you soon” than a final goodbye. Somehow that makes it easier!

Staff Changes

On 24th June we say goodbye to Mrs Alyson Gillespie and Miss Seonaid Murphy who have been our Newly Qualified Teachers this year. They have both been a great addition to an already fantastic staff team and I am sure you will join with me in wishing both ladies every success in their teaching careers. This is a difficult time for teachers to find employment but let’s hope that both Alyson and Seonaid find posts where they can build on their skills and benefit children. Good luck ladies, we will miss you!

Classes for Next Session

The management team has been very busy working to try to organise the classes for next session. With all that has gone on this year, there has been a lot of movement and our school roll has, unfortunately, dropped quite dramatically. This has an impact on our staffing and I am waiting on a few things to be confirmed before I can confirm class arrangements. I will get this information out to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Celebrating Achievement

Thank you to those of you who have continued to send in notices of achievement. We have made a good start to this during the year and it is something I want to continue to build on next session. Our last” Celebrating Achievement in Auchenback” letter is attached to this newsletter. Well done to all!

I will write again with a few final words just before the summer break. In the meantime, if there is anything you would like to discuss about this newsletter or any aspect of your child’s education, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

Nova Scott

Head Teacher