EYLF: Observing and collecting information /
Early Years Learning Framework / Collecting Rich Meaningful Information From Children

Different ways to observe and collect
information for our curriculum.


Children’s input into the curriculum.

From The Early Years Learning Framework document

Assessment for learning

Assessment for children’s learning refers to the process of gathering and analysing information as evidence about what children know, can do and understand. It is part of an ongoing cycle that includes planning, documenting and evaluating children’s learning...

..Educators use a variety of strategies to collect, document, organise, synthesise and interpret the information that they gather to assess children’s learning.

They search for appropriate ways to collect rich and meaningful information that depicts children’s learning in context, describes their progress and identifies their strengths, skills and understandings.

More recent approaches to assessment also examine the learning strategies that children use and reflect ways in which learning is co-constructed through interactions between the educator and each child. Used effectively, these approaches to assessment become powerful ways to make the process of

learning visible to children and
their families, educators and other professionals...

Matt’s personal view.

Listen to children and write down exactly what they say. When we interpret photos of children’s play through our filtering system most of the time we get it wrong.

I have provided 3 sheets for you to use along with the learning story format to gather information in context.

There are 2 versions of the Child Reflection Planning Sheet. Option 1 in landscape and portrait.

The option 2 Child Reflection Planning Sheet is in 4 boxes and can be used with option 1 child reflection planning sheet, or when you here wonderful conversations or see amazing things with the children. It is a format to give us a little structure to complete a holistic view of the child.

Step 1 Observe all details that identifies what the child knows? (showing, telling, explaining, describing), and then

Step 2 What strengths can we build on with the child?

Step 3 What can be extended upon? What Learning Outcomes is the child showing, telling, explaining, describing through their knowledge?

Step 4 Mark up your comments with Learning Outcome indicators and further extend ideas to your curriculum.

These sheets give you the documentation required to keep track planning for individual children.

WARNING – try and move away from the focus children system and use these sheets when children display these amazing moments.


Child Reflection Planning Sheet – Paste photos of child playing or their artwork etc from previous days and set up an area where you explore and reflect upon the child’s learning with the child. You will be amazed out how wrongly we interpret everything... /
Child’s Name: / Educators’ Names: / Date

Add photo of child or artwork etc here. With the child ask open ended questions. You will be surprised at the answers. Write down the answer exactly as the child says them. From here ask the child what else they would like to do to explore and learn more. Add these extension ideas onto the curriculum with the symbol, child’s name and date. This is the equivalent to an observation, only better as it is child directed and more fun to do.

The purpose of open-ended question is to give children an opportunity to describe their experience
in their own words.

What Learning Outcomes is the child showing, telling, explaining, describing through their knowledge?

Learning Outcome 1.4 - Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

Learning Outcome 2.1 - Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation

Learning Outcome 5.3 - Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media

Add strength ideas and extended upon ideas to your curriculum as extension activities with symbol and child’s code/name and date.

“I like to be a super hero because I want to save people who are in trouble” “People get stuck in mud and super heroes take them out” You may further explore Learning Outcome 1.4 - Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. Doing things to help people, caring for animals and the list goes on. Work with the child to explore what they want to do, not what’s easy for us to do. And remember, pretend play doesn’t need expensive resources.


Roxburgh Park Early Learning Centre – Melbourne. Educator: Shabnam Nuhuman

Shabnam has extended the idea of collecting the children’s words further by writing on pieces of paper about their craft and art work. She uses blu-tac to place the comments on them and also AUTHENTICALLY LABELS words the children use to show them that these objects have a written form.

These are displayed for parents to see.

“learning visible to children and
their families, educators and other professionals...” EYLF DEEWR

This is 1 million times better than us writing things like “The children had a great day today on the craft table....they used small muscles in their hands to cut and paste...” We can see that in the photo, but now taking the time to ask more open ended questions we can

“collect rich and meaningful information that depicts children’s learning in context, describes their progress and identifies their strengths, skills and understandings” EYLF DEEWR

From here we plan further by extending on the children’s interest by simply asking what they want
to do.

Children extending house building further and connecting “The 3 little Pigs”. Can you see the bricks and wood? The cleaner is not happy...