Flags of the World Project

Math Models

Objective: Students will create a flag of a designated country using graphs of linear equations. Students will understand how to write equations of lines, find domain and range of a line, and graph a line at the conclusion of the project.

Part I: Picking a Flag

From the list below, pick a country. Use the internet to research information on that country’s flag. Write a short summary of the history of the flag. Be sure to print a picture of the flag to use in class for the rest of the project! Note the colors of each section of the flag.

Part II: Sketching the Graph

Draw an x- and y-axis on your graph paper using a ruler. Using the picture you printed of the flag, draw a sketch of the flag on your graph paper. Be sure to use a ruler to make nice, neat, straight lines. You must have 7 lines on your graph. (You may only use one horizontal line and one vertical line.) You do NOT have to draw everything on the sketch (like a picture of an eagle for example that is found on some flags). Number each line.

Part III: Writing Equations of the Lines

Use the table given to you in class to write the equation of each line you have drawn. You must write the equation for 7 lines. Remember, you may only write the equations of one horizontal and one vertical line! The rest (5 of them) need to be slanted lines.)

Part IV: Finding Domain and Range of the Lines

Use the table you were given in class to find the domain and range of each line. You must write the domain and range for 7 lines.

Part V: Drawing the Final Copy

Use the tracing paper given to you to trace over your picture. Then add in any extra details needed and color your picture. The colors MUST be accurate for your flag. Neatness counts!

Part VI: Presentation

On a piece of poster board or butcher paper from our library, attach the following neatly.

  1. Your name on the project – First and Last!
  2. Name of the country
  3. Short summary of flag
  4. Graph with numbered lines
  5. Table with equations
  6. Table with domain and range
  7. Final colored copy of flag on tracing paper


Criteria / Total Possible Points / Points Awarded
Name of country is neatly listed on poster / 5
Short summary of flag is on poster. The summary has several historical details about flag. / 5
Graph is attached to poster. The graph is neat and the equations are labeled. 7 lines are drawn. / 15
Table of equations is attached to poster. The equations for 7 lines are accurately written. / 35
Table of domain and range is attached to poster. The domain and range for 7 lines are accurately determined. / 25
Final copy of flag is attached to poster. The flag is accurately colored and complete. / 15

Table of Equations

Line / Point #1 / Point #2 / Slope
/ Equation of the line


Table of Domain and Range

Line / Domain (x) / Range (y)