Curriculum vitae
Europass /
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu
Telephone(s) / +40 213053822 / Mobile: / +40 744691750
E-mail / ,
Website(s) /,
Nationality / Romanian
Gender / Female
Occupational field / Professor/Higher education
Work experience
Dates / 1.  March 2015 - present
2.  October 2006 – March 2015
3.  October 2003 – September 2006
4.  January 2000 – September 2003
5.  January 1998 – December 1999
6.  September 1996 – December 1997
7.  January 1995 – August 1996
8.  April 1992 – December 1994
9.  May 1991 – March 1992
10. July 1990 – April 1991
Occupation or position held / 1.  Associate Professor (Reader)
2.  Associate Professor (Lecturer)
3.  Assistant Professor
4.  PhD student
5.  Biotechnology Researcher
6.  Biotechnology Researcher
7.  Assistant Manager
8.  Consultant
9.  Biotechnology Researcher
10. Agrometeorologist
Main activities and responsibilities / 1-4 Teaching and research activities
5. Biotechnology research activities
6. Biotechnology research activities
7. Wastewater treatment system management and design
8. Environmental awareness and education activities; international and public affairs
9. Biotechnology research activities
10. Agrometeorology research activities
Name and address of employer / 1-3 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
4. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
5. The National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Bucharest
6. Institute of Animal Nutrition and Biology, Baloteşti, Jud. Ilfov
7. Culligan, Bucharest, Romania
8. Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection (presently, „Ministry of Environment and Climate Change”)
9. University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest
10. National Meteorology Administration, Bucharest
Type of business or sector / 1.  Higher education
2.  Higher education
3.  Higher education
4.  Higher education
5.  Research
6.  Research
7.  Management and design
8.  Environmental management, ecological education and awareness
9.  Research
10. Research
Education and training
Dates / 1.  September 1980 – June 1984
2.  September 1985 – June 1990
3.  September 1992 – August 1993
4.  January 2000 – February 2005
Title of qualification awarded / 1.  Biology-chemistry laboratory assistant
2.  Biologist/Bachelor’s degree
3.  Postgraduate degree in environmental planning and management (General Principles for the Management of Natural Parks, 1993, Istropolitan Academy, Bratislava, Slovakia)
4.  PhD in Natural Sciences, specialization: Geography (Geo-ecological specific structures in depressions and valleys of the Southern Carpathians and Getic Sub-Carpathians. Comparative interpretations, 2005, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest)
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / 1.  Research and technical skills
2.  Teaching and research skills
3.  Environmental research, planning and management skills
4.  Research, teaching, synthesis and analysis skills
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / 1.  „C.A.Rosetti” High School of Natural Sciences, Bucharest, specialization: chemistry-biology
2.  University of Bucharest, Biology Faculty
3.  Istropolitana Academy, Bratislava, Slovakia, postgraduate course: „Environmental Planning and Management”
4.  University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
Level in national or international classification / 1.  Secondary
2.  Higher
3.  Postgraduate
4.  PhD
Personal skills and competences / Teaching, research, planning and management skills, developed in the achievement of more than 15 national and international research projects, within multidisciplinary research teams. Advanced knowledge in ecology, environmental planning and management, environmental awareness and education, biotechnology and microbiology, environmental protection, waste management, environmental monitoring, acquired through training and professional experience. Advanced knowledge in environmental economics (Presentation on "Environmental Economics and Sustainable Growth Policy" held within the "Integrated Environmental Management and Sustainable Development" course, organized with the support of the "Willy Brandt" Foundation, Faculty of Geography, January 2010). Teaching and pedagogical skills (lectures and seminars) in Environmental Pollution, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Waste Management, Integrated Environmental Monitoring, Atmosphere and Air Quality, Water Quality, Water Pollution.
Mother tongue(s) / Romanian
Other language(s) / 1.  English
2.  French
3.  Turkish
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production / Written expression
Language / 1 / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1 / C1
2 / B1 / B1 / B1 / B1 / B1
3 / A2 / B1 / A2 / A2 / A2
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences / ·  Team spirit; Outstanding communication skills; Ability to adapt to multicultural environments (acquired through professional training and activities performed in international teams); Ability to stimulate youth participation in volunteer activities in the environmental field; Experience in developing institutional relations (initiating joint activities etc).
Organisational skills and competences / I. Leadership – currently leader of a team of 15 (Greenly); Organizational skills; Experience in the organization of scientific meetings with national and international participation, acquired through numerous annual communication sessions in the Faculty of Geography; Experience in organizing and coordinating students specialty practices.
II. Relevant experience in team and project management (launch and coordination of “Greenly Magazine” national project - the only online environmental magazine in Romania; Greenly team coordination, December 2011 - present)
III. Organizing the following scientific, educational or ecological events:
1. The one year celebration of Greenly Magazine – December 6th 2012;
2. „The right way! The wrong way! A campaign for a clean European environment”. The first stage’s deadline was December 1st 2012 and the awards were held during the Greenly Magazine one year celebration at the Faculty of Geography. The campaign ended on April 22nd 2013;
3. The Greenly Magazine launch – December 6th 2011;
4. The „Răzvan Pascu, a modern explorer” conference, at the Faculty of Geography, on April 14th 2011, in the presence of Răzvan Pascu, entrepreneur, blogger and traveller;
5. Several paper collection and recycling campaigns at the Faculty of Geography in 2008 and 2009;
IV. Organizing the photo exhibition "Water as a festival" and the workshop "Water and the City", May 28-29 2013, within Aqua Fest Festival in Bucharest, during the International Year of Water Cooperation, for which the Geography Department was awarded the First Prize.
V. Guerrilla Radio Interview about Greenly Magazine, July 23, 2013, 7.00 pm
VI. Second prize for Greenly Magazine, “Anelisse” National Exhibition and Competition of magazines, publications, web sites and school blogs, Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, “George Enescu” University of Arts, Iasi, Romania, August 29, 2013.
Technical skills and competences / VII. Interview about Greenly Magazine and team, The magazine La Tekhne No.77, may 2014, Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano, Medellin, Columbia, ISSN 1692-7451.
VIII. Participation and presentation at the “Big name school” Festival, “Natural Science and Planet Fate” Section, “150 years of University of Bucharest” Event, June 6-7, 2014.
Thorough knowledge of environmental audit and waste audit (attendance at environmental auditor training course, organized by TUV Karpat in June 2011 and waste auditor training course, organized by the same company, in February 2012). Environmental auditor certificate approved by the Romanian Ministry of Labour and international environmental auditor certificate awarded by TUV Thuringen Germany.
Computer skills and competences / ·  Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
·  Good knowledge of website management (Greenly Magazine, Azurlingua, Azurworld)
Artistic skills and competences / Outstanding written communication skills [acquired through professional activities – Greenly Magazine contributions, but also as the „Ambassador” of the Azurlingua French Language School in Nice, October 2010 - present. Over 180 articles published in Greenly Magazine ( and 131 articles published on the Azurlingua School blog (].


2002-2003: Courses and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution” and “Pollution and Environmental Protection in Romania”, as well as the “Water monitoring” course.

2003-2004: Courses and practical work for the following subjects “Pollution and environmental protection in Romania” and “Water Monitoring”, as well as practical work for “Air Monitoring”, “Meteorology and applied climatology”, “Climatology studies using elements of meteorology” and Climatic potential and its touristic potential capitalization”.

2004-2005: Courses and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Pollution and Environmental Protection in Romania” and “Integrated Environmental Monitoring”.

2005-2006: Courses and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Integrated Environmental Monitoring”, “Water quality and protection”, as well as practical work for “Meteorology and climatology”.

2006-2007: Courses, seminars and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Integrated Environmental Monitoring”, “Sustainable waste management” and “Technogeneous environmental hazards”.

2007-2008: Courses, seminars and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Integrated Environmental Monitoring”, “Sustainable waste management” and “Technogeneous environmental hazards”.

2008-2009: Courses, seminars and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Integrated Environmental Monitoring” and “Sustainable waste management”.

2009-present: Courses, seminars and practical work for the following subjects “Environmental pollution”, “Integrated Environmental Monitoring”, “Sustainable waste management”, “Atmosphere and air quality”, “Air Pollution”, “Water quality” and “Water pollution”.



I. Books, treaties, monographs, atlases

1. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2014) Structuri geoecologice specifice în depresiuni şi culoare de văi din Carpaţii Meridionali şi Subcarpaţii Getici. Interpretări comparative – pentru studenţi (Geo-ecological structures for depressions and valleys in the Southern Carpathians and Getic Sub-Carpathians. Comparative interpretations – for students), Editura Noua, Bucuresti, 166 p, ISBN 978-606-596-098-5

2. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2010) O introducere în economia mediului…şi politica de creştere durabilă (An introduction to environmental economics…and sustainable growth policy), Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 121 p, ISBN 978-606-521-572-6

3. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2008) Monitoringul şi poluarea mediului - Note de curs, sinteze, exerciţii şi studii de caz, Ediţia a II-a, completată şi revizuită (Environmental Monitoring and Pollution, Second Edition), Editura Printech, Bucureşti, ISBN 978-973-718-937-0, 245 p

4. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2006) Structuri geoecologice specifice în depresiuni şi culoare de văi din Carpaţii Meridionali şi Subcarpaţii Getici. Interpretări comparative (Specific Geoecological Structures in Depressions and Valley Corridors from Southern Carpathians and Getic Subcarpathians, Comparative interpretations), Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 384 p + 75 fig.

5. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2005) Monitoringul şi poluarea mediului – Note de curs, sinteze, exerciţii şi studii de caz (Environmental Monitoring and Pollution), Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 205 p

6. Valentina-Mariana Mănoiu (2004) Gândind la oameni şi natură – Culegere de articole şi lucrări (Thinking of People and Nature – Articles and papers), Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 193 p

II. Scientific papers

A. ISI Journals:

1. Manea C.M., Rusu M.C., Constantin D., Manoiu V.M., Moldovan L., Jianu A.M. (2014), Ultrastructural features of human adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, Rom J Morphol Embryol 2014, 55(4):1363–1369,, Impact Factor:0,723; Indexed by Thomson Reuters, National Library of Medicine, Medline, Pubmed, SciVerse Scopus, Embase, SJR, Index Copernicus, National Research Council.

2. Rusu M.C., Manoiu V.M., Mirancea N., Nini G. (2014), Quiescent satellite glial cells of the adult trigeminal ganglion, Central European Journal of Medicine, June 2014,Volume 9,Issue 3,pp 500-504, DOI: 10.2478/s11536-013-0285-z,, 2013 Impact Factor: 0,209; Indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA, CAB International, Academic OneFile, AGRICOLA, CAB Abstracts, Gale, Global Health, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.

3. Rusu M.C., Loreto C., Sava A., Mănoiu V., Didilescu A.C. (2014), Human adult dental pulp CD117/c-kit-positive networks of stromal cells, Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2014 Feb; 73(1): 68-72.doi: 10.5603?FM.2014.0009., Folia Morphologica, Polish Anatomical Society, Elsevier,,, 2013 Impact Factor: 0,524; Indexed by Index Medicus/MEDLINE; EMBASE/Scopus; Elsevier BIOBASE; Thomson Scientific Products - Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record; Dental Abstracts; Veterinary Bulletin; NCBI/National Centre for Biotechnology Information; Polish Medical Bibliography; Index Copernicus (12.64), Ministry of Science and Higher Education (10 pts.).

4. Rusu M.C., Pop F., Mănoiu V.M., Lupuşoru M.O, Didilescu A.C. (2013), Zipper-like series of desmosomes supported by subplasmalemmal actin belts in thymic epithelial reticular cells in the rat, Ann Anat. 2013 Jul;195(4):359-64. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2013.02.007. Epub 2013 Mar 18, Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger, Elsevier, (Articol premiat de UEFISCDI, decembrie 2013 -, 2013/2014 Impact Factor: 2,075; Indexed by Index medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, SCImago, SNIP, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, EMBASE/Scopus; Elsevier BIOBASE; Thomson Scientific Products - Biological Abstracts.

5. Rusu M.C., Didilescu A.C., Stănescu R., Pop F., Mănoiu V.M., Jianu A.M., Vâlcu M (2013), The Mandibular Ridge Oral Mucosa Model of Stromal Influences on the Endothelial Tip Cells: An Immunohistochemical and TEM Study, Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2013 Feb;296(2):350-63. doi: 10.1002/ar.22630. Epub 2012 Nov 29., The Anatomical Record Journal, Wiley Periodicals, (Articol premiat de UEFISCDI, decembrie 2013 -, 2013/2014 Impact Factor: 1,53; Indexed by CABI, BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier), Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters), BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters), CAB Abstracts® (CABI), Current Contents: Life Sciences (Thomson Reuters), Embase (Elsevier), Environmental Impact (CABI), Environmental Science Database (CABI), Forest Science Database (CABI), Global Health (CABI), Index Medicus/MEDLINE (NLM), InfoTree (CABI), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters), MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM), Nutrition & Food Sciences Database (CABI), Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters), SCOPUS (Elsevier), VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters).

B. ISI Proceedings (abstracts and full-text articles):

1. Manoiu V.-M., Düzgüneş E., Azzedine M., Manoiu V.-S. (2016), A Qualitative Exploration of the Holy Quran’s Environmental Teachings, SOCIOINT 2016 - 3rdInternational Conference on Education, Social Sciencesand Humanities, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2016, ISBN: 978-605-64453-7-8, ISI Conference Abstracts and Proceedings:; SOCIOINT 2016 Abstracts & Proceedings will be included inGoogle Scholarand theISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index! [See]

2. Manoiu V.-M., Crăciun A.-I., Spiridon R.-M. (2015), The Geoecological Structure Typical for the Depression Basin of the Băile Herculane Resort, Romania, ADVED’15 – International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12-14, 2015, ISBN: 978-605-64453-4-7, Conference Abstracts:, ISI Conference Proceedings:; ADVED’15Abstracts & Proceedings have been included inGoogle Scholarand theISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index! [See]

3. Manoiu V.-M., Azzedine Madani (2015), Profound Ties: Nature - Environmental Psychology – Education, INTCESS15 Conference (2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences), Istanbul, Turkey, February 2-4, 2015, ISBN: 978-605-64453-2-3, Conference Abstracts:, ISI Conference Proceedings:; INTCESS15Abstracts & Proceedings have been included inGoogle Scholarand theISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index! [See]