University of Newcastle upon Tyne

School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

Coursework Task Sheet

Coursework Reference Number:CIV400/cw1

Coursework Title:Project Inception Report

Task Description:

Prepare aProject Inception Report for your project that defines in detail the background literature, scope of the work and the methodology. See “Guidance Notes for Projects" (Appendix in the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Handbook, also see , user and password are both cassie ).

The exact content should be developed through consultation with your project supervisor; the following sections should be included as a minimum:

  • Introduction (background literature, scope of study, aims and objectives)
  • Methodology*(a strategic plan of the work, details of all tools you will employ, e.g. analytical methods, data analysis, etc)

* if you are contemplating laboratory work, it is necessary to undertake an assessment of risk associated with the samples and methodologies that you will use. The laboratory technicians have Risk Assessment and COSHH forms.


Coursework counts as 100% of the total assessment of this module.

This item counts as 40% of the coursework mark.


One copy of the Project Inception Report, with one Assignment Submission Form1 and one Project Inception Report Comment and MarkSheet2inserted loosely under the cover, should be submitted on or before the submission deadline.

Submission deadline:Friday16 December 2005

Expected return date:Friday13 January 2006

  1. the 'Assignment Submission Form' is aka the triplicate coursework form
  2. printed from document “Guidance Notes for Projects”, also copied below.

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University of NewcastleCIV307, CIV400 Coursework 1

School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

Project Inception Report COMMENT AND MARK SHEET


Module Details / CIV307- Project & Dissertation†
CIV400 –Investigative Research Project† †delete one
Second Marker
Project Title
Submission Deadline / Date submitted (if late)
Project coursework submitted after the Submission Deadline will contributeonly 80% of its Total Mark towards the module assessment.
This statement supersedes the late submission information given on the Assignment Submission Form.


Marking Schedule
Item / Suggested Scheme % / Actual
Scheme / Marks** Allocated
(1st marker)
Quality of the written report (presentation, use of English etc) / 5 / 5
Introduction / 15 - 25 / *
Methodology / 10 - 20 / *
Total / 40 / 40

* Student to enter actualmarking scheme agreed with supervisor

(from within the suggested range).

** Note all Coursework1 marks are provisional until the coursework is second marked

and moderated in June (as part of the Coursework 2 assessment).

1) Marked by:______SupervisorDate______

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