2003 IOIA/WBC Organic Livestock Inspector Training exam

Please write legibly. Test results are based on accuracy and completeness of answers. Use the back or additional sheets of paper if necessary. You may use your manual, rules, and notes from the course. Grader______Score______%


(Please write your name legibly as you want it to appear on your certificate.)

1. LIST 10 distinct production issues and areas that should be covered during an organic livestock inspection. (10 points)

Feed ingredients and sources Source of animals

Feed storage areas Pasture condition, feed value and accessibility

Animal health management Housing

Milk, egg or product handling Recordkeeping Manure management

Animal ID system Water sources and test results Handling for slaughter

2. LIST the issues that an inspector should describe in their report AND/OR the documentation reviewed for compliance when performing an organic livestock inspection for the following: When a NOP rule applies to this specific situation, cite the rule. (12 points)

a. Fish meal as feed supplement for hogs Does the fish meal contain any prohibited preservatives such as ethoxyquin? (1 pt.) If considered a feed, rather than a supplement, it would need to be organic. How much of the ration consists of this fish meal to determine whether it is feed (protein source) or supplement. (2 pts)

b. Conventional alfalfa hay bedding for poultry Poultry would consume alfalfa hay and it would need to be certified organic. (2 pt) Cite the standard 205.239.a.3 (1 pt.)

c. Chlorhexidine, as a daily use teat dip ingredient - In order to use this routinely, the producer must have documentation proving that other germicidal agents and/or physical barriers had lost their effectiveness. (2 pts) Cite the standard 205.503.a.4(1 pt).

d. Evidence indicates that a manure storage lagoon frequently overflows into a creek: Report evidence with dates, amounts, if possible. (1/2 pt) Report any water testing for coliform bacteria or other contaminants such as nitrates. (1/2 pt). Ask questions and report what the grower is doing to prevent the problem, as well as why it is happening. (1 pt) Cite the standard, 205.239(c) (1 pt)

3. What types of animal tracking records would you expect to see on a laying hen operation? (7 points)

Source of birds and age (1 pt), complete rations provided for each stage of life (1/2 pt), feed receipts (1/2 ft), source and type of bedding used, (1/2 pt) numbers of birds compared to size of buildings and outdoor access provided (1/2 pt) records detailing of use and hours of artificial light (1/2 pt) bird mortality records (1 pt) , egg production records (1 pt) , egg sales records (1 pt), hen sales records (1/2 pt).

5. According to the National Organic Rule, indicate if the statements below are True (T) or False (F).

(10 points)

__F____ a. Organic feed for livestock must comprise at least 95% of the total agriculturally based feed in

a ration.

__F____ b. Beak trimming is prohibited in organic laying flocks.

__T____ c. Environmental factors must be addressed to reduce health problems in organic livestock


__F____ d. Dairy replacement cows brought into an existing organic dairy herd must be fed 80% organic

feed for 9 months and then 100% organic feed for 3 months before their milk can be sold as organic.

__F___ e. Routine dehorning of adult animals is encouraged.

__T__ f. All livestock must have access to the outdoors.

__T___ g. Ivermectin may be used as a parasiticide in breeding stock or dairy animals, with certain restrictions.

__F___ h. Manure cannot be applied to fields when the ground is frozen.

___F__ i. A bum calf raised on non-medicated milk replacer could be sold 18 months later as a slaughter steer.

___F___ j. Chicks for broilers must be sourced from an organic hatchery if they are commercially available.

6. What types of documentation and inputs would you typically find in the dairy milk house? (5 points)

state dairy inspection report sanitation products

weigh tickets on outgoing milk shipments somatic cell count/bacteria count reports

medicine cabinet teat dips

herd health records bulk tank temp and volume

7. Briefly discuss the importance to general livestock health management of the following items.

(9 points)

Feed ration composition and storage – poor quality feed leads to malnourished animals or animals exposed to molds which can cause illness or even death. Production or purchase of quality feeds and subsequent quality storage retain the nutritional qualities of the feed and prevent rodent and insect degradation and damage. Proper ration provides adequate nutrients for proper growth and production. NOP rule 205.238.a.2 requires producers must provide a feed ration sufficient to meet nutritional requirements. If split operation, producer must prevent commingling with non-OG feeds.

Ventilation- Removal of humidity, dust, ammonia and excessive heat provides a healthier environment where respiratory diseases cannot take hold and flourish. 205.239.a.1 requires fresh air.

Culling- removal of sick animals or those with chronic problems from the breeding herd lessens the chances of passing the problems through the herd and into subsequent generations. Also removes possible source of contagion from herd.

8. An organic pasture adjoins a conventional pasture. What questions do you need to ask and what additional information is needed from the livestock operator? (5 points)
Buffer zone between pastures? Supplemental fencing or electric fence barriers? (1 pt.)

Notification of neighbor? (1 pt.)
Are prohibited materials used in the conventional pasture? (1 pt.)
Do animals requested for certification graze in the organic pasture? (1 pt.)

Additional information could include: clear notation on field maps; neighbor notification letter; letter from neighbor stating no prohibited materials applied to adjoining pasture. (1 pt for any)

9. a. List the types of access for all livestock that are required by the NOP rules. (9 pts)

Access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, and direct sunlight suitable to the species, its stage of production, the climate, and the environment. (1 ½ pt. For each)

b. List the additional access required for ruminants. (2 points)

Access to pasture.

10. Describe a situation that would constitute a potential violation of 205.238(c)(7). Be specific. (5 points)

Accept any reasonable answer. Must show understanding of meaning of the rule (2 pt.) Must be specific for species, problem, and action withheld (3 pt.)

11. Indicate whether the following management practices or products are allowed on an organic livestock operation. For all “allowed with annotation” materials, cite the relevant standard in the space allowed. (10 points)

Allowed Allowed with Annotation Prohibited

a. Hormones for growth promotion ______X___

b. 20% protein feed containing urea ______X___

c. Phostox for prairie dogs in pasture ______X___

d. GMO-derived vaccinations ___X___ Also accept, with citation ______

e. Milk replacer, non-medicated ______X 205.603(c)______

f. Apistan strips for mites in hives ______X___

g. Fly sprays with piperonyl butoxide ______X___

h. Methionine, synthetic ______X___

i. Chlorine ______X 205.603.(a(3)____ ______

j. Oxytocin ______X205.603.(a)(11) _______

12. List the typical physical alterations for each species: (5 pts)

Swine: clipping of eye teeth, tail docking, castration (1/2 pt each)

Sheep/goats: dehorning (if needed), tail docking, castration (1/2 pt each)

Cattle: dehorning (if needed), castration, branding (optional)

13. List at least 3 organic control points in a livestock inspection regarding purchased salt, either bagged or block form? (3 points)

Added ingredients (allowed)? 1 pt.

Artificial dyes 1pt.

Flowing or anti-caking agents 1 pt.

14. Based on the livestock field trip, list as many issues of concern for certification as possible (as if this had been an actual inspection). Cite the standards. Report as you would in an actual report. (8 points)

Non-organic cake pellets used.

Synchronization of heifers with prostoglandins, etc.

Inspection of custom slaughter facility.

More will become apparent during the actual inspection.

4 points for accurately identifying issues of concern.

2 points for citing standards correctly.

2 points for writing appropriately as in report.

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