News Research Project
Every day, various news organizations report on events and trends that relate to this World History course. Careful analysis of such events will give you a better understanding history's recurring themes and the changes over time that have made the world what it is. This project is designed to help you attain such an understanding.
The Assignment
Select one of the following themes in world history to follow throughout this semester. Once you have selected your theme, check with various news outlets to obtain information at least once a week on your topic. You will be required to:
* Save each article after analyzing it.
* Paste it onto blank paper.
* Place all articles into a three-ring binder.
* Write a multipage, typed paper reporting on the theme and make a calculated prediction as to which way you think it will go in the near future.
1. Migration/movement of people, refugees. Examples: immigration from Asia to Europe/U.S., immigrants trying to cross the Channel Tunnel, Mexicans heading to the U.S., Africans heading for Europe.
2. Ethnic/religious conflict. Examples: Northern Ireland/Irish Republican Army, Middle East/Palestine.
3. Environmental issues. Examples: global warming, pollution, ozone layer depletion, El Niño.
4. Medical and health issues. Examples: AIDS, cancer, Ebola, Bird Flu, stem cell research.
5. Human rights. Examples: the Balkans/Kosovo/Serbia, Chechnya (Russia), Falun Gong (China), Tibet, Darfur Sudan -- OR -- gender issues/women's rights.
6. Communications technology. Examples: communication satellites, cell phones, Palm pilots, satellite phones, Internet communication and business.
Recommended Sources
New York Times newspaper
The Economist magazine
U.S. News and World Reports
Discovery News
British Broadcasting Company
Washington Post once in English site click on news
Once you have compiled all the articles and have analyzed them thoroughly, you will probably have noticed several trends or commonalities. Even though the events you found occur at different places throughout the world, you will notice similar trends in a wide variety of locations. An example of this is the impact of AIDS in both Africa and Asia. Though these areas are vastly different culturally, politically, and economically, similarities in how each region faces the problem of AIDS will be easy to spot. If you choose ethnic conflict in Russia and the Middle East, the same parallels will emerge. This should work for any topic you select.
Some historical examples you may wish to consider when comparing your modern trend with the past:
1. Migration: Irish potato famine, Columbian exchange, Europeans and African slaves in the Western Hemisphere.
2. Conflict: the Crusades fought between European Christians and Arab Muslims.
3. Environmental issues: impact of the Industrial Revolution, European crops coming to the New World, New World crops in Africa and Asia, the potato.
4. Health: the Plague in Athens, Black Plague in Europe and Asia, smallpox in the New World, influenza pandemic after WWI.
5. Slavery: Arab slavery, Atlantic slave trade, caste system in India.
6. Communication: Egyptian hieroglyphs and scribes, Battle of Marathon, Great Wall of China, block printing in China, moveable type printer (Gutenberg), telegraph and telephone.
This paper will be handed in with the notebook containing your articles.
Possible Outline
Paragraph 1: Write a thesis statement explaining your theme.
Paragraph 2: Give one or two historical examples of this trend or a similar one we have covered in history.
Paragraphs 3-6 (or more): Explain your modern examples -- how they work or what effect they have on people. Either put these examples in your own words or directly quote the article and give credit to the author/source. Don't plagiarize.
Paragraph 7: Conclusion -- explain how this theme has changed or remained the same over time. Try to include similarities and differences between then and now.
Phase 1
Bring in one article a week for six weeks (January 28, February 4, February 11, February 18, February25 and March 3) along with a one- or two-paragraph analysis to insure that you are on the right track.
Phase 2,
Develop a rough outline of the modern trend
Phase 3
Begin historical research. Bring me drafts for revisions until the due date of the project.
Final Project Due March 14