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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at the Village Hall, Colnbrook on Tuesday 1st July 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm.
Members Present: Chairman - Cllr P. Hood
Vice-Chairman - R. Angell
Cllrs. Bryant, Mrs Cheema, Laxman, MacDougald, and Smith
Officer Present: Mr. R.L.N. Hewson - Clerk & Finance Officer
Members of the Public: 2
Received from Cllrs Mrs Akram, Burke, Jones Mrs Underhill and Mrs Verma.
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
There were no declarations.
The Chairman introduced Mr Graham Leaver, the Clerk of Datchet Parish Council. Negotiations and discussions had been initiated with Datchet’s Chair with a view to a ‘clustering’ arrangement between the two councils. Datchet had its own office facilities and employed four staff. A formal agreement by both Councils would be established and a service level agreement as to costs etc. would be signed, subject to the approval of both Councils. It was AGREED to go ahead and that the Chairman should proceed with a view to obtaining firm proposals, as this was the last full council meeting which Mr Hewson would Clerk.
It was unanimously AGREED that Christine Darbon be the next recipient for her work with CAST, the Village Hall and her unstinting efforts during the flood emergencies.
Cllr Laxman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd June 2014. RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
i) Cllr Laxman submitted the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd June 2014.
RESOLVED:- that the minutes be received and approved.
ii) List of Payments
The list of payments in the sum of £2,959.81 (inc. VAT) from 7th May 2014 to 3rd June 2014 were received.
RESOLVED:- that the list of payments be confirmed and approved.
Cllr Laxman presented the minutes of the Working Group viz:-
1) Itinerary
a) Meet at 7pm on Friday 25th July in St. Thomas Church to set up tables, chairs and display boards.
b) Saturday morning: Ladies from Church and CRA to meet and prepare food and drinks.
c) Cllr David MacDougald to wrap a flag around Jubilee Clock and tie with gold chord at about 1.30pm.
d) Saturday morning: Make sure all roads are clear and all lamppost signs are fixed.
ACTION: Cllr Scott Bryant
e) Saturday morning: Scouts to erect a marquee on side of Church.
ACTION: Alistair Metcalfe
f) 2.00pm: Unveiling of the Plaque and Wreath Laying Ceremony.
Short prayer by the Area Dean Rod Cosh followed by:
Bugle player to play “Last Post”, followed by 2 minutes silence, and the “Reveille”.
Unveiling of the Plaque by Peter Hood, Chairman of the Parish Council.
First wreath to be laid by Roland Hewson, Clerk and Finance Officer, second wreath to be laid by a Church Official and the third to be laid by Cllr MacDougald. CRA and other bodies, organisations and individuals are then requested to follow.
Thereafter, we all move along to the Church, where a Memorial Service will be held. Rod Cosh has kindly agreed to conduct the service. He has prepared a wonderful Order of Service which is balanced and sensitive to the occasion.
2) Progress to Date
a) We have a price for a banner and this will be printed and displayed in the next 2 weeks outside the Old George Inn, High Street, Colnbrook.
b) We have a price for a plaque which we will be ordering next week.
c) We have a supplier who has given us a good price for the wreaths which we will be ordering next week for delivery day before occasion.
d) Posters are printed and will be distributed this week.
e) Cllr Scott Bryant to liaise with Amey, an events facilitating company, which Slough has recommended we use. He will also fill in an Events Organising Form supplied by Slough Borough Council.
3) Food and Refreshments
a) Church and CRA members to buy food and drinks. A total budget of £300 is available for this purpose, but some of the food will be donated free of charge by individuals to the cause.
b) At least 5 Asian women have volunteered to prepare food at their homes and bring it in to Church on the day, at their expense. There will be no charge for this.
4) PA System Outside the Olde George
CRA has purchased or are about to purchase, a PA system which we can use on the day. Church already has a PA system installed inside along with a CD player.
5) Order of Service
Rod Cosh has prepared a comprehensive Order of Service. This includes 3 hymns, 2 readings and a poem. Janet Morgan will do a reading on behalf of the Church, David MacDougald will do another on behalf of the Parish Council, and Sheila Underwood will read a poem on behalf of the CRA. Jenny Greggs daughter-in-law to sing a solo and lead the singing of the National Anthem.
The names of the Fallen will be read out by at least 2 members of the Scouts group, children from the schools were considered too young. We need older children to project their voices.
6) Scouts Involvement
Scouts to erect a marquee on side of Church on Saturday morning. Alasdair Garbatt to be First-Aider. Appoint 2 or more children as appropriate to read out the names of Fallen. Janet Morgan to Liaise with Alistair Metcalfe about any other requirements.
i) Acknowledgement from Slough Borough Council of Council’s objection to P/10485/005 – erection of a single storey rear extension for use as a granny annexe at The Lodge, High Street, Colnbrook.
ii) P/09858/021 – Installation of underground power cables and district heating pipelines and associated infrastructure to supply commercial properties located to the south and east of Lakeside Energy from Waste facilities in Colnbrook. Construction of a temporary works access road (Phase 1) – Land south of Colnbrook By-Pass.
i) Mrs Victoria Brenner for CCA – Request for information regarding arrangements with regards to Heathrow PLC and ‘Heathrow Hub’ – The Chairman said that ‘Heathrow Hub’ would only talk to the Parish Council and not to residents, but that he would contact both to try and arrange a meeting.
ii) Fletcher Home and Garden Ltd – Public Liability Insurance Provision.
iii) Friends of the Colne Valley Park – Summer Newsletter.
iv) Colne Valley Park CIC – Summer Newsletter.
v) Slough Borough Council – Action Week 14th – 19th July.
vi) Slough Borough Council – High Street CCTV.
Cllr Angell reported for the CCP as follows:.
Pippins Park Tennis Courts
We have now placed the order for the tennis court installation and a start date of the 7th July 2014. The construction time is approximately 2 weeks followed by a curing period of 3 weeks for the surface before the lines are put in.
We have arranged for the grand opening date to be 13th September 2014 at 10.00am and hope to have the Mayor of Slough performing the opening ceremony. Games of tennis will be encouraged for both youngsters and adults alike.
By way of this report all Parish Councillors and the Clerk’s are invited to the grand opening.
The new court will go alongside the MUGA and the floodlights for the MUGA will be added to, to floodlight the tennis court at a later time.
Colnbrook Village Hall
At the last meeting it was agreed by the Partnership to part fund the refurbishment of the ladies, gents and disabled toilets and to this end tenders have been returned to CVHT and we will be in discussions regarding the amount shortly.
Green Spaces
We continue to work closely with Groundworks South to enhance the environment in which we live and work.
Albany Park
Proposals have been put forward to award body’s for funding to make infrastructure and biodiversity improvements at Albany Park including boundary fencing, natural surfacing for footpaths, wildlife interpretation and river habitat improvements.
Suggestions for community involvement include working with Pippins School to plant primroses or wild flowers around the apple trees and working with Slough council to change the mowing regime to allow them to flower in the spring and also river bank habitat improvements.
The funding that the CCP invested in Groundworks South has resulted in the time allocation being used to successfully apply for and securing further funding to carry out improvement works and conservation activities in Albany Park, Poyle Poplars and Horton Brook.
We will keep you informed of the works being carried out.
The Chairman moved and it was AGREED that the Press and Public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by virtue of the confidential nature of the business.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm
SIGNED: …...... DATE …......