Welcome to Zoology 2010-2011!!! You have a great year ahead of you, just waiting to unfold. Together, we can make this year the most exciting, productive, and edifying year yet!
I promise to do all I can to help you reach the highest degree of achievement possible. However, I cannot do it all! In order for you to succeed this year, you must be committed, patient, and most of all…you must be HERE!!! Attendance is vital to your mastery of the subject matter. Barring professional development meetings or the end of life as we know it, I will be present every day. I hope to see your smiling face every day as well. However, if you MUST be absent, it is YOUR responsibility (NOT MINE) to get the notes from a classmate and any make-up work!
Secondly, you must be committed to doing the work! This includes reading, studying for tests, working on projects, and completing homework ON TIME!!!
My policy on cell phones is simply this: YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THEM!!! The first time will result in a warning. The second time will result in a phone call home. The third time will result in an after school detention. After that, you will be referred directly to the office.
Lastly, there are a few essentials you will need on a daily basis. Do your best to get these supplies ASAP! If you have difficulty in obtaining any of these items, please let me know and we will work something out!
Loose Leaf Paper (college ruled preferably)
Pens, Pencils, & Erasers
Colored Pencils, Crayons, and/or Markers
Memory Stick – 1G is plenty!
Access to a computer w/Microsoft Word & PowerPoint
Internet Access
Email Address for YOU & your parents/guardians
Good luck this year! I know you have what it takes to succeed, and I will be with you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the class, or life in general, please ask, that’s what I’m here for!