Christ Church Grosse Pointe Episcopal
Outreach Funding Ministry
January 2017
Thank you for submitting your organization’s Grant Application for consideration by the Outreach Funding Ministry team of Christ Church Grosse Pointe (CCGP). The team is responsible for the allocation of funds to charitable or community organizations that have a relationship with Christ Church Grosse Pointe, its mission and members.
Deadline for submission: All grant applications must be received by FEBRUARY 17TH 2017
How to submit your application: Please submit your application electronically. You can submit your organization’s application by email to:
Information about the grant submission and review process:
- Your organization may only make one grant application per year.
- As an applicant, please be aware that one or more members of the Ministry team may contact your organization by phone or email, or ask to visit. Your organization will be expected to be available and responsive.
- All grants will be awarded by the team in April 2017.
- If your organization is awarded a grant, your organization may be asked to present your project to the congregation at a parish gathering, such as our Annual Meeting. A selection of recipients will be asked to present a snapshot of their charity or organization to our members in late April/early May.
Thanks again to your organization for its application and for all the good work your organization does to make our world better for those in need. Good luck!
If you have any questions, please contact the Reverend Areeta Bridgemohan, by email: or by phone at 313-885-4841 ext. 121.
Christ Church Grosse Pointe objectives for outreach funding:Christ Church Grosse Pointe seeks to support programs that sustain our Grosse Pointe Communities or the community of Metropolitan Detroit. We also want to support organizations that are open to being in relationship with our church.
The objectives that Christ Church Grosse Pointe would like to support this year are:
1. Families and children;
2. Education and educational opportunities;
3. Direct support to the sick or impoverished.
Organization Overview
- Organization Name and Contact Information. (Address, telephone number, contact person, contact person’s phone and email address, website address and social media information)
- A brief description of your organization, its history, key leadership and notable accomplishments in the last several years. (Your organization may attach an additional sheet)
- What are the locations of your organization? Please list with addresses.
- Describe the geographical area served.
- Describe the demographics of the population served.
Grant Information
- Grant amount sought.Click here to enter text.
- To what program or activity would an award of the grant funds be directed? Please describe your program,including the number of persons affected, where the program is conducted, who the key responsible person is for the program, if the program is annual, ongoing, or a specific event. How effective is the program or activity?
Click here to enter text.
Connection to Christ Church Grosse Pointe
- Describe any funds received from Christ Church Grosse Pointe in the last 2 years. How were the previous funds used? Please describe your accomplishments and challenges.
- Please describe your organization’s personal connections with Christ Church Grosse Pointe.
- What possibilities could you envision for members of Christ Church Grosse Pointe to engage with your organization, besides this funding opportunity?
Organization Structure and Budget
- What is the number of your organization's full-time and part-time employees? What is the number of volunteers?
- What is the annual organization budget?
- What portion of the operating budget for your organization goes to the program you are seeking funding for?
- Does your organization carry any debt? Please explain.
- What percentage of your organization’s revenue/budget will the amount your organization is seeking in this grant comprise of your organization’s annual budget?
- Please attach either a certified financial statement or an auditor’s report or the annual budget reports for the last 2 years.
- Is there other information we should know about your organization? An opportunity? An urgency? Please elaborate.
Executive Summary
- Please include an Executive Summary. Suggestion for the content are as follows:
The Executive Summary need only be a few paragraphs long, and should not exceed one page. Please write below, or attach a separate sheet that describes how your organization or charity addresses the needs of one or more of the focused objectives of CCGP.
Click here to enter text.
Your charity or organization may not address all of the objectives outlined above. The Outreach Funding Ministry would like to hear in a short paragraph or two, how our grant will assist your organization and accomplish our greater objective(s).
Click here to enter text.
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